I'm in fact very pleased with both the Wii's release list and back-catologue.
What surprises me is the constant call for f-zero/pilot wings/kid icarus.
I know they're good games and I loved all the past editions of 'em, but what I would like to see are new IP's. Not all are my cup of tea, but if you look at the sales charts; most of them have sold well, albeit among different kinds of audiences. I'm talking about the Wii prefix franchises (Sports, Play, Fit, Chess, Music) and Endless Ocean for example.
But there is something I'm missing for Nintendo as a developer; a new IP not focussing on the casual market. If you compare the Wii to its predecessors there's a big difference;
The NES brought us a whole list of original IP's (kind of makes sence as it was Nintendo's first console)
The SNES brought the first Mario Kart, Star Fox, F-Zero, Pilotwings for example.
N64 brought Waverace, Blast Corps, 1080, Yoshi's Story, Sin & Punishment and the first Smash Bros.
The Cube had Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin, Animal Crossing and Doshin, Geist, Mario Strikers.
But what has Nintendo brought to Wii except for sequels/casual IP's? That's the only little concern I have. Luckily enough most of the sequels are VERY good and even some of the casual games are ok-ish. And of course the Third party backing is more then plenty right now.