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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. you changed it! looks better still dont know what it is but thats whats cool so 9/10
  2. alright i figured it out what imma do. Ill buy a 19in monitor first, then the 360 then later when i get the money ill buy another 19in monitor! Hows that sound? and for dual monitors can you make so it displays like one big monitor so i.e. theres only one start menu. Instead of having the two monitors display the same thing? i need to know fast! as the item is ending soon. thanx!
  3. well i need a monitor for my computer mostly... as the one im building has everything but a monitor
  4. alright i have $800 should i buy an xbox 360+games and get like an 19in monitor or so, or buy one 24in monitor?
  5. that black is some pretty crazy stuff!
  6. Alright i just need some help setting up the onboard sound card and the pci sound card so they both are connected to my dvd drives. I know you use that little 4 pin cable usually to connect the audio for one of the drives, and a sound card. But my mobo and sound card both have a little plug in thingy. Plus i have two possibly three dvd burner drives. So how would i connect 2 or 3 SONY 16x DVD±RW DUAL LAYER BURNER DVDRW to a sound card and my mobo? Would i need to set them so ones the Master and one or two are slaves? thanx
  7. so far i've got nothing been buying to much computer stuff but i want at least $500-1000 so i can buy 4 controllers and most of the accessories and realease games.
  8. 8.5/10 cool shading i think? im not an artist i dont know anything...
  9. that's intesting but i cant think of many people who would want that i know i wouldnt
  10. it wasnt slow at all i have a real slow browser at my school and it loaded real fast. btw im using IE.
  11. not a huge fan of star wars but ur sig looks amazing! 8.7/10
  12. 7/10 you should center it or give it a border or something... i need to change my sig but i dont have access to a comp right now
  13. you could use the archos AV700 too which then you could take it on the road and watch it again!
  14. umm thats a very interesting solution...
  15. I think custom building is way better and could save ya thousands. I mean i customized the same specs of my custom computer on a dell sight i saved a good $1500-$2000 but if you really want a pre-built one alienware is the way to go as jonst said
  16. unknown title, unknown genre hmmmmmm
  17. alright cool thanx for the pics. any idea when it officially comes out?
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