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Everything posted by Jon

  1. The reason most devs ignored the cube was the cost to develop a game for a small minority. There would be no point if there were not going to make aprofit. Some people have to realise that there were actual reasons for ignoring the cube, not becuase they hate nintendo.
  2. I have the uk version of ridge racer.... score....
  3. You cant really buy a progressive scan tv as much in not one that advertises the fact. Most however will support it, make usre its a 60 hz tv.
  4. He probably doesn't like you either....
  5. I wouldnt play through condmned first as there is a glitch in the game. If you sont collect all metal peices and birds in the correct order you wont get all the awards. Also saving the game a few times will fuck it up as well, this happened me.
  6. I think the reason some games got so much stick is down them being not so different from this generation. So if you havent played NBA 06 or madden 06 etc you'll fidn them brilliant. Especially madden, it was the first time I had ever played it and now im hooked on NFL.
  7. NBA 06 is a pretty good game, it takes a while to get used to the new cinematic angle but after that it is definantly fun to play. It's no where near as bad as some of the reviews made out it was.
  8. Jordan is very much correct. The prices of these online shops nowadays........
  9. Live is the only way to make sure the emulator you have is constantly upgraded. If you get a disc from MS, you wil need one everytime they update the list.
  10. NO biscuit can come near maryland chocolate chips, especially with a nice cup of tea.
  11. A dog dressed as santa
  12. Its not really that expensive, £40 for a year is pretty cheap.
  13. I didnt really believe it myself but thought It was worth posting anyway
  14. Not really, as it this is not a guide, it tells you almost exactly the same as what can be found on the 360 achievment section. Also saying to use another guide is hardly much of a guide.
  15. As long as your connected to life when you put it in, the 360 will download the emulator and allow you to play it. Thats what I did and it worked fine. Apparently this game is also due out on the PS3.
  16. I had over 4000 points weeks ago, its not really that big of a deal but if your gonna make a guide at least do it properly.
  17. Gentle ben is also the name of a bear in a film :P
  18. Hardly much of a guide, it tells you exactly the same as the bloody game.
  19. Not overly as I can pick up a gold sub anytime.
  20. I feel bad now My live trial thing also ran out, so I need to get hold of a subscription I think I can still get on live with silver to accpet requests, i'll do it now.
  21. Its hard to tell volcano's apart but the term super volcano refers to the most dangerous ones.
  22. a super volcano
  23. It was cats eating pizza, not jigglypuff
  24. orange viscount
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