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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Incidentally, they've also removed most 3DS bits from sale too, despite the 3DS selling well
  2. Surely to stop stocking something, they'd have had to have done in the first place. No Asda I have been at has ever had any Wii U stock whatsoever in the last 8 months.
  3. New video! 350MB of space required
  4. Taking my time with this game, especially since people have finished already
  5. All the UK Wii U owners did pick it up :p *shot*
  6. Todays picture
  7. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=637126 If you downloaded from GAME early...there may be an issue. Nintendo may not activate the Wonderful 101 promotion for you
  8. Thanks guys
  9. To be fair, Nintendo has absolutely nothing to do with this "game"
  10. That's what it implies, yeah. THINK OF THE CHILDREN
  11. Give Mission Mode a shot. It's single player
  12. There's still Mission Mode and Bingo Battle
  13. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/tech/news/a501783/web-filters-will-to-go-further-than-porn-says-open-rights-group.htmlhttps://www.openrightsgroup.org/blog/2013/sleepwalking-into-censorship It begins
  14. It was just a massive buildup. Was my birthday night out so everyone was constantly focused on me, asking me what to do next and I just can't handle being focused on like that. I'm a background person...
  15. Depends on how you define a country
  16. Had a massive anxiety attack last night. Never experienced anything like that before, and never want to again. Most of you know I have issues in social situations, well that all reached a tipping point last night. Life sucks
  17. The Wonderful 101 requires 10.2GB of space if downloaded
  18. The anniversary special is to be simulcast worldwide. It's also said to be a 90 minute episode (though another source says 75 minutes). How awesome is that. http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2013-07-26/doctor-who-50th-anniversary-special-to-be-broadcast-around-the-world-simultaneously
  19. Well
  20. Trailer. The scanner is huge
  21. From Sakurai's comment on Miiverse
  22. Todays picture
  23. Still feel the pressure. If the days were like twice the length, I'd feel better
  24. Problem is, there's a finite amount of fruit and so only a finite amount of days so I feel rushed :/
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