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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Wee hamster thing... amusing, but you could have a better picture of the hamster, clearer text, and generally less fuzziness. 4/10.
  2. I'm liking the extra pixels this year...
  3. Not compulsory in the same way that churches say "No donation is necessary, but your donation of £2.50 is vital." :wink:
  4. Worry not. A knowledge of the league of gentlemen is not compulsory for enjoyment here...
  5. May I be the second to say greetings.
  6. Yeah, I kinda guessed that, but they're so cool... I actually lol'd when I saw Haruhi do the Phoenix Wright pose.
  7. How about we have a thread where people give more in depth criticisms of the sigs/avatars of several people in the thread? And personally, I like all of the sig... even the text. Very nice indeed.
  8. Not so surprisingly: "……嫌な事件だったね。…腕が一本、まだ見つかってないんだろ?" Translation: "...that was an unfortunate incident. ...they still haven't found one arm yet, right?" From Tomitake Jirou- it's the first sign that anything in Higurashi is wrong. Perhaps more surprisingly: "I could a tale unfold whose lightest word Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres, Thy knotted and combined locks to part And each particular hair to stand on end, Like quills upon the fretful porpentine" From the ghost in Hamlet... absolute brilliance.
  9. I don't know if they've been posted before, but I'm liking the parodies in Haruhi... Phoenix Wright: Higurashi:
  10. I'm so disorganised for Christmas this year... if we manage to get one in time, I'll post it.
  11. ...I had too much work to think. Plus, I'd saved all my anime thinking space for Higurashi. But now 'tis the Christmas holiday, so all is well.
  12. My friend has got me into death note and Suzumiya Haruhi, which I hadn't looked at until now. They are both most excellent.
  13. レティー: お誕生日おめでとうございます!
  14. In fact, this thread would be good for general avatar and sig tests.
  15. I think you have your answer. Anyway, greetings, Wengle.
  16. That's quite a nice pic, but I don't think it quite works as a sig... Nevertheless, I'll give it 7/10. Do you people prefer this version of my sig, or the current version:
  17. The most profound thing that has ever happened to me is being asked this question.
  18. Happy birthday indeed... I remember I got my GC on release day, but I had to wait another 5 days until my birthday before I got any games, so I know how you feel...
  19. to tell you the truth i think you should remove your user name and put japanese text in instead. Nah, just joking. Your sig is quite nice... 7/10.
  20. But those things won't crash anyway if they divide by 0. They just say error and carry on, unless they're incorrectly programmed.
  21. No. With complex numbers you can square root negative numbers. if 1/0 = infinity 1 = 0*infinity now: 0 = 0 2*0 = 3*0 2*0*infinity = 3*0*infinity 2*1 = 3*1 2 = 3 Doesn't work so well...
  22. Well it wasn't really... Some of the things the guy says are hilarious. "If your pacemaker tries to divide by zero, you're dead!"
  23. http://www.bbc.co.uk/berkshire/content/articles/2006/12/06/divide_zero_feature.shtml The BBC seem to think that they've found someone who's developed an amazing new theory that means you can divide by zero... but if you look at it, it's an absolute joke. Apparently it's being taught to kids... poor kids. Even if the rest wasn't rubbish, the first "definition" he writes implies that any number can equal any number... so the guy has ultimately created a useless set of axioms. [/mathematical ranting]
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