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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Nintendo were publishing it in Europe, but then something came up that stopped them. I'm thinking it may be something to do with the lawsuit
  2. Todays picture
  3. Basically, what happened was that they spoke to a couple of people "at Nintendo" and they saw no problem with it, but decided to not contact the legal department because they can "shut things down so quickly". Obviously Nintendo's legal department then had a problem with it, as no matter what when raising money, even if for charity, you ask for permission. Unfortunately, people are no misconstruing Nintendo wanting to stop it to be Nintendo attempt to shut down EVO -_-
  4. The launch window doesn't extend to July. It ended in April. It's just that several games from said launch window got delayed to outside of it
  5. Iwata has clearly said that we haven't seen everything
  6. No, it's just the only game out in that timeframe that we know of
  7. Apparently people close to EVO's PR say it was on EVO's side
  8. That's more of a translation from Japanese to English. They don't use the term "IP" there, except in regards to an Internet Protocol address
  9. Pre-orders don't mean a damn thing though. The 3DS and Wii U broke pre-order records and look what happened there.
  10. http://www.gamespot.com/news/miyamoto-teases-new-franchise-for-2014-6411236
  11. Yeah, I never noticed it here either. On playing it again, it makes it actually a tighter platformer as it snaps you into a direction which makes precision platforming much easier Besides, it's 16 not 8
  12. This week in Japan 3DS LL 29,716 Vita 20,776 3DS 14,506 PS3 11,683 Wii U 8,251 PSP 5,768 Wii 1,334 Xbox 360 313 The top 10 was very Sony heavy for the first time in a while 3 PS3 games, 1 Vita, 1 PSP, 4 3DS and 1 360
  13. I'll just import from Australia if Europe doesn't get it. Though I was wanting to download this one
  14. Todays picture
  15. Fun fuct. In the original vision for Super Mario Bros., Mario did have various weapons including a gun
  16. This week in Japan Breath of Fire 2 Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 Next week in Japan Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Jr.
  17. Yeah, some of the over-reactions to this are ridiculous. I saw people demanding their donation back. I saw people saying that this shows Nintendo doesn't support cancer research I saw people say that this is evidence that Nintendo doesn't have decent network structure (?) I saw people calling for a boycott of Smash Bros games from now on. I saw people question why Nintendo are doing this instead of marketing the Wii U (like they're all one department in there) I know firsthand how literal Nintendo of America's legal department can be. That's all this was. EVO didn't fulfil legal obligations in requesting/notifying Nintendo of America about their intent. Legal said no as they would do. This has since been overturned
  18. Yeah I loved it. Worth a download on the 3DS if you have a few quid to spare
  19. Wario was the villain in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins where Wario had taken over Mario's castle and hidden the coins used to enter it while Mario was off saving Daisy in Sarasaland. He's essentially Mario's rival. Various publications like Nintendo Power claimed they were cousins, but that has never been officially stated
  20. I'm still wondering what the story is, since we have Peach as playable. Please don't be Bowser kidnapping Daisy...
  21. You forget that this is Nintendo. While that is possible, they'd rather the game have no online than online that isn't consistently top quality, especially after Smash
  22. Todays picture
  23. New Nintendo Dream Address: 7900-2106-3477
  24. For 30p? We're not in the 90s anymore :p
  25. I refuse :p
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