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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I thought it was one of the coolest parts. MCJ you're going to be stubborn about this and you may be right in most cases but the important thing is is that the Echoes music was very fitting. It was a much darker game and it did definetly have some great music. Just listen to the sound-track, in fact I'll pick out a few. I remember Torvus well. Audio Audio The Ing: Audio I could list pretty much all of it actually, they're less music tracks but more like an unsettling background noise and they are really effective. I'll dig out the bigger themes. Temple Grounds: Audio This was just awesome, the space pirates were pretty badass as well. Audio This sums up the difference between the first and second. The despair and eeryness favoured over a more traditional Prime tune: Audio Good old Torvus Bog. One of my favourites of all Primes. Audio The submerged temple from Torvus, another brilliantly mystical theme. Audio
  2. ....................... Anyway, new trailer: http://uk.ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/14349706/shatter/videos/shatter_trl_trailer_71309.html
  3. Well I don't like their art styles myself, not an anime guy. And as I've mentioned my PS3 has bricked it so wouldn't be able to play them anyway.
  4. I'm sorry but you guys are mostly wrong. Both intros are brilliant, its the Corruption one that was rubbish. And Prime 1 had a very different feel to the game than Echoes, there's no point in comparing the music as both were fantastic, I suggest you listen to the soundtracks on youtube. Prime 1 has an air of mystery and uplifting sounds and Echoes has dark, relentless music that makes you feel that you won't ever leave Aether. They share similar tense tracks and they are all genuinely perfect for the environments they are made for. The music just conveys the situation and wonder and is really what made the whole game so brilliant, that isolation feel. Corruption went against this as well as throwing away interesting lore and exciting environments. Plus less exploration and sequences of rooms that didn't need to be visited were left out and it was just a case of bumbling into Missile Expansions in 3.
  5. Well stuff in game, like music and stuff. I'd like it to be almost enitirely the same, because then there's more things to remember and go 'aahh remember that?' Ok it doesn't sound like it will change that much but I hope they won't tamper too much.
  6. That's dumb, I don't mind if they had bloom or whatever but changing stuff is not on.
  7. I think your last paragraph there is actually the bombshell. That's why 5 is generally perceived as a bad game.
  8. I think a game can get a 0 to be fair, if the experience is so bad that you are worse off for playing it.
  9. Well that game doesn't really exist, whatever you are describing.
  10. I went on youtube and just listened the the Metroid Prime music playlist, it's tear-inducingly good. Brings back many memories, hopefully the title thing is the only thing they changed, will really annoy me if they did more damage.
  11. It's just how it's done now, 70% is kind of deemed average to good, so if everyone suddenly changed systemand rated games 50% when before it would've been a 70%, you'd have inconsistent scores. Scores are actually impossible to keep consistent anyway.
  12. So they've sort of remastered the look of the game too? This is what nobody has talked about, and personally I'm looking forward to seeing this in a new light and playing with pointer controls. I need this! Prime 1 music is just unbeatable.
  13. Someone find me the happy birthday comic where the man wakes up and then there's a picture of death counting down the time?
  14. I meant 'you' as in me/anyone, was a general statement. I'm neither complimenting or insulting you. Isn't this weird people? This forumer thought I was making a snide comment.
  15. I'm not even siding with anyone, infact this is brilliant. Pointless drivel, it's actually boring to read after a while, like every forum argument you aren't involved in.
  16. I mean I would take your suggestion seriously but my PS3 just told me that it doesn't want to read games anymore. His exact words were "I won't show you the disc icon when you put in a game or CD. Fuck you!"
  17. I've pretty much exhausted all of my current games. I have: Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Metal Gear Solid 4 Resistance 2 Ratchet and Clank: ToD Little Big Planet Fallout 3 Motorstorm: PR Unreal Tournament 3 Killzone 2 Fifa 08 Socom: Confrontation Infamous Wipeout HD Snakeball Super Stardust: HD Worms Battlefield: 1943 Plus I've borrowed these: Grand Theft Auto IV Resi 5 Cod 4 Bioshock -------------------------------------------------- And I'm looking for something new to play, I want to get Demons Souls but looking for something else. I don't want Blazblue btw, only fighter I'm going to buy is Tekken.
  18. I thought the ending was poor but otherwise it was good.
  19. Well loads of second hand games you can buy for that as well as Wipeout HD which is a couple of quid more. There's actually quite a few but not at the top of my head.
  20. Well I wouldn't say that Flame but it is very good.
  21. The PSN brick-breaking game with a twist has been given a date, for the US store anyway, of 23rd July, and will cost $8 which probably means it'll be £5 for Europe. Here's zome gameplay footage if you haven't seen it, and I will just say that I'm pretty excited for it, looks brilliant. Suck and Blow!
  22. That's entirely opinion and I disagree with you. The guns, especially the rifle, are satisfying.
  23. I share this, we need to know about the wars but ancient history surpasses modern history in terms of interest.
  24. I'd agree with that but I find it's a solid shooting game, the fact it is cheap is just a bonus. Plus there's always loads of people playing it atm so I'm enjoying it while I can.
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