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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Is is me or does the ship seem smaller now? Eiji Aonuma Interview.
  2. All details: Attention to detail for Megaman.
  3. You can tell by looking at this comparison image
  4. IGN's Rewind Theater:
  5. Direct-Feed Footage:
  6. On miiverse:
  7. Notice the fairy in the background?
  8. No more tripping in the new Smash Bros Smash Bros. Wii U, 3DS are final names. Both games with have the same cast. No Plans for Smash Bros. DLC
  9. The Escapist ‎- Preview at E3 2013
  10. New videos:
  11. Her hair grows at the back of her head just like Jeanne does in the first game.
  12. Ubisoft didnt say that
  13. I cant wait for the official version of this song.
  14. I hope Kirby-Villager doent look like that in the game!
  15. Dead Rising 3 created "to go after the Call of Duty player" Another series that Capcom has sucked out the life of it and ignore the gamers that support the series in the first place.
  16. Mirror's Edge is open world So many open-worlds games announced at e3.
  17. MegaMan stage is the new Pokemon change stage judging by the four logo windows at the bottom. Stages: Wii U Battlefield Skyloft Smashville SSB Dojo Megaman - Dr. Wily's Castle + Wii-Fit 3DS Battlefield Nintendog Mario 3DLand Legend of Zelda: Spirit Train Gerudo Valley
  18. Kenji Yamamoto will be collaborating with David Wise. DKC:TF will be music heaven.
  19. Off Screen 13 minute gameplay:
  20. Oh Kamiya
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