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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. But if you've been brought up in such a way that you believe in karma, or just naturally punishing yourself without knowing the consequences, this is a very possible scenario.
  2. I remember that, avatars, signatures and all.
  3. I must've got lucky, I didn't find out any spoilers and watched the whole thing on Sky.
  4. Nah - where's the weekly suspense that makes you lust for Sunday evenings?
  5. That's a good point...I hadn't thought of that.
  6. Sounds like he was a nice kid aswell, shame about this. Darwin award anyone?
  7. But...but...you both say different things! I'll wait I think, I prefer watching it on TV.
  8. I dunno, I thought this one was moving rather swiftly though.
  9. I dunno if you've seen the programs at all but it's there after nearly every sentance. My Family isn't quite as bad but it's still near unwatchable.
  10. I know I won't get anywhere here, or by myself taking it to the TV networks. There's obviously a reason for it, I just don't know it. I just wanted to get people's opinions, as you do on a public forum. :P
  11. Mmhm, I agree. I watch Friends pretty much everyday regardless of the fact that I've (probably) seen all the episodes already. The worst offenders are My Family and My Hero, stuff like that.
  12. ...As much as I want to watch it, it'd probably ruin the tension of the first night of 24 for me, so... Ah, decisions decisions!
  13. Then the show shouldn't be on TV in the first place. If it's not good enough to make you want to laugh without a prompt, it's failed at it's target.
  14. It's useless though. I can understand a live audience laugh, but the canned laughter in programs leaves a large gap where more often than not you're not even laughing. Comedies don't NEED to have gaps in between the jokes - look at Scrubs, one of the best shows on TV at the moment, no canned laughter at all.
  15. Does this tick anyone else off? I hate watching a TV program and hearing a fake audience laugh in the background [Ala Friends, most comedies/sitcoms]? It's as if they're TELLING me to laugh, and pointing out it was an attempt to be funny, when most of the time it really isn't. There really is no point in it and if anything it's annoying. What do you think? Does it add anything special for you or is it just a constant annoyance?
  16. Yeah, Shev got the penalty and Lampard took it to gain a hat trick. What a victory!
  17. And tbh who can blame Donny for escaping like he did?
  18. Why is Super Mario RPG on the European VC Releae Date chart when it wasn't even released here?
  19. The Corneria ones rock.
  20. I prefer our boxart, maybe that's just me.
  22. It kinda interested me even with the bombardment of adverts starting late november. Was it any good?
  23. Oh man, it's a good song and all, but you're years behind Still, I'm sure there are people who havn't heard it before, so I'm not complaining
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