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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I am 100% serious. The models and everything are all set for HD and have been for a while. All they need to do is textures and the usual bump mapping etc. and it'd be fine. Look at HD images of Gen 7. The models are fantastic in HD. Everything is. This is part of why the games have run so poorly, they're too advanced for the 3DS
  2. And add this
  3. Early still but my girlfriend got me these among other more practical things
  4. Their game engine struggles on the 3DS because the models are too complex though... their engine is already HD ready, that's why it runs like ass. Just plop some better textures on and you have a beautiful Pokémon game that will run well on a Switch Also assuming the job listing is for Pokémon Switch is a bit illogical. Don't forget that Creatures Inc. do a lot of their own stuff
  5. Don't get your hopes up. Also why would UE4 be better than their own engine?
  6. I will be all over this when it launches
  7. Going to be shiny hunting my Shiny Celebi on stream
  8. Why is everything so expensive. Why must curtains cost like £70 for a pair? What the frak is with being a grownup? Blergh
  9. Detective Pikachu can't use moves so nope
  10. Indeed. It's a choice that makes sense, unlike Danny Devito
  11. My girlfriend has moved her stuff in so far, I won't be doing mine until Internet is installed due to the requirements for my job She has so much stuff, it's insane. Unfortunately, the sofa her mum gave us won't fit properly
  12. And I'm now officially a home owner Crazy
  13. Money all sent. Easily the most expensive thing I have ever bought. Now just the faff of getting internet, curtains, furniture etc.
  14. Gives more money to spend on the house
  15. No longer angry about the delays haha
  16. Finally exchanged today, completion next week. Had some final faff due to conveyancers suddenly deciding they needed more stuff. Best thing is, the Tories just abolished stamp duty Just saved a good few grand.
  17. Do it on the moped
  18. Volleyball is just a pain because it takes forever to get going
  19. Basically checking if the values people create are valid. It's possible to create Pokémon that don't have anything wrong, but people are lazy and miss bits
  20. Got over 100. Never again do I have to touch that
  21. Finished the story. Great fun Now onto the postgame, and from the get-go...holy...
  22. Pretty much, yeah
  23. Finally got my hands on it and really enjoying it. Though it's the first time 'm truly experiencing the JoyCon issues and they keep pissing me off
  24. For god's sake man, you do not tell someone you love them on the first date
  25. You son of a... Where'd you order from? I need to order USUM from there Edit: Never mind
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