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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. Imo the Prisoner of Azkabam was easliy the worst book of the 7. Just a bunch of jabbering back and forth, quite boring really. The movie was alright, but the booked sucked. Theres a lot of jabbering in this book too, but theres lots of action which makes up for it.
  2. I much prefer coffee over tea. I tried tea once, ahh it just didn't really sit with me. I only drink coffee though if I am really tired and theres an ass load of stuff to do that day.
  3. Your Question. Your Answer. When I brought up user titles again I didn't mean for there to be more titles just for people to seem better than other people. Like many other people have said, I respect people by the quality, and not the quantity. A perfect example is =NukeBlaze= he doesn't have 100 posts even, but he is one of the smartest posters in Tech/Pc Talk. And I respect him a lot, because hes helped a lot of people (Including me) with their computer problems. I just thought there should be more user titles simply because there are a huge amount of Aficionados, and a variety would be nice.
  4. This game is easily my most anticipated. And the screens make it look absolutely amazing! I can't wait! But it sounds likes its going to be a while before its released.
  5. Nice choice of games there Fresh! Cept Metroid... Bought Harry Potter
  6. I have Resident Evil 4 for the Cube and Wii. OH and SSBM got cracked in half so had to rebuy that...
  7. May I suggest a Naruto style. 0 Posts N-E Academy students 50 Posts N-E Genin 500 Posts N-E Chunin 1000 Posts N-E Jonin 3000 N-E Tokubetsu Jonin 5000 N-E Kage 10,000 Given a choice of: Hokage (Fire) Kazekage (Wind) Mizukage (Water) Raikage (Lightning) Tsuchikage (Earth)
  8. Someone want to link to some of the fake versions of Harry Potter 7 that are out there? I always enjoy reading them. They usually are quite funny. May want to PM it.
  9. I find that cover really quite unatractive... lol
  10. I noticed a couple pages back some people were complaining about the NTSC cover? Whats the PAL one look like? I think the NTSC cover is alright looking...
  11. The 6th book is the only Harry Potter book I didn't read more than once, and it's the only one I really don't remember anything about.
  12. You easily have the avatar on the forum RedShell but I'm not a huge fan of your sig really. 7/10
  13. No I don't think your going to make it to Aficionado. I saw he'll be banned or quit before he makes it. And not even very many people have 5000 posts! Only like the staff have over 5000 posts. I find that kind of odd... Staff board must be filled with Spam then...
  14. Totally forgot to mention the saddest part of the book!
  15. Finally finished the book about 5 minutes ago. I thought that it was pretty good but it seemed like it just kept going on about nothing really, then at the end it was brought all together again and I was happy.
  16. Just read the first 100 pages and so far a bit depressing really.
  17. One of them could be "N-Europe Forum Stalker".
  18. I have another rant about User Titles... I think the Mods/Admins should award more people with user titles. Like for example Dante got his user title from posting news a lot. I just think that more of these kinds of titles should be awarded more often. Not necessarily News titles only, but if something that a member does/or if something about the member is posted somewhere thats real 'interesting', then maybe an Mod or Admin could give them a user title about it.
  19. Wow I really want to play Dead Rising now. I just noticed that PAL game cases are really different compared to NTSC cases.
  20. Letty you have xbl? O.o Well I've added you to the list.
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