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Everything posted by Serebii

  2. I'll just be browsing it as a gaming news aggregator until a better place opens up
  3. 15 minutes long Switch & 3DS will not be discussed. No other mobile games will be discussed
  4. I am so looking forward to Sunday night when I get home from MCM and can play
  5. I remember thinking the same when I first played it and got worried I wouldn't like it, but I then got into the groove
  6. Not exactly a massive feat
  7. All except the UK
  8. I think it's due to the fact the games didn't have it when they were created and the way they do the OS is to have as little in the background running so more power can go to the device. Or it's simply opt-in and games have to be patched to opt-in
  9. Games need to be updated to take advantage of the feature. Give it time, there will be an onslaught of updates soon enough
  10. Games need to be updated to take advantage of the feature. Give it time, there will be an onslaught of updates soon enough
  11. I always have a game to play after coverage on the site for a job well done. This year it will be this. Heck, in 2012 I managed to 100% Lego Batman 2 while covering Black 2 & White 2. Who knows, maybe I can fit it in
  12. I'm personally grumpy because I'm being dragged to MCM by my girlfriend on launch weekend and, then soon after, I have to focus my time on USUM. I'm unlikely to play much until December
  13. Done the first 7 Ultra Challenges without much issue, but whew the final one is tricky. Edit: And done
  14. Finally got the documents and sent them in. 15th time is a charm, right?
  15. Seems my mortgage consultant didn't actually file the SA302s and may not actually have them anymore so I need to get them off my accountant again and send them in. This is fucking ridiculous. Don't go with Nationwide.
  16. Nationwide continually holding it up, asking me for more and more details even though I've provided them already.
  17. At least it doesn't look like a retred of Empire. Let's hope this one delivers
  18. The changes to the story are really big, more than any enhanced version yet
  19. Now we have bigger and more corridors in Ultra Space
  20. They were implied, yeah
  21. We have reason to be hyped now. Where are you all?
  22. Some stuff with my accountant is holding it up. A bit concerned that all this faff will make the sellers reconsider
  23. Seems Showcase, Cineworld and Odeon are all doing showings http://intl.fathomanimation.com/
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