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Everything posted by Jon

  1. 2 x Tickets too see a Mr Neil Young. Oh Yes.
  2. So i've come to the realization that in the last 30 years, nothing has come closing to toping the awesomeness that is Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. I've got tickets to see him in July at Hampden. I'm literally counting down the days.
  3. Sorry to hear about that. I feel your pain, my uncle had been dead for 3 months in his flat before anyone found him. I was the one that saw him first, never forget that or smell.
  4. Got the DNS error myself, pretty easy fix though. Just log into your routers home page and note down your primary and secondary DNS settings and enter the in PS3 menu.
  5. Don't be silly, God isn't real.
  6. I'm wetting myself in anticipation.
  7. What happens when Roman gets bored? Who is gonna fit that massive wage bill. It will happen soon or later.
  8. Just read this on Sky Sports. I'm of the same opinion, thought we might go for a higher profile name. He did really well with Swansea though so we'll have to wait and see.
  9. LOL at Ancelotti signing a 3 year deal. I'll give him 6 months.
  10. At least take solace in the fact your Gran has had a decent innings. Getting that call about someone even younger than yourself is earth-shattering stuff I found copious amounts of alcohol the answer.
  11. Jon

    WWDC 2009

    I'd be at least happy with the back being changed. The fingerprints drive me insane
  12. Why the fuck would I refer to Dyson as The Enemy I'm sorry I spelt you're username wrong. Please accept my sincere apologies. Everyone in this thread needs to chill the fuck out, your stupid bickering is ruining one of the few decent threads on this forum.
  13. Judging from the fact that it's by Lily Allen, there's a great chance it will suck ass. I'm sure some people like her, but she really doesn't posses the talents to back up her extremely large mouth and all shit she normally comes away with.
  14. Sigh.. I was referring to The Villan as 'The Enemy', therefore stating his original point, with Bobby Di Matteo in third.
  15. I think he meant Di Matteo's volley which was scored 43 seconds from kick off. So The Enemy is correct.
  16. That's probably the same with most people. Not the actual job but the getting up early and having to get there.
  17. Never mind. As soon as you get a job, you'll be resenting the fact you have one.
  18. Jon

    PSP Go

    But Rockband has 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite. I will buy the new PSP just for that
  19. Jon

    PSP Go

    I'm actually quite looking forward to the Sony conference, i'd be happier than most if the PSP re-launch went well. I've always liked it but the software has never been continually strong. As Daft said above, the upcoming titles look very promising.
  20. And to think I'm complaning about having to go back to work next week. LOLZ
  21. Jon

    PSP Go

    It's the constant excuses Sony fans roll out though. It's only sold so much because it's made for casual gaming. It might have a lot of casual games, but there are far more harcore games on the DS that I would play over the PSP. And I hate Nintendo.
  22. Jon

    PSP Go

    Why do people continue trying to belittle the success of the DS. Bottom-line, it far outsells the PSP regardless of what it does and what it can do. I hate Nintendo.
  23. Jon

    PSP Go

    Take off your Sony tinted glasses. Any mobile device that plays games and sells by the bucket load is in direct competition. It doesn't matter how many polygons the DS can push out, it still far outsells the PSP. Digital distribution is hardly new, the iPhone's been doing it for quite a while now. You say Nintendo couldn't have done this with 2 touch screens, yet how many times have they redesigned the DS now, where as Sony were retarded enough to think their previous efforts were redesigns. Truth be told though, the PSP was hardly amazing but it wasn't the platforms biggest fault, that was the software. It's all well and good releasing this now but if the software doesn't improve, they'll be right back in the same pickle. It'll be interesting to see how it does, in my view it's far too late to the party and should have been what the PSP was in the first place, but we shall see.
  24. Journey are the fucking shit. No better driving music has ever been made. FACT. Don't stop believing, hold onto the feeling.
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