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Everything posted by markderoos

  1. That’s so cool, what a game. Shame it’s short, but man is it sweet (L)
  2. 100% on spirits again 👍🏻
  3. I’ve bought my first batch of turnips last sunday for 103 Bells (or so I think) a piece. Best selling price I’ve had was 166 but I chose to ignore it. If my price is above 103 this afternoon I think I’ll sell them, unless somebody here get’s offered 200+ In that case I would love to visit that person’s island but I don’t have much to offer I think. Is that considered bad manners? I’m a little behind schedule because I got the game relatively late...
  4. Can’t @Dcubed or @Ugh first aid temporarily log into your NNID on one of their systems to get them for you or is that impossible? Might be a bit of a hassle though...
  5. That sucks... Wish there was a way to gift them
  6. New Animal Crossing Spirits incoming: CHECK IT OUT @Glen-i notification
  7. Yeah, probably! Don’t know how late though, you?
  8. Somebody in need of a Gigantamax Machamp?
  9. Let’s try tomorrow then, mainly in it for that Gengar as it’s the last G-Max Pokemon I need...
  10. Anyone up for some raiding? Still need that G-Max Gengar!!
  11. Oh right, great! Mixed this up with stuff like spirit events
  12. Okido, I’ll check in tomorrow if I can. If you happen to come across a G-Max Gengar that you don’t need, would you be willing to trade it with me? Chances are I won’t be able to join tomorrow
  13. @Glen-ihow late are you on tonight?
  14. And complete and leveled up again!
  15. Any Shield players wanna help me out getting a G-Max Gengar some time tonight?
  16. @Glen-i completionist reminder! Good news for anyone who missed the Pokemon SwSh and/or Resi events; these spirits have now been added to the Spirit Board rotation. I’m 100% complete and max level on Spirits again.
  17. I have around 20 Meltan and then stopped catching them because of how much I dislike playing Pokemon Go...
  18. Have I already mentioned how much I hate Meltan’s evolution method? Really hope GF launch the GMAX Melmetal event asap...
  19. With Home now out though, I’ve transferred my shiny Nuzleaf over to Sword so you’ll be meeting us soon! He’s far more epic than any Legendary
  20. Jeez, why couldn’t they just continue with Bank.... I really don’t like Home’s UI and UX...
  21. Yep, was off to bed already And I already had G-Max Orbeetle before the Wild Area update. Out of all the available G-Max Pokemon I only miss a G-Max Eevee (Let’s Go Eevee exclusive) and G-Max Gengar (Shield exclusive). And in due time a G-Max Inteleon, Rillaboom, Firebunny and Melmetal.
  22. Looks like it, exactly the same happened to me... I’m off to bed, thanks for the games guys. If you happen to encounter a G-Max Gengar and catch it, let me know!
  23. Give me a nod when you’re ready and I’ll start it!
  24. Ok, found another one! 9283
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