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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I've known people like that too, but not going to risk it. There are other factors too, but I could get past them. I can't get past that. Just staying friends.
  2. It's all about the kids. I want them, she's vehemently against them. Doomed to failure. That's like the one difference that can break any relationship
  3. Only if I get married and have kids, then that wife, with whom I have much better chemistry, dies :p
  4. To be fair, the Miis in FIFA has happened before..
  5. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh A friend admitted feelings for me. I had to turn down due to the one thing that could destroy any relationship, complete opposite desires in what you want in life. It'd be doomed for failure if we went for it. We both know it :/ I know, you guys will tell me to suck it up and have some fun, but I really don't think it's right to do it when there's zero chance of a long term future. I miss the times when I was striking out. Things weren't as complicated haha. Ah well, a couple of matches on Tinder surprisingly came yesterday. Time to strike out on those :p #MissionSerebii
  6. Yeah, Sony said it in September http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-09-26-sony-climate-not-healthy-for-playstation-vita-successor He doesn't outright say it, but it's obvious that's what he means. Sony are out of the portable gaming device business, at least for the foreseeable future.
  7. To be fair, Monster Hunter only really excels when it's on portable, and Sony have dropped portable devices so I think Monster Hunter is a lock for Nintendo formats.
  8. That will only happen if NX is a pachinko machine
  9. Yeah but it seems to have been replaced by a video which then says Late march. I don't think there's a delay.
  10. It is and I am. It's a terrible industry practice. However, if they want third party support, they have to fight dirty. Even if they don't, what I do hope they do is more stuff like Bayonetta. Bring third party games that were close to dropped over to the device. I believe there's a rumour of Beyond Good & Evil 2 being like this. I think that's the best thing Nintendo can do with third parties.
  11. Nintendo need to do what MS & Sony do and drop some cash on western third parties. Get exclusives, get timed exclusive content. Have the NX be the lead platform for marketing of one of the major games.
  12. I really would get this again if you could transfer save data, but I'm really not up for hundreds of hours of the same stuff I did late 2014 before I get to the new stuff :/
  13. A good way to get around the "lol clearly photoshopped" stuff. Actually 3D print your own bloody fake. It's genius.
  14. Well they weren't really created for this. There is a load of merchandise based on it that was released on Saturday in Japan http://sunyshore.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&path=18_62&product_id=501
  15. Hopefully like that concept video a couple pages back. Buttons being transparent and having their own unique look for each game Ah, for the black one..
  16. You mean the black one? The guy said on reddit that he gave the model to another person. Accept it :p
  17. They finally did it...This week, in Japan Pokémon Incidentally, in Europe these have appeared too
  18. Well that settles that
  19. It's the system behind it that bugs me. Wild captures require no weaking, just throw a ball and cross your fingers. Evolution is just "catch the same Pokémon again". Battles seem limited to the "gyms" and look automated. It's highly disappointing. There is little depth to what they have announced. I'm really hoping they are holding a trump card here
  20. http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-video-games/pokemon-go/ Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeergh
  21. I've actually been doing ranked matches on Pokkén Off-TV. I did a lot of Hyrule Warriors with it too
  22. That filling just fucking fell out...AGAIN No appointments until April 19th. What a fucking joke. Have to wait with a massive hole in my tooth due to their incompetence.
  23. Don't forget that the main idea behind it was Off-TV Play before the other stuff.
  24. The concept of a second screen wasn't the issue with the Wii U, and they eventually made games that properly used it.
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