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About altheman

  • Birthday 01/24/1987

Personal Information

  • Location
    West Midlands, UK
  • Occupation
    Student & Supermarket Shelf Stacker


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    DS, Gamecube
  • Other Systems Owned
    Dreamcast, Saturn, Mega Drive, Master System
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Alex Kidd!
  • Gender

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  1. In no particular order, I can't choose my favorite... Joanna Newsom - Ys Bob Dylan - Modern Times Final Fantasy - He Poos Clouds Muse - Black Holes and Revelations The Black Keys - Magic Potion The Raconteurs - Broken Boy Soldiers The Flaming Lips - At War With The Mystics Beck - The Information Thom Yorke - The Eraser Broken Social Scene - Self Titled Looking forward to some new albums in 2007, Arcade Fire, Interpol etc.
  2. Got a pack of 15 Hyundai AAs for a quid from Poundland, works a treat.
  3. Eurogamer have picked up on this... http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=67414
  4. I think the first game I played was some Space Invaders clone on the Acorn Electron.
  5. Oasis - Definitely Maybe
  6. The final battle on Final Fantasy VIII was pretty frustrating, from what I remember you had to fight 4 different ridiculously hard bosses in a row. I spent hours levelling all my characters up to stupidly high levels and it didnt make any difference as the enemies level up as you do. I only beat it once.
  7. Old: X-Com UFO Enemy Unknown New: Oblivion Online: Unreal Tournament (the original)
  8. Iwata seems a lot less arrogant than Yamauchi to me and he's brought some fresh ideas to the table, as the DS demonstrates. They still need to work on the "kiddy" image, the advertising, and get a few more third parties on board so there are less software droughts like Gamecube suffered.
  9. Doh.. didnt notice, my bad. Grandia came out on the Saturn in Japan in 1997 and it was ported to the PS1 and released in US & Europe in 1999. I used to have Vagrant Story, it was quite a difficult game but rather impressive technically for the PS1, I got stuck on a boss battle fairly early and gave up.
  10. My most recent bargain was Deep Fear, the last game released for the Sega Saturn in europe - £12 from Gamestation. I've seen it go for £30+ on ebay. I bought a Mega Drive II with 1 x 6-button pad and 2x 3-button pads and ten games from a car boot sale for £10 a few years ago, which i was quite chuffed with.
  11. You should get Grandia, it is rather excellent, shame they didnt release an English version on the Saturn.
  12. Just noticed Play.com have put up their Wii section, games are listed as £49.99 each, with release dates of 8th December 2006. "These dates are subject to change. Play.com updates product release dates daily". http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/NAVSUB/5-/RegionHome.html
  13. Hard to pick one album but I've narrowed it down to six. Oasis - Definitely Maybe The Stone Roses - Self-titled Arcade Fire - Funeral The White Stripes - White Blood Cells Brendan Benson - Lapalco Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights
  14. Wake Up by The Arcade Fire.
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