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Everything posted by Jon

  1. If the lights round the controller guide button flash, it means your batteries are low.
  2. check your router disk, as you should have named the ssid when installing and the wepcode
  3. i may look at it if dennis rodman is in it.
  4. I will try to be nice, but isn't a moderator suppose to lead by exampple? telling people to be quiet hardly encourages discussion. Im sure he wouldn't have said such a thing if his name was in black.
  5. I will be quiet when you go away
  6. Go get em sarka, you general chit - chat moderator
  7. Quick odwin or foxy save us all by locking this.
  8. Condemned is the best
  9. The wood one looks stupid, the sun faceplate is probably the best as it matches the colour of the 360, with swirls on it.
  10. PC cables dont normally stock that long a cables, you can get upto 100 metres of cabling before the quality starts detiorating.
  11. OMG!!!WTF!!!MOD!!!1111!!
  12. I got nothing you crazy fools, its not even christmas yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Essien is a dirty bastard, the reason he is targeted is because he tries to intenionally hurt people. But being that he plays for chelsea he gets special treatment.
  14. ROnaldo wouldn't walk into any team, too many times I have seen him just fucking about with the ball, he never gets stuck in and work for the team. Freddie Ljunberg is a great player who is just not on fire at the moment.
  15. Did it now? So why has Lauren lost a tooth due to it?
  16. When I bought it, I hoped it would match up with my disc tay. It doesnt, not by a long shot, the colourer is a lot duller.
  17. I bought the chrome one of gameplay - it looks pretty cack I quite like the look of the white one with orange swirles on it
  18. I dont think it was the idea of the rate threads that people dont like, it was more that fact that they were getting ridiculous. We would have been on rate my friends code soon.
  19. People don't think like that though, your average kid isnt going to say, "i better make the most of this opportunity as some kid in africa wont get to go to school, where as i will" School is one of the many things people take for granted, i cant see it changing.
  20. They are working on a patch to sort the mulitplayer an prevent cheating, should be out early 06.
  21. It doesnt happen all the time, it seems to be when you complete a specific level, if your not signed into live before you do it.
  22. Politically correctness
  23. I wish everyone a merry christmas...erm i mean happy holidays!
  24. Using a component cable on non progressive scan games will result in a picture slightly aboce RGB quality, there will be hardly any bleeding at all, it will still be interlaced though.
  25. No he doesnt - search for some NEWS!!! Activision released a cheat to unlock all levels, as there is a bug which deletes all save game info, the cheat is to save people having to do it all again.
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