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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Retro Studios Had a Hard Time Deciding
  2. It looks like Thunderhead area mixed with the ruined version of Hyrule Temple (SSBM) level.
  3. Platinum Games Doesn't Dial It Back In Bayonetta 2 Screens:
  4. Monster Hunter stage?
  5. So Retro going to make third one after this?
  6. DOJO TIME!?!
  7. Day One DLC - Killer Instinct: Round One, with the exclusive Shadow Jago character.
  8. Not a joke, you only get to play as Jago for free and the other characters are for a fee. Microsoft thinks that people that actually still care about KI will buy it.
  9. Microsoft Points Retirement Info Spend all your points/money before Microsoft eased them in a years time.
  10. Just wow Microsoft
  11. Boxes!
  12. Information:
  13. Screens: Reboot! The game will serve as a reboot for the franchise and tell an "all-new origin story" for heroine Faith.
  14. Xbox One - Day One Edition DLCs Details:
  15. Site is here. Edit:
  16. Xbox One available this November in the UK priced £429
  17. Hmm: To me it doesn't sound like a rape joke.
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