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Everything posted by Intensity

  1. Have you ever seen Oasis Live? No. Very good live and this is from somebody who only likes their first two albums and thinks everything else they released was horrible.
  2. It's brilliant, sure there is the odd poor episode but on the whole SP always shines. Imaginationland from the last season was fucking gold
  3. watch out you dont have breasts, Jordan might ban you or give you a warning for talk like that!
  4. only 3/10? I heard good stuff about it
  5. Where did you guys download it from? I cant find a link anywhere (checked my usual south park sites - southparkx and mrtwig)...
  6. I currently hate him for ruining the brilliance of The Hitcher (One of the finest horror movies out of the 80's) with his performence (A joke to think Sean Bean could even stand up to Rutger Hauer) in that truely terrible remake.
  7. Yeah Matrix just adapted a common element of film and made it more complex. I think cos it was used in a mainstream film, it made it seem that bit more groundbreaking.
  8. I didnt like In Rainbows what-so-ever. Imo it is one of Radioheads weakest albums
  9. Yeah obviously, but it is still different to just adding slow motion to a scene. The way people moved and everything was conceptual with the sci-fi element of the matrix as well as the bullets.
  10. But bullet time in the matrix is much more then just adding slow motion to a scene.
  11. What film used bullet time before Matrix? I know Max Payne had it in....
  12. champions league draw fixed? read this - http://forums.liverpoolecho.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=33755 also gaining weight on the news websites - http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/2008/03/14/mystery-as-champions-league-draw-appears-on-internet-two-hours-early-89520-20351088/
  13. Derby's having a bad season. Prolli the worst team I have ever seen promoted to the Premiership. Not even Mick Mccarthy's Sunderland teams were this bad
  14. Edge Total Film Subscriber to both. I also pick up Gamesmaster, RollingStone + Empire every now and then
  15. If it was Jennifer Lopez making the posts it might have that effect, yes. Unfortunately it isnt so it is having the opposite effect.
  16. Can we stop talking about preparing for anal sex in the purchase thread please lol.
  17. Japan is messed up lol.
  18. You look a bit dodgy with long hair If I am honest Bard. I know it suits your love for rock music, but it doesnt suit your appearence. Short hair works for you.
  19. Good list but replace Electric Ladyland with Are You Experienced and it is stronger. Also where is Exodus by Bob Marley?
  20. I do not understand how it works, but I'm in.
  21. Jurassic Park 2 had its moments, Jurassic Park 3 was garbage. Jurassic Park 4 should not be made unless Speilberg directs.
  22. Core worked out better for me, my brother is already giving me a wireless controller and plug & play for free. Have a wireless connector thru my Internet and an offer they had on. Gonna get a cheap harddrive off ebay
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