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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Glad to hear it. I'm actually glad they made the campaign slightly shorter because the other one did drag on. Anyone having trouble with getting into a game on the beta? I think it may have ended cause when I press 'Find Game' now it doesn't work. Scratch that it's working now.
  2. Nothing really happened, I'm not sure this really works as a series if each episode is only half an hour long now... Ah well, I guess it sets up tomorrow's one.
  3. The video review is where it's really at - the bosses and levels in the campaign are phenomenal! Don't see how anything could match it in terms of scale.
  4. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    One of the IGN reviews slated it so much that I can't understand how it would get a 10/10 Stuff about production values, character models, script amongst other bugs/issues.
  5. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    IGN Review 9.4 http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/924/924186p1.html
  6. IGN Review - 9.5 http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/924/924372p1.html
  7. That might be the guy that the producer keeps telling off because he isn't watching the action, but I'm not sure if that would pass off as an 'extra'.
  8. Who actually needs 320 GB though? 100GB would serve me throughout the lifetime of PS3 at the least. Fallout, LBP and Resistance are so close now
  9. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I think I may be getting this in a few days for my Bday, hope my mum got the hint (thing is I'm already getting the new Nano - yay). This game is actually going to be quality. It's been a while since I played a lengthy single player offering so hoepfully I can get into this chunky beast of a campaign.
  10. At the start this seemed like a great idea but I can't really think of 10 of anything. Erm.... Yah.... Help me think!
  11. Even though it's done on purpose you're just crying inside for everyone to listen to the women with balls. So I guess it's same time tomorrow... Nice!
  12. Ok this was quite scary, but entertaining. Strange idea but it does make you think a bit, the housemates obviously can't be convinced easily because they think it's part of the show until the FRICKEN FIRE EXTINGUISHER SMASHED THE FREAKS HEAD IN!!! AWESOME!!!
  13. Just had about 4 games on San Francisco and kept coming 2nd, twice by 1 point. Grrrr. Still fun though.
  14. Charlie Brooker is awesome, I loled multiple times at his 10 biggest cocks in advertising video. Funny guy.
  15. I came first in one of the Skirmish matches out of 45 people, which was pretty cool because I had only played 2 before that, and I think the best position in a team deathmatch in Orick was 6th/60.
  16. So I didn't miss out then? Good good, maybe beta matches have to be organised earlier on in order to be made.
  17. Woops left Resistance on whilst having tea, sos if I didn't reply to your invites. Erm, I may not be able to play cause some of my friends are coming round, and I was looking forward to this as well
  18. Well I agree that Killzone does look very good, the weapons look pretty solid and meaty to use, but I still think there is a bit too much grey in there. As for what Resistance is missing... I think there is something missing too but not sure either. I think it might actually be the weight of the weapons, because when you shoot, your gun doesn't feel all that powerful and so when you kill an enemy it can seem unsatisfying. But hey, it is so much fun when you're on a roll.
  19. Can't wait for the actual game, if this is how good the beta is then the full thing will probably become my favourite FPS game (that isnt too heavily story-focused ala Metroid and HL)
  20. Shall we say 8:00? Get a bit more practise in before we can all show our true colours. Gonna be awesome.
  21. Yeah when I first looked around I was like 'This is insane for online!'
  22. Yeah you did pretty good. I just noticed tht I sound like a spastic online, sorry :S Does no-one want to have a competitive match? I feel like we should do San Francisco shooting.
  23. Cool, do you not enjoy playing the game as well as watching? I think Chelsea will succumb to the *cough*brilliance*cough* of Liverpool today. I hope anyway. What is your weapon of choice in the beta Daft?
  24. Yeah later, I have a football match so will be out for most of the afternoon, but will do later (if I get to grips with how to join parties and ACTUALLY join a game that is).
  25. Of the 4 Beserks you're given, Iron Heart is the most useful, but the Electro-static orb things are pretty cool. Im finding the Bullseye is the most effective weapon for me in San Francisco, won a couple of games with it. I don't find myself using the L1 aim all that much, does it help?
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