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Everything posted by markderoos

  1. Any news on that tasty sounding large spike at Saltopia?
  2. Fish for sharks, they make great money. Early game is all about the money (if you want to progress fast). Or you can take your sweet time discovering all the small stuff and hidden mechanics and quirks this game has to offer. If you want to enjoy this for let’s say a month/max 100 hours, focus on progress and speed by earning money as fast as possible (sharks, turnips, rare bugs, money trees) If you’re in it for the long run: just experience it how it comes your way and don’t follow any of the tips
  3. I can confirm, after putting my Zacian and Zamazenta in Home both rusted items were in my bag. Had to re-equip them upon loading both back into my Sword file
  4. Aww man, that Punch-Out!! Wii soundtrack
  5. Nothing more than we have known for a while: it almost surely won’t release this year, maybe next. It’s hard to predict, but I hope they postpone it as long as necessary for it to be as good as Prime 1 was. BotW 2 next year sounds about right, just like march for New Snap. Pikachu I can see releasing somewhere around october this year. Bayo I think 2021. Then there the rumoured games like Pikmin 3 port, Mario 3D collection (or remakes) and that Star Fox Grand Prix game. There’s a lot of franchises that would make sense that haven’t had an entry on Switch yet, like Rhythm Heaven, WarioWare, Mario Golf and Wii Sports and there’s more than enough potential in franchises that have skipped one or more generations of consoles by now, like Excite Truck/Bike/Bots, Strikers, Kid Icarus, Punch Out, Sin & Punishment, Advance Wars, F-Zero, Wave Race, 1080 amd Endless Ocean, amongst others. I can’t imagine their studios aren’t working on some of those titles already.
  6. I have the Atlas Moth, Queen Alexandra and Goliath from that list of larger model bugs and the ocean sunfish, oarfish, great white and whale shark from the fish list. Also a bunch of the smaller ones like the snapping turtle, mole cricket, peacock butterfly, golden trout, loach. I’m a bit disappointed that there’s no way to get sea creature collectibles (from Pascal for instance)
  7. Only 5 Nintendo titles that we know are coming and none of those with a release date. Bayonetta 3 Metroid Prime 4 Breath of the Wild 2 Detective Pikachu (sequel or remake) New Pokemon Snap
  8. I have 160.000+ NM’s, have ordered everything from the catalogue, do some trips sometimes, haven’t done all achievements. But yes, they do feel like they’re just sitting there doing nothing...
  9. Seemingly on a decline pattern this week. Anyone else with decent prices yet?
  10. So, of course I forgot that the tournament ended at 6pm, so I didn’t get all the swag... If anyone has spares of the items below, let me know! Fish Doorplate Fish Pochette Fish Rug Fish Umbrella Fishing-rod Sand Marine Pop Wallpaper Tackle Bag
  11. I don’t like it either. It takes way too long to get all the different prices let alone going for the gold medal. Bug tournament is balanced out far better.
  12. And 100% complete and levelled up again 👍🏻
  13. Minor bug fixes, sone people couldn’t cross zen bridges placed on the highest level after the summer update. Also hermit crabs where appearing in places where they shouldn’t (I had one on the airport docks yesterday :)). And some other small stuff like the speech bubble thing @Sméagol mentioned above.
  14. I’ll do a quick hop on, hop off if you don’t mind? In the middle of watching The Sinner so not able to chat (a lot) EDIT: scratch that, already bought from someone else’s Redd today...
  15. Double DIY’s: Orange wall-mounted clock Cherry dress Pear rug Shell table Shell bed Shell wand Wild-wood wall Underwater wall Cosmos shower Log garden lounge Garden rock Zen-style stone Firewood Ironwood table Gong Wooden chest ——————————————— Any takers?
  16. On my to do list for tonight! I find it intrigueing by the way how they chose black knight for the art work. Rest of the characters are all playable and they could’ve easily chosen Ganondorf to represent instead. Black Knight next DLC character?
  17. Just posted in the turnip thread: 506, Celeste and all the things @Poveglia!
  18. 506 at Poveglia, only 50 minutes untill Nook closes thought (mainland Europe represent) Peewee is building ironwood table Celeste is visiting Watering flowers on the right side of the island first level = mucho appreciado! Gates are open, I repeat: gates are open! DIY in front of the Airport first come first serve. I’ll be mostly AFK
  19. Look up what you have to do to get Melmetal 😉
  20. And just as we’re discussing this I find my second LotV this morning. No visitors yesterday, no lay out changes and no 5-star rating...
  21. Exactly the same happened to me a week or so ago. Still 4 stars... 1 Lily of the Valley and that’s it...
  22. @Glen-i how’s your spirit collection? I know you couldn’t get some during the quarantine or did you manage to get them afterall?
  23. Proof that the bad guy AI in ACNH is better than in COD: https://twitter.com/TwitDisser/status/1277317212437491712?s=20
  24. Really cool dog, I prefer non human names for pets so I’m rooting for Pepper (Pepper Potts, yes I know, but she’s fictional, as is Sgt. Pepper and Salt ‘n Pepa are not their real names, so don’t start!)
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