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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Option 3. I shoot you and take the money :p
  2. Turns out GAME aren't even stocking the normal version now. Just FYI in case anyone was intending to pick it up
  3. Gained the weight lost due to illness back, but now it's steady at a level 3lbs lower than before, whuch means I finally lost my Christmas weight...just have to stop parents from constantly buying me unhealthy crap
  4. Serebii


    Tell them that the bible states that you should not pray together in groups and that prayers are meant to be private and between you and god and so you don't need to go to church every Sunday. True story.
  5. Serebii


    In the thinking that everyone breaks their fast when they give stuff up for Lent, I have decided to give up sex
  6. Indeed. I posted as such in regards to Pok?mon + Nobunaga's Ambition. Not a guarantee by a longshot, but still, noteworthy
  7. Though it will have edits and possibly additions for European audiences
  8. This is the Japanese conference. Why would they do that?
  9. It's to train your concentration and memory, which is apparently key in this day and age of smartphones and instant distractions
  10. If this was an investor meeting, yes. However, Nintendo Direct is for providing release dates and new information for games over the next couple of months
  11. How do people forget constantly what Nintendo Direct does. It's an online conference that confirms details and dates for games over the next 3-4 months. It's not going to be this massive thing where new hardware or huge game titles are revealed
  12. Since Thursday night, I have lost almost 9lbs. Sure it was from illness, but I'm calling it a win :P
  13. Hence a theory I had For the last year, I have been postulating the possibility of Kanto sequels. New games set in Kanto, with Kanto having more areas to explore, set years after HGSS, to tie it to the same chronology as BW. It'd be 3DS game and help bridge both Gen V into the 3DS and providing many 3DS features (many of which were actually in BW in the C-Gear)
  14. So sorry Mokong. These things are never easy and my best wishes to your family in this hard time
  15. And that is the reason why I think they're sticking with Gen V, but doing something other than remakes
  16. Really a bad week health-wise, eh? Hope you feel better soon @nightwolf
  17. I wholeheartedly disagree. They won't push out Gen VI quickly. You can tell by how they're doing the yearly event Pok?mon. This year is the second of four for this generation and so it likely won't be until 2014 at the very earliest That said, there is no reason whatsoever they cannot have the rest of Gen V on 3DS. All the technologies are compatible. We also know that GameFreak were among the first with 3DS development kits two years ago so it's not like they only just started.
  18. Hey, I'm getting better; at least I'm capable of getting out of bed now, I wasn't on Friday and barely could yesterday. I do keep retreating to bed though whenever my stomach starts feeling iffy
  19. Annoyingly, my mum and brother are completely over it while I'm still suffering
  20. Look at it this way. In the past generations, remakes fit due to the chronology Ruby/Sapphire were set at the same time as Red/Blue, as referenced by various things in regards to Kanto and TR - Remakes made Diamond & Pearl were set at around the same time as Gold/Silver, 3 years later, as referenced by the news report about the Lake of Rage at the start, and more TR references. Black & White, however, are set 5-10 years after DPtHGSS so having RS remakes wouldn't really fit the series chronology
  21. Yeah, that makes sense. It seems to have come from my dad's workplace where Norovirus has had an outbreak recently. I'm past the vomitting stage now. I just can't bring myself to eat anything at the moment. Am terrified of throwing up again, after that length of time where I was just throwing up. I look like crap, burst capillaries in my face and all that So much for my boyish good looks On the plus side, I've lost just under 8lbs since Thursday because of this. Woop!
  22. I don't believe we'll have remakes this generation
  23. The problem with the Pok?mon community is that they keep looking for patterns that aren't necessarily there. I have no doubt that we'll get a new main series game in Japan this year and that it will be on the 3DS. It being Grey, however...
  24. Seem to have a massive virus or something. Been throwing up the last 36 hours near nonstop to the point of throwing up bile. Only now have I had the energy to even get out of bed. FML
  25. A new trailer
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