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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Ha! When I saw I had a mention, and saw this thread was active again, I knew it'd be in here! For those who haven't seen neoGAF's list: Nice to see they have some of the more obscure ones in there. I think their list sums up the Mega Drive at the time, which you can never quite match later on due to licensing issues. I've emboldened my favourites, but my list would be something like this: Landstalker - Utterly spellbinding adventure in which you travel to a strange island. The isometric graphics do present a few issues, but a handheld remake would be very welcome, especially a 3D Classics version. Wonder Boy in Monster World - The 4th Monster World game. Sort of like Zelda II (but arguably better). Unlike in III, there are no animal transformations, but there is still a large, interconnected side-on overworld to explore. This series surely inspired Shantae and is one of the reasons I love those games so much (well, the 2nd and 3rd anyway). Two Crude Dudes - Maybe not considered a "high quality" game, but this is Data East's spiritual successor to Bad Dudes vs. DragonNinja. I loved throwing the cars around! "What a day..." There are some I should have played, like Thunderforce IV, Beyond Oasis (Story of Thor), Light Crusader and TMNT: Hyperstone Heist. Ah, the Mega Drive... a genuinely special console.
  2. I still use my Wii U but, like H-o-T, this year I've been using it mainly for eShop and Virtual Console (which I've really enjoyed, actually!) In terms of retail software, I genuinely don't think Nintendo ever had their priorities right. It may seem surprising that not a huge amount of Wii U owners are buying Splatoon or Mario Maker, but I think it's easy to see those two games as more important than they are. By now we should have had Metroid and Zelda - the latter of which at least would have performed much better.
  3. Strange how they were once sure Zelda would be 2015, and now they can't even give it a "2016"!
  4. I still say 3rd-part support begins and ends with these factors: * multi-format * released on same day as other platforms * at least as good as the other versions This has simply not happened since the GameCube, as Nintendo keep getting their timing and/or their technology wrong. For the record, I bought both Zack & Wiki and A Boy & His Blob, but they were indeed "super niche". Nintendo will not be part of the 3rd-party scene until awaiting the next multi-platform game on Nintendo seems as natural as doing so on Xbox and PlayStation.
  5. Yeah, @Dcubed is right about Four Swords DSi - it's the only Zelda game I can't be bothered to play at all. The GameCube one was perfectly manageable though, so that remains an option to base these multiplayer games on. Personally, I think good A.I. should have been the answer to single player mode, with the other Links always getting into the right position/doing the right thing.
  6. I just think we expect erotic content to jump through so many hoops before it's accepted, to the point that it's not accepted at all. So much of gaming is ridiculous, gratuitous and not at all necessary, but we never, ever expect anything apart from eroticism to be cut out. I'd argue the lingerie outfits fit the aesthetic of this game far more than the Nintendo suits. You can have as much violence as you like, but as soon as there's something sexual it has to "add to the character" or "add to the plot".
  7. I'm with you all the way on this. I will rant on to anyone who'll listen that we are well into a new age of Puritanism. What I don't think is that we're still in the "Games are for kids, even 18-rated ones" era. I think that matter was settled (hence violence and swearing not being an issue), but was eventually consumed by the prevailing Puritanism I speak of. Anything mildly erotic is being pushed underground (no Page 3 or nudity in Playboy). People will defend this and say "You can see stronger on the internet", but I don't necessarily want to see stronger. Sometimes I just want to see a bikini or pole dancer or whatever in the context it was intended. There's no darn reason why something erotic shouldn't be part of a legitimate design.
  8. You can do that in the GameCube version too. The simplest way would be to have a traditional version, which can be mirrored for those who want motion controls.
  9. That cartoon. Ah, it's all coming back to me now. Twilight Princess did have a lot of issues, but I fundamentally love aspects of it, if that makes sense. It was interesting but imperfect, rather than a lesser idea done perfectly. By the way, the "putting rupees back in the chest" thing has got to be the closest thing to an agreed problem, hasn't it? If they were going to do a full OOT/MM/WW-style remake, I mean. Didn't it also keep stopping you to explain rupee value each time too? Generally speaking, the great things about Twilight Princess are the things in the 2004 trailer (before it was known as Twilight Princess, in fact) - Adult Link, horseback travel, large fields, huge overworld, dungeons, bosses and general tone. Plus, I actually think it has one of the better Zelda soundtracks, especially when you hear it orchestrated. I don't think the game needed to be a lot more complicated than I've already described, to be honest, as long as it was built as solidly as previous Zeldas (which it wasn't - quite). I'd say it started to go wrong when they felt they needed a "hook" for it (the wolf sections), and then even more when it was shaped by their Wii-era philosophy. Both versions of the game were forever affected by that. I often mention the controls, but don't forget the beginning of the game was massively padded-out, with an unnecessary item added (Slingshot), all making it take much longer to get to the first dungeon. Somewhat irritating if you only wanted the GameCube version. Generally, my memory of Twilight Princess is of following scent trails, and being disorientated at first within the overworld. Not a terrible thing, I suppose, but it was as though the game wanted to get you to certain points for the purpose of story scenes, rather than letting you learn the overworld itself. I've always thought having no "real" way to travel between Lake Hylia and Zora's Domain (apart from mini-games) broke the illusion of a cohesive game world. Still, there was something about Twilight Princess. It really captured my imagination, rather than being something I'd rather not play again, so it can't be that bad. It think it could do with the true remake treatment in order to fix some of these issues, rather than just an HD version. But either would be pretty welcome, and it certainly has a lot to base future games upon, if not the whole lot.
  10. The next time we see Twilight Princess it has to be HD. Maybe if Nintendo's next handheld is 720p, that'd be OK, but not on the 3DS.
  11. Personally, I wouldn't be too upset if Nintendo's future was handheld-focused, or at least one that sees the handheld as the base unit. The one thing that's bothering me is that in theory the first version of NX could be weaker than Wii U. That wouldn't normally be a problem for a handheld, but it may present some issues if Nintendo has scheduled dual versions of certain games. Hypothetically, Zelda Wii U could have switched so NX is the lead format. If NX is weaker than Wii U, the Wii U version could simply be a hi-res version of the NX game. The actual game may turn out to be more limited than what we've seen.
  12. There are certain things Twilight Princess got exactly right, and one of them is the size of the overworld. Some say it's lifeless. OK, maybe they could fill it with birds, butterflies etc, but to me that's just superficial detail. Skyward Sword had that, and it was no replacement for TP's sense of scale. It's very important to use large areas of space in design, even if there's not an awful lot in them. Twilight Princess contains some grand architectural details, for instance - Lake Hylia Bridge, Hyrule Castle, Eldin Bridge. It wouldn't speak to the same part of your psyche if they were right next to each other. The quality of TP's overworld was limited by the technology, but the ambition of scale was just right. After all, it was still smaller than Wind Waker's Great Sea, which I'd argue was just about perfect. If I recall correctly, the last time we saw "Zelda Wii U" (cough) it was intended to be much larger than TP, and far more like WW, but on dry land. That may well be the logical limit for a Zelda game, but I for one am glad they're back on that track.
  13. No probs, I'll snap it up when it's a bit cheaper, with the expectation I'll eventually get a PS4 (which I hope I will, because of Dragon Quest XI).
  14. Yep! The music in many of these 3D Classics is amazing. I think it does have a lot to do with the headphones - for me, it's about going from a mono television set in the '90s to brilliant and clear stereo headphones. It's at the right tempo now too. Sounds like this 3D Classics version will finally let me enjoy the game as much as I always wanted to.
  15. Yep! I'm ashamed to say I mostly use it as a BluRay player, but always intended to play more games on it. You've got me interested in this - it sounds great - although is the PS3 version limited in Europe? I can't seem to find it in many places.
  16. At the bare minimum, it has to be GameCube version + widescreen + HD, and in fact, that would be great. And if it looks anything like this, Nintendo will be giving a lot of people what they want:
  17. There is one clear, obvious wrong that they need to put right... Shield control! They took it out, that's a fact. And put the Mirror Shield in while you're at it, 'cos I bet you took that out too!
  18. Sonic 3 is great, with a much fairer mini-game than the 2nd entry too. I never had any problems with it, even playing it on the GameCube without save states. I'd put them in this order: 1. Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Sonic 3 (with or without Knuckles) 3. Sonic 2
  19. Very promising. To be honest, any future version of Twilight Princess should be: * Classic controls * Game world the "correct" (GC) way round + left-handed Link * Widescreen * HD
  20. Very interesting. I've always felt like I was one of the few who didn't get on with Sonic 2 (despite very much wanting to), but now I'm hearing a few more viewpoints that are similar to my own. Seems Sega of America had a more unforgiving attitude than Sega of Japan towards difficulty levels. As I understand it, they were responsible for making the (supposedly unwelcome) changes from Bare Knuckle III to Streets of Rage 3.
  21. Plus it's a huge testosterone boost, especially if you work the big areas like legs, back and chest. I'd love to get that boost again, going from non-training to training. Even then, weight training is absolutely brilliant. Nothing else at all makes me feel like I've "flushed out" my system in the same way.
  22. Oh, there actually was one? That's a handy save.
  23. But Glen-i, this is crazy talk. Complaining to Tayto about being sub-Walkers, when the real issue is that none are as good as Golden Wonder! Also, Snaps are fantastic! The only reason to complain is that they no longer sell the cheese flavour! So, so wrong. On topic: Are they going to release that crisps game on the VC? I forget its name...
  24. Yes, I think not having Sonic 3 + Knuckles (as one game) and Streets of Rage 3 (Westerners have never had the proper Bare Knuckle III) would be particularly amiss. I'm looking forward to playing Sonic 2, but in the meantime I gave the original another spin: You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse Such crisp graphics to this day. A genuine classic. So, I read the full interview and it got me thinking about the titles M2 have released: Arcade Space Harrier Super Hang-On Galaxy Force II After Burner II Fantasy Zone Out Run Fantasy Zone II Thunder Blade I can see the logic with most of these, as the main appeal was a) sprite-scaling in stereoscopic 3D and b) seeing the little arcade cabinet icons! However, I must say Fantasy Zone I and II are curious choices. For me, Enduro Racer and Super Monaco GP are the big ones missing when it comes to sprite scaling and, if we're talking System 16, I would say Golden Axe is the main one missing. Mega Drive Altered Beast Sonic the Hedgehog Ecco the Dolphin Shinobi III Streets of Rage Streets of Rage 2 Gunstar Heroes Sonic 2 A good list, although I would rather Altered Beast had been the arcade (System 16) version. There are loads of other great Mega Drive games but, delving into the details, I'm not certain Sega has the 100% rights to them. I'd say they have the "Early" and "Peak" eras there, but we still need "Mature"! As I say, I love what they've done, but after a scientific study I'd say the three titles missing from their love letter to the 16-bit era are Golden Axe, Streets of Rage 3 and Sonic 3 + Knuckles. I'm only moaning because I love what they've done and don't want it to end yet!
  25. Tayto? Did he get them mixed up with Taito?
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