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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. We need a "wow" emoticon for this one. More voluminous?
  2. Thanks very much to @S.C.G for the graphic. Devious Dungeon
  3. True, but almost every genre goes for too much nowadays. Can't argue with that. I always felt the odd one out for not liking the handling.
  4. Well, Sega Rally was one of the Saturn games, like Virtua Fighter 2. I just thought it was too obvious. Daytona USA, on the other hand, was an equally cool arcade game (if not more so), but the port wasn't considered as good. I remember they made a 2nd Saturn version of it as well, which was considered better, but still not quite the same as the arcade original (I can't remember why - was it the handling?) Personally, I really liked the arcade sequels Daytona 2 and Sega Rally 2 - great handling in both.
  5. Model 1 did the job and looked cool in pictures, but Model 2 felt far more solid and had better buttons.
  6. Easily the Mega Drive for me too. I was really into gaming at the time of the Saturn, and got a lot of enjoyment out of it. Whilst it's now thought of as a machine that wasn't very good at polygons, I remember how cutting edge it was at the time, and how cool it was to have home versions of Virtua Fighter and Virtua Cop. On a personal level, I loved having a 32-bit home console with extreme 2D prowess. Marvel Super Heroes and Street Fighter Alpha 2 were something else, and I really liked the sprites in Story of Thor 2 (Beyond Oasis 2). Dreamcast was a funny one for me. I was burnt out with gaming and didn't appreciate it properly at the time. I distinctly remember having been swayed by Nintendo's 3D adventures and wasn't really in the mood for Dreamcast's arcade games. However, I must say I played Skies of Arcadia later on GameCube and thought it was brilliant. Maybe if I'd have played the likes of that and Grandia 2 at the time, I'd have appreciated it more. But as I say, the winner for me is easily the Mega Drive. It's hard to explain the feel at the time - how that really was the first console with games that felt almost like the arcade experience (Altered Beast, Ghouls 'n' Ghosts) and together with the Game Gear and various Sega magazines, the whole Sega atmosphere was magical. I've never had more fun sitting round a console with friends. Even though it was only 2-player, there were usually a few of us either playing and/or watching Golden Axe, Streets of Rage or Two Crude Dudes. Streets of Rage 2 is so good it holds up as one of the few brawlers that really does rival Final Fight, and the composer Yuzo Koshiro is still working his magic with Etrian Odyssey (one of the reasons I got into that series was because it felt "Sega"). Then there were the platformers that were integral to the mood of the day, such as Castle of Illusion, Robocod and Revenge of Shinobi, not to mention all the exotic-looking RPGs I wanted to try. It might have been because I was a 12-year-old boy commuting between my home and London (I used to take my MD with me!), and the world just felt cooler then, but for me, there will never be anything to match the Mega Drive.
  7. I'm supporting @nekunando on this! Despite being a massive Sega fan, I always thought NiGHTS was massively overrated. You have to put it into the context of the time. Nintendo had released the N64 and Super Mario 64, and Sega was desperate to prove it could match it. It couldn't! Sega magazines played their part in hyping it up, exaggerating how much it needed the "3D controller", when really it's just a 2.5D time-attack game. I'm not saying it's bad (I made myself get into it), but there was too much riding on it being a rival to Super Mario 64. Shovel Knight doesn't do a great deal for me either, although I'd call it an objectively good game.
  8. I'm still waiting for Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (even though it sounds like it's not what it should be!)
  9. Unfortunately, it's up to the woman in question whether she wants to put up with this scumbag (she would have had the chance to call the police if she'd wanted, either via her mobile or using the spa's phone). I do feel like a crime's been committed against me, though, and not taken seriously. Surely he's not allowed to shout at strangers and threaten them with physical violence? The way he was approaching me was like he was in some sort of steroid rage. Not that I even got the chance to tell the police I'd been threatened. I began my story and the phone operator interrupted me straight away. It was very clear he just wasn't interested in investigating it. As I say, I'm sure the police and leisure centre could work out exactly who they were if they looked at the CCTV and where they'd been (my guess - the gym), but the police operator said he couldn't do anything unless I told him who they were (or gave the car reg). Which makes me think - among growing calls to outlaw catcalling and wolf-whistling, how are the girls going be able to tell the police who's whistled at them? I'm against street harassment, but think any laws should be gender neutral. Us blokes need as much protection, because this nutter looked like he wanted to knock my block off!
  10. On approaching the leisure centre today, I witnessed an extremely aggressive man shouting "GET IN THE CAR! GET IN THE CAR!" at a blonde woman. She was crying and very distressed. When he noticed me looking at her, he came towards me and shouted "THINK YOU'RE A F**KING ACTION MAN, DO YOU?" The woman headed towards the spa (which is in an exterior building) and the man backed off. Not having a phone on me at the time, I entered the main building and reported it to staff. They didn't seem very concerned, but I eventually found someone who gave me an incident form to fill in. When I returned home, I phoned 101 and reported it to the police, who weren't interested at all. They said they couldn't do anything as I didn't phone at the time and didn't have the man's car registration number. I explained they would almost definitely be caught on CCTV, but this apparently isn't enough as "We'd have no way of knowing who they are." There are some very aggressive, controlling jerks about. It was a potentially dangerous situation and I'm sure more could have been done to find out who he was.
  11. Yeah, those are the caves in the background. (Unless I've got it wrong.) I got enough for the equipment, but not for the next thing.
  12. For those who've played this game, do you know where I can find any more Zenithium, please? I can only find two caves (one of which it was in), and I'm destroying the ice but can't find any. It's driving me nuts.
  13. My 1980s fantasy arcade will be complete. Hopefully they'll bring these to Europe as well.
  14. It wasn't great, but wasn't terrible either. Like @Dcubed says, some of the enemies were damage sponges, and I personally thought it needed to run on a more powerful machine. An HD revamp could be just the thing it needs. Is it my imagination though, or have they now switched to polygon character models? Something doesn't look quite right.
  15. Genuinely don't know. They're the correct proportions when I see them.
  16. Just an update: I finally managed to track down what might have been the last Medicinal Shrub in Chapter 3. Phew!
  17. To me, Switch is... perfect. Sheer perfection. It has replaced the 3DS XL as my main handheld, and has made me never want a console connected to the TV again (although it's good that you can do it). I like the traditional controls, with real consideration towards the owner whether you want Wi-Fi or Bluetooth on or off. I even like the fact it can't browse the web, because I feel it keeps the machine more secure. The friend system is good, and I like to keep up to date with what people are playing, including yourself. @King_V. Every "big" game I've played on the Switch - Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Skyrim, Dragon Quest Builders - has had perfect graphics. Each of those is hi-res, with the ability to see massively into the distance, enabling you to easily identify specific enemies and items from afar. We are finally at that point where I simply don't want better visuals, and on a handheld too! The eShop has been excellent too - near-enough parity with the other consoles, and a plethora of high-quality 2D games. Best of all, for me, is the growing range of Neo Geo and coin-op classics. My favourites are Metal Slug and (finally!) the true version of Double Dragon. There's a real chance of Switch becoming the arcade machine I used to dream about in childhood. Did I expect Switch to be as successful as it is? No, although I suspected it would be popular when I saw the first official trailer for the machine and 1-2 Switch. They seemed to be tapping into the trendiness of the Wii. The fact they've been able to do that with a machine that's not very much like it is impressive indeed.
  18. Just watched and really enjoyed Thor: Ragnarok. I'll start by saying I'm in the tiny minority who disliked Guardians of the Galaxy. I thought it was full of unlikeable characters and forced humour. Unfortunately, Thor: Ragnarok has copied this approach, and it's evident right from the beginning when he's trapped by Surtur. There's a time for humour and a time when you need to believe in the characters - Thor: Ragnarok needed more of the latter. Comedy is great, but it's only funny if it naturally arises from the situation. That said, I did find two moments hilarious: But I don't want to be too negative, because I absolutely loved the story. Cate Blanchett was so sexy, she almost burnt my TV screen! And whilst the theme of the film was basically the same as Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me - no one can take your mojo - that's not a bad thing. The foreshadowing throughout the film, with Thor's fingers crackling a bit, and then even more so during the stadium fight, was an absolutely perfect set up for the end - so much so, I thought they overdid it a bit with the Anthony Hopkins scene right in the final battle. Thor's not the God of Hammers, true, but I'm sure most viewers had worked it out by then (frankly, you could work it out by the trailer months ago!) Perhaps the father-son talk could have come a little bit earlier and not during the fight? Speaking of battles, they were mostly very exciting, with the music actually elevating things. I think the film would have been stronger with a stricter comb through the script, and an honest assessment of which bits were genuinely funny and which were not. Without the GotG-style forced humour, this would be a 5-star film for me. Nonetheless, I'd still say it's easily one of the most entertaining Marvel films. Tom Hiddleston was great as ever, Cate Blanchett was outstanding and the plot managed to perfectly walk that line between being exciting and actually meaning something.
  19. Just a warning to those who are playing it. In Chapter 3, make sure you keep hold of three intact Medicinal Shrubs (not Herbs or Leafs).
  20. I finished Chapter 3 last night, which I thought was excellent. Similar to Chapter 1, but with increased difficulty.
  21. Ah, I was going to ask about that. Metal Slug 3 is now 1.0.2. and I wondered what that was about. PS - I bought Magical Drop 2 because of you. And @S.C.G's review.
  22. Without wishing to get into the ins and outs of any particular argument, I want to say I've always found @Rummya very fair moderator. Moreover, he's prepared to take action, which should not be underestimated. I know from personal experience moderators do not seek to abuse their power - quite the opposite. No one wants to be chastised, but sometimes it's best for the civility of the site. The responsibility of taking on a moderating role far outweighs any benefit - the fact that Rummy is prepared to sift through pages and pages of bickering and take the burden on his shoulders should not be undervalued. On a more general note, I implore people to think about whether they really want to argue and pull others up on things so much - not just on here, but in general. We all have our strong beliefs, which we want to champion, and many of us want to discuss and debate, but we should never forget our manners. Half the time, I'm sure many people just want to express themselves and leaves it at that. Heck, there are things in the modern world that infuriate me, including political movements, but maybe we all, including me, should try and see things from another point of view sometimes. Many of us (perhaps everyone) has psychological issues of some sort, and I just think a bit of peace, love and understanding would be welcome. One of the best memes I see going around says something like this: "Everyone you know is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, always."
  23. Yes, and assuming it gets Dragon Quest XI, that should trump everything! Going by Dragon Quest Builders, Square-Enix are really getting the tone right at the moment. There's another one by NIS I'm interested in called Labyrinth of Refrain.
  24. Oh wow, this should be my kind of thing. Shining In The Darkness always fascinated me as a young Mega Drive gamer. @Hero-of-Time, do you know if this one is an RPG or a strategy RPG?
  25. Oh, it truly can. Hopefully there will continue to be greater understanding that mental and physical health are totally interlinked, not separate. I haven't had true depression for a very long time, but anxiety is a constant battle for me.
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