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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. You're right about the alcohol. Apparently a bottle of wine is 2000 calories.
  3. Don't eat them afterwards though, because then you aren't getting anywhere.
  4. No, it's not. 1000 fair coin tosses can be modeled by binomial(1000,0.5). With this model, the chance of this being 1000 heads is almost 0, whereas the chance of this being 500 heads is 0.0252. For the lottery, the chances of 6 particular numbers coming up is (6!)*((1/49)*(1/48)*(1/47)*(1/46)*(1/47)*(1/46)) which is 0.00000007151.
  5. Yep, that's right. But the chances are that 1000 0.5 chances won't come out the same way all 1000 times.
  6. That's not quite right. Every time you flip the coin there is a 0.5 chance of it being heads, so if you flip 1000 coins, then the expected value is 500, but that doesn't mean it actually has to be this value. However, the more the coin deviates from the expected values, the higher the chance the coin is weighted. This chance can be determined with the chi-squared test, and if a coin came up with 1000 heads, this test would determine that there is a very low chance of the coin being unbiased. The lottery thing is right though. It shows you how unlikely you are to win.
  7. Although you initially lose weight when you go on a starvation diet, when you come off it you end up eating more than you did before, and in the long term gain weight.
  8. I think the best definition of luck is to say that someone is lucky when something based on probability has a favourable outcome for them. However, some people seem to have more luck than others. I think this is itself a more complex form of luck. However, I'm not totally free of superstition... sometimes it just seems right.
  9. Harry S. Truman, President of the United States David Attenborough, British producer Robin Jarvis, British writer They're the only ones I know. But there were other ones there that people will be telling me I should have recognised.
  10. 'She also said playing video games "gives you brain damage", although this appears to be a subjective view rather than a scientific one.' That sentence is hilarious.
  11. Okay, I might do that at the weekend.
  12. In my head, constantly: "Atashi pururin purupururin Pururin purupururin" etc. The anime is great though.
  13. He's a real person. Don't expect me to know their names. Hellfire, is your's Jin from Samurai Champloo?
  14. Congratulations... You have said "I'll play with you. Come here, hatchet woman."
  15. A strange man. Now this time, "anime bitch" or whatever won't cut it. I want the full name with kanji! :wink:
  16. I'm watching Welcome to the NHK right now. After the first few episodes, it appears to be pretty good.
  17. Haha, I've yet to come across a name of a member that I can't remember! Points for (s)he who describes Jim's avatar.
  18. Whether or not TV is a better medium than books (or just different), don't you find it annoying to be drip fed episode by episode? I would be so irritated if you could only get one chapter of a book per week.
  19. Yeah, the dead dog in the night time is pretty good.
  20. You are j7wicked! :shock: Wow, I never realised that.
  21. I think he got banned for hacking the forum to death.
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