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Everything posted by Dante

  1. hmm so Dead Rising is set in a town now. WTF! This is COD theme than normal goofy and tongue-in-cheek style to other Dead Rising games.
  2. Kenji Eno dieing in February must have helped restarted the series.
  3. In that same topic =
  4. The comic topic sure has died on here. DC September is villains month which look like to have 4x issues in the same month ie BATMAN #23.1: THE JOKER BATMAN #23.2: THE RIDDLER BATMAN #23.3: THE PENGUIN BATMAN #23.4: BANE DETECTIVE COMICS #23.1: POISON IVY DETECTIVE COMICS #23.2: HARLEY QUINN DETECTIVE COMICS #23.3: THE SCARECROW DETECTIVE COMICS #23.4: MAN-BAT
  5. DC Comics August Solicitations 52 turns 45 with Dial H,Demon Knights, Threshold & Legion Of Superheroes ending in August.
  6. Details: This game sounds like it is mixed of RE4, REmake, Clocktower and Silent Hill, looking forward to seeing game footage on Monday .
  7. Better video with music: Hands-on:
  8. DC doesn't like to answer hard questions about the company. CBR News
  9. That was awful episode with all the singing and sudden rushing ending to it but did enjoy the docotor speech.
  10. The covers to Justice League #22, Justice League Dark #22 and Justice League Of America #6 for July = The Trinity War. So Dr. Arthur Light is a hero now than Kimiyo Hoshi?
  11. Carrie Kelley is the new Robin? I hope this is late Aprils fool joke.
  12. Who is Clara theory:
  13. New trailer - Earth has been stolen!
  14. Iwata Asks: Game & Wario
  15. Features info: Never played this game but I hope this means more classic Disney games to be remade. Edit - The voice actor for Scrooge is still alive and in his 90s. Audio
  16. So Joshua Hale Fialkov left Green Lantern books because DC wanted kill "John Stewart" to cut down on Earth Lanterns. Edit - "I understand that both the editorial input for both Fialkov’s books, and fellow walker-outer Andy Diggle‘s Action Comics, were in direct contradiction of the promises made at the DC Creative Summit by Dan DiDio, backed by Diane Nelson, that once an overview of an arc had been greenlit by editorial, it wouldn’t be changed by editorial. One creator told me that the promised lasted four days." Four days!!
  17. He is sort of in Dial H#19. DC news today is Andy Diggle has departure from DC's "Action Comics" citing "professional reasons." Artist Tony Daniel will continue on as writer/artist." andJoshua Hale Fialkov is off Green Lantern Books." DC cant stop pissing off fans and writers.
  18. The last four pages of Batman and Robin# 18 were very sad. Batman Inc 8 had to be tone down alot from it final artwork by the editor.
  19. Well in BATMAN AND BATGIRL #21: "What deal would you make to bring someone back from the dead? And in this issue, it’s Batman vs. Batgirl!" And it sounds like Batgirl stops him. Preview of Batman and Robin #18 & interview
  20. DC Comics announced this morning that Scott Snyder next major "Batman" story (11 issues) will be set in the past called "Zero Year". DC sure like messing with Batmans continuity.
  21. Batman and Robin is to be retitled as "Batman And..." # 18 Batman and Robin (all-silent issue) #19 — Batman and Red Robin #20 — Batman and Red Hood #21 — Batman and Batgirl #22 — Batman and Catwoman #23 — Batman and Nightwing
  22. Batman & Robin is so better than Batman.
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