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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I hate QTEs Uncharted used them weirdly, there were like 3 in the whole game... Why put them in?! Don't mind so much if it's used in the context where you have done a combo or something and you then have to finish it off with a QTE press.
  2. Two words spring to mind: Crazi Taxi
  3. Yeah hopefully they can work out how to stop constant heated battles whilst still preventing you from having to trek miles to get to the action I really wouldnt mind if they ditched the sniper tbh.
  4. It's actually going to be amazing if there is no lag in that game - a serious benchmark - how insane are the battles going to be?!
  5. That looks bloody awesome, any idea on the release date?
  6. Yeah (games that I haven't got or are out in the future)
  7. Well, these are the games I've got (a few my friends have got but I've borrowed) Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Metal Gear Solid 4 Resistance 2 Ratchet and Clank: ToD Little Big Planet Fallout 3 Motorstorm: PR Unreal Tournament 3 Killzone 2 Fifa 08 Socom: Confrontation Wipeout HD Snakeball Super Stardust: HD Grand Theft Auto IV Resi 5 Cod 4 And games that I haven't got or that are coming out in the future: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Gran Turismo 5 (completed version) Tekken 6 rachet and clank: CiT Naruto: Ultimate ninja storm - November 4th God of War 3 Infamous Timesplitters 4 Godfather II Heavy Rain CoD 6: MW2 Bioshock 2 MAG Yakuza 3 PSN Crash Commando Flower Supersonic ARPBC Worms Lumines S
  8. Everyone get online then ! Edit: that was the worst clan match ever... We sucked!
  9. Really in the mood for KZ2 tonight. Anyone else?
  10. Damn the game has stopped working for me now - I have a fear that the owner has to be online while you use it.
  11. Arse-Hole. Hopefully Mike and Diageo can somehow get them to work because they deserve the stuff more than that guy. Maybe I could sneakily deactivate a friends system if need be, cause they have my stuff. I think only 4 people have shared with me anyway - so they should be fine if the solution I mentioned works. Wahey!!!! Finally me and Mike have it all sussed, his games are working on mine, and mine are working for him - So we managed to save money on PSN (so far with Quest for Booty, Linger in Shadows, Socom and Snakeball) Plus more sharing between us in the future both ways hopefully.
  12. Look, I'm going to see if I can get ratchet/linger working, if that happens someone can hopefully offer me Worms - After that I'm done. How do you deactivate? Cause one guy I gave my stuff to in exchange for his - he didn't keep his end of the deal so I want to deactivate his mother.
  13. Yeah but that isn't going to happen. Anyway, there's a slight hitch: It seems Sony have stopped people doing this because I downloaded Linger in Shadows from Mike yet it doesn't work - shame that... Damn, I think I've found what it is - posted from another forum: So I've already shared with people so Mike and Diageo might find it hard to get the downloads to work - thing is I'm not totally sure because Mikes add-on for Stardust works for me... Hmmm, I clicked on Linger in Shadows again (downloaded from Mike) and it said after I clicked on information: this content can be used by people other than the content owners. however if all owners are deleted, you will no longer be able to play the content. So basically I just have to set up Mikes user again, I think
  14. I think it's worth it for free games - I haven't had any trouble. Unless I buy more games, the only download I have left for people now is Socom (3 available) and Resistance DLC (3 available - but according to Mike he could not get it). So basically as long as I can trust that people will only download the game I want them to then it's fine. All I want really is someone to get Worms on the PSN and I will give them a Socom download - seems very reasonable to me.
  15. Yeah you could, but now I've let so many people download stuff from me I think I need to get value for what I'm dishing out - I'm giving away downloads that cost me £40 so maybe now those games you mentioned aren't really enough. I don't know - Ill see if anyone else has stuff on offer first but it's good you are interested
  16. Yeah but now I think I will only share if I get stuff in return because I can only let people download from me a limited number of times now - Mike and Diageo both have Socom from me (Diageo was also able to take Wipeout, snakeball and Stardust.
  17. Fair play I was sold! Although I bet some users wouldn't have clicked on the admin link and felt really gutted. I came on here looking for some April fools gags and yet I managed to let myself get done!
  18. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Had a good clan match earlier, went really well, yet I'm still peeved that I didn't deliver the last propaganda thing - it doesn't matter that much because we still won, thing is I thought I was home and dry. I'd actually like to see a battle-replay because I was pretty much at the top of my game during that. Battle replay here. Very interesting. http://killzone.com/kz/tour_round_history.psml?kz_match_id=2910402&kz_file_id=2573064
  19. I can't be bothered with shooters for a while apart form the ones I have - Probably won't buy any until the release of Cod 6, which I still may not get. Want some games focused around the single player like Uncharted/InFamous along with other genres.
  20. I know how if you want them - You can have Snakeball, Stardust, Wipeout and Socom, you just have to click on them. PM me if you want to.
  21. Btw I forgot to mention if anyone here wants free PSN games, like the recently purchased Socom I'll let you go into the account to download.
  22. I know but it never really felt like I was going to find anyone, so I decided to just run around in the middle of the streets trying to find someone - which obviously doesn't work - but is more interesting than doing jack all. I don't think there is a more 'hardcore' shooter out there. Edit: Choze it's fine with Killzone 2 but we were playing on a massive map with only 4 players.
  23. ^ I was impressed and disappointed with the map pack at the same time - There's one really good map that is hectic/tense and fun. Has lots of places to explore, many nooks and crannies plus varied levels (outpost). The other 2 are seriously MEH. Pitstop is just ridiculously small even though it is intended for 10 players - you have no chance to prove any skills because there is a constant cross-fire. The other one is OK but just not very exciting at all. Anyway I can tell why most people prefer Killzone to this, it's slicker, looks better, slightly easier to get into etc. With this though you can't rival a good kill streak - you feel Godlike at times.
  24. ^ Plecs are the best fish around - I have had a gold nuggget plec, longest surviving fish in my tank Thing is there is hardly anything going on in my tank atm. What I'm going to do is have a field day on syphoning out all the muck, add a bit more gravel, replant and reposition logs and then add fish. Thinking of having some low maintenance fish like maybe just a Tetra tank, obviously throw in a few Dwarf Gouramis too.
  25. Has your account been taken over because you're a thread-making machine right now. And no, I haven't had any imaginary friends, don't see how it works.
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