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Everything posted by Action

  1. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/PlayerStatsHalo3.aspx?player=I%20Ditto%20I going for lieutenant tomorrow, i am a beat at halo 2 so its just the same really
  2. dunno check your email
  3. You do know if u have made a bungie.net account that bungie have sent 10,000 random PM to accounts and if u have one it has a code in it to redeem of the marketplace and get halo 3 beta early, this happend yesterday...... all my friends got one except me GO CHECK NOW!
  4. Are you crazy! its AMAZING pure gold in a can! B.T.W. damn u for having it
  5. well not ages aboout 3/4 hours check out my new sig. and comment on it ta
  6. i can eat wat i want and not put anything on GO ME!
  7. HaPpY BiRtHdAy
  8. why dont sony realse wat a shitty console they have realsed
  9. Gelukkige Verjaardag!
  10. so does everyones blue light stay on when you just have the console as my pals blinks on for half a second when he turns it on and thats all hes pissed off about it so i am trying to help him find out wats up with it.
  11. ok now that the wii is out and after me playing my pals i have a question about it. In all the pictures showing off the wii on tv, magazines ect. it shows the blue neon light on, but going to my pals house and playing his i asked y he didnt have this light, i asked another pal and he said he didnt know why this was and both of there systems the light goes on for half a second when they turn it on, so my question is really why the hell do u not get that cool neon light in all the pictures?
  12. xX RX QUEEN Xx
  13. i played with dimetrix on GoW and he owns lol
  14. Action


    i am 15 i joined when C-E began.... i dont post much
  15. husss now little puppy dont be shy
  16. damn my grammer
  17. night clubs arnt for social gatherings its for cheap drink pulling women and having a laugh.
  18. in the end dont you think you will get them all? i probz will
  19. a super hero always need a sidekick
  20. were is the random moments i want the back! and se that u have a new camera you could do mines again? if u did i think you should burn shit up like flames out of lynx cans har har har
  21. WANT IT WANT IT! i get like a gta medival from this wat u think?
  22. i love this movie to bad about the second one its total PISH, but the first one is amazing!
  23. yep long times have come to this happy B-day
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