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Everything posted by markderoos

  1. I do actually, but would they work better? I mean, I have one Appletun from a trade so that would make this the first one that I would catch with a repeat ball...
  2. Thanks man, even used an ultra ball just in case... :’)
  3. Ready when you are, same code as last time?
  4. God damn Cotton Down and stat nullifying ....
  5. Cool, G-max Lapras in the pocket, thanks @Glen-i! I’ve found a G-Max Alcremie in a den by the way, want to go for that one?
  6. If you manage to encounter a G-Max Gengar, please do the same. I know it’s not currently more common but who knows
  7. Cool, great, let’s say in an hour? Maybe @Ike wants to join too as he’s on the look out for an Appletun too?
  8. I’m sorry @Glen-i, can’t make it tonigh... Maybe sometime tomorrow if you’re up for it?
  9. No pressure, I won’t be able to join untill tonight anyways. But of course feel free to set something up without me if that works out for the better! And thanks anyway for offering your help
  10. You mean a Gigantamax Appletun? Because if so, me too! If any of the Shield owners encounters a Gigantamax Appletun, Lapras or Gengar In a purple den, would you be so kind to set up a Max Raid with a code and share it here? Would be hugely appreciated!
  11. Very cool @Glen-i, I might give it a serious try (again) this generation. Tried so with USUM and ended up with a somewhat balanced Alolan Ninetales, Garchomp and Golisopod team. But the competitive fighting scene still didn’t fully click with me, the level of competition is so high, it’s almost scary. If I’m going for it, I want to build a team with one or more unexpected & underused Pokemon. I like to surprise opponents with underused teams and tactics. Any suggestions?
  12. In the end it worked out, thanks a lot @Ike! My living Dex is now 99,75% complete, only missing Type: NULL but that will have to wait
  13. Ok great, I’ll set up a trade with code 6915!
  14. What time is good for you?
  15. Anyone?
  16. So, I still need to catch a Gigantamax Hatterene, Duraludon and Drednaw. Then I need to trade my Sachet holding Spritzee over and back to get a Aromatisse. Then I need to get hold of a Let’s Go Eevee savefile on my Switch to get a Gigantamax Eevee. Then I need to catch some extra Gigantamax Sword exclusives to trade for the three Gigantamax Shield exclusives: Lapras, Gengar and Appletun. After that I’m going to get al TM’s and TR’s and do any NPC & item quests I might’ve missed when completing the main story and my Living Dex. Anyone who can help me out with any of the above?
  17. The dens reset over time, but you can also put wishing pieces in used dens to reactivate them. It’s a 10% chance they reset into pink if I recall correctly. As you already made use of the Poke Jobs glitch, you might want to search Youtube because there’s also a den glitch
  18. Thnx for the offer but just got one an hour ago. Only need another Type: Null to complete my living dex. But, like you said, that will have to wait until Pokemon Home launches. Next up: getting all Gigantamax versions! I guess GM Eevee will prove hardest...
  19. Any Shield owners willing to trade me a Spritzee?
  20. I also saw some in game shots/animations of a Together with your list is dead certain we’ll be getting more past generation Pokemon in SwSh
  21. If that comes available with Pokemon Home at all. Still no details on that right?
  22. Yeah, I’ll let you know! I’m going for a complete living dex so I want one of all Getting both a Type:Null and a Sylvally will be hard this time I guess
  23. Nope perfect, now only missing Spritzee/Aromatisse and the evolutions I need to do myself. Thanks alot!!!
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