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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Wow, these are all brilliant improvements and would definitely make it the best version for me. It'd be a crazy if they don't localise this one.
  2. If Alchemy is now instant, that's a massive improvement. It could be a big enough improvement to make this the definitive version for me.
  3. Zechs nails it once again. Honestly Murr, you've committed to each other so you both should be completely truthful about when/if you want kids. In theory, she might never want them. Nothing wrong with that in itself, but there should be honesty about it. And I'm sorry to say, but both sexes do genuinely deteriorate after 30 or so, so it's not like it can stay up in the air forever.
  4. I know, but the anticipating of seeing the character portraits of Protector, Landsknecht etc as true 3D models has sent me into overdrive!
  5. It's the best soundtrack of all time! Oh man, they seriously have to release this here. Even the first tune in that video is absolutely beautiful.
  6. Unfortunately I found it a very mediocre RPG in the end (if that) and find it extremely hard to recommend.
  7. Can't wait for this one now. You've got me hyped, @darksnowman.
  8. Nah. I would love them to be good games, but, you know... Nice to know I'm the site's Go-To perv though
  9. Dropping out 45 minutes before is crazy - probably something people think is more acceptable since mobile phones became ubiquitous. Lock 'em up, I say!! No, actually, prison's too good for them! PS - Rez, I thought of you the other day. Someone asked me if I'd heard of an Aloe Vera drink. Told them about your YouTube exploits.
  10. Yeah, it's a very strange idea. To me it looks like they've taken the original 3DS assets and zoomed out massively - basically having as many 400×240 3DS screens as they can fit in (presumably) 1920x1080. I wonder if the switching would be set to a metronome (like Incident 16)? Considering the amount of precision in MSF, it'd be crazy if every player could switch at any time!
  11. Sorry about my post above. MSF Academy turned out to be a none-too-promising Steam game.
  12. Even that? Now that I did not expect. Sounds like a very unusual series, but probably worth giving a go.
  13. No, I haven't played any of them at all, but I'm really looking forward to this. I reckon I'll be one of the few playing it whilst most are busy with Super Mario Maker. What you describe doesn't sound too unlike Etrian Odyssey. Is there a huge difference? I'm not too much of an item hoarder anyway - EO has taught me to use a Medica when needed, because they won't be that useful whilst fighting the post-game bosses anyway! Well... actually, I'm glad there wasn't. I really hope V is on the next handheld. Oh yeah, it's just "Etrian Mystery Dungeon" now.
  14. Hope I'm allowed to put this here. WayForward is teasing Mighty Switch Force 3: The font looks familiar... A Metroid-like prequel to MSF, perhaps? There's no guarantee it'll be on 3DS (or Wii U) but I'd be gutted if it wasn't!
  15. Now I've read (parts of) the patent, it sounds like a download-only machine rather than one that uses cartridges. I'm surprised that the main controller is described as having a screen though (in addition to the console outputting to a TV, ie. not just a handheld with its own screen).
  16. Fair enough, but why would they have different controls? Assuming the GamePad is only supported via backwards compatibility, surely both handheld and console would have: * One screen * A, B, X, Y, L1, L2, R1, R2 * Dual analogue sticks The only thing I could think of that might be different about the controls is analogue triggers for the console (and maybe not the handheld) and perhaps clickable analogue sticks for the console.
  17. I really like the idea of this - not only going back to cartridges, but being able to slot the same one into either machine. This is what I was trying describe a few pages back - a handheld that could run a game, but a console that could extract more data from the same source, and thus run it better.
  18. This is a really good point. Metroid is such an emotive subject at the moment, because Nintendo can't/won't make one; therefore, any shelved plans may seem particularly appealing. It's hard to understand why Nintendo did not continue with the status quo - Retro Studios for the 3D games, Sakamoto and his team for the 2D entries - as they were all well received. Personally, the one studio I think could make a cracking 2D Metroid is WayForward. I wouldn't want it to take away from Shantae or the Mighty series, but as one of their "licenced" games, I think it would give us what we're missing.
  19. I'm sure London is great, but I thought most sizeable towns had a lot of hotspots? It really improved StreetPass. PS - Great Etrian Odyssey-themed avatar and signature, @darksnowman
  20. I'm exactly the same, right down to the Guardian Heroes detail. I would like to enjoy their games, but am not often able to. Most of the time, the gameplay is so unusual that it can be really difficulty to "get". On an unrelated note, I really, really want Bare Knuckle III.
  21. So, I've been going Streets of Rage crazy lately. I had a spare evening on holiday, so blasted through the 1st and 2nd games. First of all, I finished off Streets of Rage 2 with Sammy - he's great fun to play as; his speed easily making up for any lack of strength. I find all the characters easy to use, with the possible exception of Max (as fun as he is). I was obviously slow to realise this, but one of the best features of these 3D Classics is that you can play the real Japanese version. I'm a total snob, and from now on it's Bare Knuckle all the way for me! You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse After finishing Bare Knuckle II, I thought I'd have another look at the original. I have to say, it's not a game I've ever been massively fond of, but I've gained a new appreciation for it now. It's funny to think that Bare Knuckle was released only four years after 1987's Double Dragon, and actually has a fair amount in common with that game. Unlike the generally weak enemies in the Final Fight/Bare Knuckle II-type model (as great as that is), even the lowest hoodlum is dangerous - they can easily overpower you if you don't pay attention. With slightly smaller hordes of enemies than the typical Capcom brawler, it also has something in common with Sega's other beat-'em-up, Golden Axe (further reinforced by the "assist" move - similar to the magic in that game). Overall though, Bare Knuckle is an extremely unique game that doesn't play quite like anything else at all. The movesets are also smaller than its sequel, which I actually think is a good thing. Every boss and enemy can be defeated with very specific tactics. Unlike the varying strengths of the protagonists in Bare Knucke II, the original game's characters are defined by a pronounced weakness rather than a unique strength. Adam has the technique for every enemy, but is slow to get himself into position with some of the bosses. Axel is fast enough, but his technique is lacking in some situations. Blaze, however, is probably the clear winner in this first game - though she may lack a little bit of strength (hardly noticeable, quite honestly), she has the speed and technique to handle any enemy. Bare Knuckle is a short, exciting game. I completed it once with each character and actually know it much better than the sequel now. It feels like one of those games that I've really learned.
  22. From what very little I know about the subject, it does seem to me like using the best middleware is the solution. Design-wise, there's something I love about Japanese RPGs that I can't get elsewhere, so any help they can get with the programming side can only be a good thing. When you see Dragon Quest XI, it's like they've suddenly been able to pick up where they left off with VIII.
  23. I played this before Miiverse existed, but I'm surprised there's no community for it. OK, it's a bit fruity, but it's no Senran Kagura Burst! It's funny, I genuinely don't see these characters are young-looking as you see them. With Solange and the MSF girls, they have cartoony faces, but there's no part of their body that would make you think the artist is trying to make them look underage. Fair enough though. : peace: Personally, I had some fun with Code of Princess - certainly enough to complete the story mode - but in the end thought the graphics and controls let it down. Whilst I loved the character designs (especially Brunette Solange ), I didn't like the way they were presented as 2D cut-outs that could be rescaled in-game (as opposed to pixel art that had been re-drawn for each plane). I suppose it was a necessity considering the 3-plane gameplay, but I still don't think it suited a low resolution. As for the controls, they just felt sluggish in general. Both issues, I feel, could have been alleviated if it had been on a far more powerful (and HD) console. I like a good brawler, but Code of Princess (and indeed Senran Kagura) now seem far less relevant on a machine that has the sublime Bare Knuckle II. : peace:
  24. Welcome back @Hero\-of\-Time! Sort of makes me wish I hadn't sold Fantasy Life and deleted Code of Princess!
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