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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Good? That's where I think they stopped bothering to edit her manuscripts...
  2. I'm getting a bit obsessed with this anime wiki... I've done the bare bones of two articles... 26 to go.
  3. Well, I congratulated Shorty and Jordan on becoming mods the other day... yeah, I shouldn't post when I'm that tired... sorry about that, you almighty admins you. But do sign up, all you silent annoymous people.
  4. The code for that is on the template page. Also, can we have cute/moe and mystery genres too?
  5. There shouldn't be a problem with a small image to promote something- even Wikipedia does that.
  6. Right, I've signed up and done one article... guess which. I'll flesh it out later today, then add some more.
  7. It was 2mb a while ago, I think it's been upgraded to 8mb now.
  8. *looks through old avatars* We could add text or something to one of these: Or I, or someone else, could make a new one. Any ideas for character or series?
  9. Shounen, Shoujo, Slice of life, Yuri, Yaoi. And I'm working on a logo...
  10. People like my sister have terrible trouble with tablets because they try too hards to swallow them. The main thing you shouldn't do is put your head back- just sit straight, put the tablet in your mouth, forget it is there, then take a drink of water and it should go straight down. However, I'm only passing on this advice... I find tablets oddly easy to swallow, and often do it without water...
  11. Cool, I'll try and put in mini reviews for all the anime shows I've seen (might take a while) once you get it going.
  12. I suppose our proper leavers' day is our graduation, which is early July I believe.
  13. I have some kind of demon broadband with a flat rate and no download limit. Could you transfer to that?
  14. It looks like you've somehow made nervousness an anchor for motion sickness... it sounds almost like a phobia or something. Whatever it is, it can't be pleasant, so you have my sympathy.
  15. Yeah, but wouldn't it be nice to read reviews or at least comments from people you know?
  16. Um, I didn't mean on wikipedia itself... obviously that's the wrong place. Just host another wiki somewhere else, based on mediawiki code. Here's an example.
  17. Well, I don't think they should be ordered. Just a database with comments and maybe ratings from those who have watched... perhaps you could rank them with average ratings though.
  18. I find it on the whole awesome, plus most of bad stuff is referred to rather than shown. But yeah, it's more about story and mystery than violence. Also, I reckon an N-E anime recommendation wiki would be cool. I'd add to it.
  19. Definitely. My friend and I were trying to think of a vice not alluded to (taking into account the whole canon), and all we could come up with was bestiality, and even that's debatable. For instance, did you know the Sonozaki's used to sell cans of human meat? Wonder why that was cut from the anime... But anyway, I like it so much for the technical way the story works, which you will only just understand if all you have seen is the first anime series.
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