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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf


    I'm just worried of buying into Spotify, because you're tying yourself into a high cost throughout your life if you're choosing to pay it over the years. It's a bargain but a tenner a month is nothing to be sniffed at, especially when it doesn't cater for all of your music needs. If you stop, or if Spotify were to self destruct in one form or another, there'd be nothing to show you'd bought any product or service other than your own memories. So it's far from the perfect solution. Which is why I just milk the free one. FOR NOW ANYWAY, THE BASTARDS
  2. dwarf


    BUMP http://www.spotify.com/int/blog/archives/2011/04/14/upcoming-changes-to-spotify-free-open/ Massive fail. Like, massive. It's as if wrote it
  3. Honestly Ashley, what uproar? There hasn't been an uproar, just a misinterpretation and a joke. You think too highly of yourself. I agree, I've heard that sort of expression many a time. But I understand Shorty as well. LOOOOLZ basically. Did anyone think the ice-rink scene was pants? 'It'll help you see clearer to get out of the predicament' or whatever... No. There were a lot of things that could've gone horribly with that. And it was generally just bullshit.
  4. My sister just informed me that she has a friend that lives in....





    wait for it....














    !!!!!!1111 It's a village in the UuuhK. We like need to like



    go there and win.

  5. For you
  6. What do you mean 'may'? You're seriously saying that you're unsure if you were using hyperbole or not? Idiot. A month is nothing like a fucking year.
  7. Are you fo' real Shortz?
  8. Just watched if after convincing the lads that Your Highness was a bad idea*. I thought this film was really splendid, some good graphical effects like you mentioned, and generally very watchable and gripping, or in a word - followable. You're right, some scenes were like 'yeah that's getting a bit ridiculous now' and the ending was a bit 'lolwat?' but still, I recommend to others here. *by bad I mean fucking terrible. Defines the friends I've made, huh
  9. It's old school. I don't think any series is in wide screen, at least 1,2,3 and 4 aren't.
  10. dwarf


    I guess the feeling of being awesome would dissipate if we preached Tumblr's philosophy i.e. that of being awesome. We need to retain awesomeness by keeping it on the DL. But more people should use it. I only have one IRL friend follower (and by friend I mean someone I've met twice for about 10 seconds) but I'm happy for anyone to do so. A few of my closer friends check it out and in a way it kind of picks out the people who do give a shit about you. I don't advertise it, I just hide it in my Facebook profile, so if people are checking it they are doing so on their own accord. And I've had some good feedback, which is always nice. It's still mostly for myself, even if I'm writing for an audience. That's key for me anyway, it's kinda like a journal on steroids. I know what you mean about being more chilled than on Facebook. Most of my stuff wouldn't work a a FB post anyhow, but even so, some stuff I wouldn't share because it would establish me as an attention whore. Not good. Do not fuel the wrath of the FB judgement Gods! As for that game - s'all cool yo'. It's not by any means perfect but there's some interesting design ideas, and it is pretty rad [sub-10 minute playtime btw]. Reminded me of Xi. Xi was mysteriously cool. Loved the text adventures. We're technically related for both being a part of it, they should totally make another offering. I'd love a big text adventure/One Chance/Sword and Sorcery (iPad) game blend. Attractive 2D, driven by intriguing narrative, and clearly still a game of sorts.... Full retail and I'm on that like flies on shit.
  11. dwarf


    I think more people should use Tumblr. No strings, no hassles, just post what you like or what you want to write and have an enjoiful tyme. I am liking the process of blogging.
  12. Apparently IGN are doing a 'Resistance 3 blowout' tomorrow. But 'blow-out' is a euphemism for 'muffled fart' when it comes to gaming sites claiming reveals and shit like that.
  13. dwarf

    SSX (2012)

    And Beach Volleyball Paradise 5. Because sand is all but a requirement in that game. That game which exists.
  14. 1 MB per second is almost unheard of here in my humble village. I'd only get those speeds if Sony stuck a server in my garden and half the planet died overnight.
  15. In good time my chum, in good time.
  16. ^ Some of the best patronising I've seen this side of town lolol
  17. It's fantastic value. Seriously though, it's only worth it if you know what'll be coming up in the next few months. I might be tempted to pay it retroactively, but that's just it ain't it?
  18. I thought they'd changed things up, but it's still a bitch to use. Workable though, it wouldn't stop me buying Plus, in fact what detracts from the Live and Virtual Console (Nintendo) stores more is that they operate on a points system. You know where you're at with PSN. What would stop me from buying Plus is that I think it's a waste of money, despite above arguments claiming otherwise.
  19. That was my main gripe with the last two - lack of boost. Therefore you've raised a very positive point. Interesting, you got it on Lovefilm?
  20. WANT......
  21. Considering dev time on Unch 2's online was limited, if the multiplayer team can make an even more fleshed out experience, remove situational awareness, and make the interface a bit better, and have way more maps, and solve the global financial crisis, it could be an absolute screamer of a mode.
  22. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Some of these I've mentioned before but here we go: - New class system. Namely the choices made available to you; having scouts that can doorway camp, completely invisible, whilst housing an assault rifle/machine pistol... Stupid. Plus they can no longer be marked. It's an exploit, and it's milked for all it's worth. -Less health. You die a lot more frequently. It can be easy to tear up on Guerilla Warfare, but Warzone is unmanageable in a 32 player match when there's so many things to inflict damage - Like rocket-firing turrets - Especially when there's little to differentiate weapons now, allowing all classes to have long-range options - And ribbons. Why add ribbons? No - Warzone was destroyed. More games have ended in one-sided spawn camping, made more ridiculous by the overpowered classes. Removing boost and spawn grenades has meant matches can be over before they get anywhere. You can't exert as much control over the game, considering health limitations. Tacticians aren't as viable when their abilities have been changed to more passive roles. They're vital to have but remain comparatively weak. - Maps with choke points. This makes Warzone an absolute chore to play, and restricts any freedom you felt in the openness of Killzone 2 - In maps with two spawn points, either one team dominates both and therefore wins the game, or they act to discourage team work by lying opposite each other. It boils down into a gun-fight across an expanse, blinding players from their objectives because they can get an easy buzz fix. -In this way, Guerilla Warfare is the only thing worth playing (it's hard to matchmake in operation, and my thoughts on Warzone are already clear). This is a shame because teamwork and class abilities don't really apply to this mode. It's frantic and entertaining, but it's not what Killzone is about, and other FPS games provide a team deathmatch mode with more depth, and don't get boring as easily. There's no progressive/slow-building matches anymore. You hurtle into a fire-fight immediately with every bloody spawn. - Gone is the progressive/slow building game. There's other niggles when I play the bastardised thing, and I'm glad I didn't buy it in the end. It might look like a more streamlined sequel, but the formula is radically different. More importantly the design choices were just naive. The concepts might've sounded enjoyable on paper but the reality is that they've destroyed it. They bit off more they could chew, yet not changed up the right things. All I can say I like about it is the reward interface (for scoring triple kills and the like) and the pretty visuals. But neither points come close to redeeming the game.
  23. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    I've been borrowing this and I have to say that I really don't rate it. There's just too much bullshit to contend with. Killzone 2 still trumps this.
  24. Anyone got good dystopia novel recommendations? Apocalyptic/survivalist type I guess, but I'll keep it vague. Anything fantasy really that follows someone on a lonely journey also. Because it's more interesting than if my life were to be put in a book.
  25. Youuuu sexist. Writing about what you know/feel is the most important objective to set yourself, I mean it's worked out well for my best-selling novels anyway.
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