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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. This week Shaun the Sheep episodes 1-15 Mario and Luigi: Dream Team Bros Football Up 3D Murder on the Titanic Kokuga My Farm 3D
  2. This week: Star Wars Pinball VC Donkey Kong (30p) Kid Icarus Metroid
  3. Donkey Kong, Metroid and Kid Icarus this week 50% off Kid Icarus/Metroid if you bought the other
  4. It's local only. When you look at how others have attempted online platformers, nobody has managed to perfect it yet. Nintendo decided not to risk it and to focus on the local aspect
  5. My Japanese translator friend has informed me that this game has some form of online ranking system It also supports the Pro Controller
  6. Not entirely. I can see why you think that but a cinematic presentation is largely predicated on having a substantial story, as well as the amazing graphics. This is the point I was making. I'm not saying it's an either/or thing, but I'm talking about the predominance of them in the view of developers. Now, they're all talking about creating cinematic experiences and this is what I question.
  7. As the technology has progressed in game consoles, there has been a running trend on making games feel epic, giving them a cinematic feel above all else. Now, I'm not saying that these sort of games are bad, but I feel that they may be taking away part of gaming, and attempting to turn it into movies. I've seen many complaints around the net of things such as this, with games having mediocre gameplay between awesome story parts. We then get games like Metal Gear Solid 4 which have cutscenes of longer than 30 minutes. Then there are situations like QTEs which are just simple button presses to do cool stuff automatically. Now, I get the love for Uncharted and The Last of Us, but to me these games are fantastic on presentation and narrative, but to me the gameplay on them was rather middling. They're rather linear, and the gameplay is somewhat repetitive. As many of you know, I am a rather strong supporter of Nintendo, and part of the reason why is because they put the gameplay first with the narrative as a secondary option. Nintendo games are , to me, for the most part a joy to play. They are just pure fun and bring a smile to my face when I play, which doesn't really happen much with these more epic games. They also let me play the game rather than watch a good portion of it. So what do you think? Do you like the focus on cinematic presentation in games at moment? Disclaimer: This is not a thread to start a fight, I'm just trying to start a balanced discussion like I did with my past topics in this specific forum regarding Mario, Platform Exclusive DLC and Dilution of Shooters
  8. Finally got my town to be a perfect town today So much work watering all those damn plants so they don't die. Once I'm done with the Bells Ordinance, I am so switching to the beauty one so this is no longer an issue. Never thought I'd enjoy Animal Crossing again. I got bored of the DS one
  9. To be fair, I do own a PS3 and 360 and got a great deal of enjoyment out of them so using his logic, would that not give me said right? I also intend to get a PS4. Why? Because I'm a gamer, not a Nintendo fanboy. I also fail to see how the manner I approach things is "appalling". I don't berate people, I don't condescend. I provide facts in the hope I can help them either feel better about their purchase, or convince that things shall be alright in the end. I never criticise people for their opinions. So, pray tell, how is it "appalling"? If this is all on me, then if Ashley or the other powers that be say so, I shall gladly leave in hopes of finding a place that hasn't turned into a mini-NeoGAF despite the fact I came to this forum years ago to discuss Nintendo happily with Nintendo fans. True enough, but I don't really feel people play sequels for the story either. It helps, but they play it because it's more of what they enjoyed last time. In this era of cinematic presentation, it does feel that it has become less about the game and more about the narrative and I don't like that. I get that's the big thing that's in right now, but I'm glad Nintendo hasn't followed that path
  10. Fair point. The minimal narrative does beg for more to change, and I do get why NSMBU didn't review massively high. While it's a fantastic game, arguably the greatest 2D Mario game (ignoring nostalgia) in level design, it is very simple. However, the point you paint is that the story is the main reason people purchase games. That's not the case. Nearly everyone I know focuses on gameplay first and that's where Nintendo triumphs. Yes, assets are sometimes safe, but they try new stuff with every new iteration of their games (NSMB not withstanding) and that cannot be disputed. Look at Cat Mario in SM3DW. On the surface it's "so it's a cat suit. yay?" but think about how it changes your approach to levels. You can climb any wall, pounce on any enemy. It changes the gameplay. No prior 3D Mario plays like that. Yes, it may look aesthetically like past ones, but that's superficial. Besides, you don't see people complaining that they haven't changed up the aesthetics in say CoD or Halo or Forza. How I talk to people? Please do explain. I provide facts, I do not insult people, I do not berate them, I just provide facts. As a journalist, it is my job to collect facts and present them. Perhaps I am biased a bit because the company is one I love and my future is tied directly to them, but I try to be objective. If they screw up, I say so.
  11. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the rampant negativity too. Sorry for trying to paint a positive outlook on things, in addition to providing facts considering that's my job as a journalist. I should know better, though. Instead, I'll put on some emo music and start writing depressing poetry to fit in.
  12. So, a game that has the same mechanics but a new setting isn't more of the same, but a game that has new mechanics and a similar setting is? Please. Also, where did I say that the other consoles are JUST getting the same old stuff over and over. Providing a list of several games that are not does not in ANY WAY make that not true. If they were the only games for said consoles, then yes you'd be right. However, they are not and saying otherwise is completely extremely fallacious. Yes, the Wii U doesn't have many games, and they don't all review that well, but that's besides the point. You're comparing a 2D platformer, which has the same assets as the previous in the series, released just a few months after the last one, to a massive open world game that's a sequel to one that came out 6 years ago. Again, you're comparing apples and oranges and that's just ridiculous. Also, New Super Luigi U is DLC for Christ's sake so why is this being included? I'm going to stop now because I don't want to piss off the mods, but crap like this is why the Wii U Discussion threads got closed
  13. Woo promotion I'm really looking forward to this game. I originally wasn't, only intending to get it due to helping Nintendo and I somewhat liked the original (despite the time limit), but now I can't wait. Best birthday present from me to me!
  14. This list made me laugh, especially the last two. Even the 360/PS3/PS4/Xbone are filled with crap that's "more of the same". You CANNOT limit this just to Nintendo. The General public statement also makes me laugh. If you take first year into account, I can almost guarantee you that in the first 12 months, Xbox One and PS4 will have around the same number of games as the Wii U did in its first 12 months. This ALWAYS happens with new consoles, it's just more noticeable with the Wii U because there's no third party stuff and the media really has it in against Nintendo for some reason so they make it so well known. Even when Nintendo was doing brilliantly, the media and certain analysts were predicting doom for them.
  15. Then, when talking about the concept, one of the big wigs (or ex big wigs) in the company/industry then goes and says that the Wii U was a reaction to it
  16. You can't blame them on the idea about not wanting people to take the general idea though. Look at the Wii U. Revealed in 2011. One year later, Microsoft revealed Smartglass which did similar features. This year at E3, many major games showed tablet functionality.
  17. How can they not think that when they look at the sales of the games? The different/wacky ones do badly while sequels do well. They're a business and not a charity so they do need to consider the bottomline. Yet, despite this, they finance games like Wonderful 101 so it's not like they are totally ignoring this.
  18. I'm all for this. There's already 9 first party titles coming between now and the end of the year. To pad it out further with new titles which are totally independent from ones you can see on 360/PS3/PS4/Xbone, it will benefit the console greatly.
  19. Metroid is allegedly getting release on the VC next week in the states http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/hOyRxr3W4yhKWayjsq6c38w_B41MeO_j
  20. Masuda's message including direct feed of the new Pokémon, Honedge
  21. Todays picture
  22. Introducing Monorpale (French name)
  23. The 3DS one? Fire Emblem Awakening
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