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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I loved the woods, I got a Yoshi today! and called it bobbo, the characters in this game are rly cool.
  2. Wow, this game is brilliant! When I first saw it I thought it might be ok, when I brought it and started playing it, I was over the moon and still am. This game is one of the best mario games I have played in ages! I like the RPG style to it too. Its really great, especially when you get in big fights and the screen gets filled with baddies or when your in the tree and loads of punies join your party! Its a brill game so far, im about to go to that sky level, I just have to find two piantas. Can someone tell me where they are? What do u think of this game? and I would reccomend this game to anyone.
  3. I likws super monkey ball 2, not quite as much as the first one but it was still really fun, especially the later levels. I hope Monkeyball DS is online! That would be great but of its not I don't mind, it just means i'd have more time to upper my wins on Mario kart. Some levels were a bit too weird, there was tons of moving objects etc and u just had to hope for the best and try and get lucky on some levels.
  4. this is my list of favorite tv shows atm: 1) Richard hammonds 5'o clock show. Its good because I just lie on my bed and watch it after a hard day at school. 2)me or the dog. I think watching those dogs are funny and the triainer looks like a right weirdo when she does that "AHAH!" thing to the dogs. 3) The Simpsons. They are always funny to watch, no matter how many times ive seen them, I don't watch it every night like I used to but I still watch it every so often. 4) The OC. Although corny at times its a cool show and great to watch, new episodes on e4! Yay 5) Lost, its a great drama and always confusing and thats why its so fun.
  5. Ive always thought ghosts were real even though I have not seen one myself, I think they are real because so many of my relatives have seen them. I'd s*** myself if i saw a ghost, I was scared reading ur post, if that happened to me id probly have a heart attack...seriously! Just the thought of something standing there staring is terrifying.
  6. I think ive just abput got 4000 stars, im waiting until they put some games on although i did buy a zelda ringtone for my mobile... it didnt arrive. Then i emailed nintendo, they replied asking for information, ie confirm phone number etc... i answered them then got no reply and couldnt be bothered to reply AGAIN. I just won't bother getting the wallpaper, it was only like 250 stars anyway.
  7. ooh, sounds like quite a good issue. Whats the free gift?
  8. I have some nintendo playing cards, an old link keyring, and a cool donkey kong plushie which ive has for like 7 years (I ordered it out of one of the nintendo magazine ages ago, i think it was N64 magazine) a meowth and pikachu plushie from 6-ish years ago, pikachu and meowth figures (u can tell what my two favorite pokemon were) and i think thats it. EDIT: I forgot my pikachu boxer shorts (which i don't wear anymore, lol.) I also used to have a pokemon T-shirt but I think nearly every kid in the universe had one of them. It was the one of the ones where the pokemon were all the wrong colours.
  9. This is the celebrity big brother thread, and theres only a few hours to go until it starts, who will be in the house and what will happen. This is the place where you can talk about anything big brother. I can't wait until tonight!
  10. 1) Super mario 64-The first and best 3-d platformer I ever played, its so great! the great bowser battles, brilliant level designs and music make it not just the best nintendo game of all time but the best game ever...IMO. 2) Banjo Kazooi - close rival to super mario 64, the cool bear and bird are the best double act in video games! 3) Donkey kong country 2 - WOW! this game was and still is absoloutly brilliant! Diddy and Dixie sure did well with this great game, the great water, fair ground and swamp levels were brilliant! 4) Donkey kong 64 - what a great sequel to a great 2-d platformer, all the great DK caracters are here, with cranky, diddy, funky kong and more along with new people such as chunky kong! From the brilliant beggining all the way through to the boxing match its an unfogettable game! 5) Diddy kong racing - the best racer ive played, brilliant levels, characters and more! theyre my top 5 and I feel bad for not putting any GC games on there, SSBM was almost no.5 but not quite, so was windwaker and Ocarina of Time, it was a hard decision! So many great games
  11. I think this game looks quite interesting! I'd just be a bit imbarrised of the fact i owned it! lol, and it sounds as though the songs are pretty good, because that was the one let down of donkey konga, well the 1st donkey konga had some good songs, the second didnt. How good would you say the songs are?
  12. Yeah, Ive seen a bit on this game, it looks really good, especially rainbow road. It would be good if it became popular, im getting sick of Time Crisis and that dance game in the arcades.
  13. I have a Nokia 3200 and even though it aint that good I think it looks really nice and love it! ive had it since last christmas and it has a cool lil light and changeable covers. I dont think i will but a new phone in a while, its quite strong too. I have dropped it tons of times in my bedroom and once dropped it on my tile floor in the kitchen! It was fine though.
  14. Well it sounds quite good, usually they dont have that much. It will have to do been as Cube is no more. What would u guys say is better, NGC of nintendo official magazine?
  15. Noooo! oh well, 80 quid still aint that much compared to the other consoles.
  16. Does a white gamecube controller come with the pearl white gamecube or not?
  17. ooooh, i hope its still that price after christmas! if it is im straight there. Ive had my black Gamecube for... i think 3 years, i cant remember, it was the first christmas it came out so ive had it three or four years and when i press open it only goes half way cuse its so worn out. Aaaw, so i mite treat myself
  18. never knew they did orange. Ive got 1 black, 1 purple and one silver. I am hoping to but a nice 'pearl white' gamecube soon!
  19. Yeah ive ben having problems too. It says the link doesnt exist, i go back and theres no post of mine, so i press post again and it says this is a replica (or something, cant remember the word it sed) and redirects me.
  20. Josh64

    Lol, I like that song although i cant get it out of my head.
  21. WOW. And that pearl white looks great! Now who could i give my black one too? Is Mario smash football 40 quid, if it is then thats amazing, 10 quid for a gamecube! I didnt know they could make em so cheap!
  22. I cant get into prince of persia: warrior within.
  23. Lol that was funny. Cant think of any good jokes myself though
  24. Wow, thats brill, well done sprout. I hope you keep doing them! Cant wait for the next one
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