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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I'll sign up even though I've not played before and don't get how it works. Rez has filled a few holes for me....
  2. Tekken 2 is tosh, 3 is where its at. I think the third game made people take it a lot more seriously.
  3. XCOM is being created by the Bioshock people I think (2K?), it looks kind of weird, but you can tell where its origins came from. Killzone 3 with Move is going to be win, but in 2010, the best multiplayer aside from Reach has gotta be Brink. Watch from 2:30 or so if you're interested.
  4. There are a lot of FPS games arriving this year and early next year, I know that it's my favourite genre (although my interest may wane this time next year*), and so the library of choice is looking quite exciting. Thing is, nothing's making me go 'wow' yet. Maybe I'd feel differently if I had a 360 so I could buy Reach? Anyway, here's the shortlist: -Halo Reach -Rage -Crysis 2 -Call of Duty: Black Ops -Fallout New Vegas (don't moan at its inclusion) -Brink -Bulletstorm -XCOM -Medal of Honour -Killzone 3 -Deus Ex Tell me if I've missed anything. I was thinking of posting footage of them all, but currently cannae be arsed. I'd be very greatful if a certain someone could spoiler all of the above in trailer form. ------- As for me, Fallout New Vegas is the most exciting, just because 3 was absolutely brilliant, and from the snippets of gameplay this looks to be familiar. Brink is also very interesting, the online has obviously been thought about, and the way they're mixing things up may reinvigorate multiplayer. Other than that, I have a remote interest in what Treyarch are planning for the next Cod multiplayer. Will they appease the audience, or will they keep the flaws that previous iterations had? I don't want another MW2 happening. ------- So what are you guys looking forward to? *I probably won't get bored of them
  5. That's like Rust in any TDM. I don't understand how people get good scores on that map.
  6. http://www.examiner.com/x-56967-Fresno-Video-Game-Examiner~y2010m8d3-Resistance-3-reveal-coming-soon I searched Resistance 3 not expecting to find anything but this is a new blog post, as of today (don't know if it's true or not) that says: I kinda want to make a thread for it, for discussionz, ideas etc. But mainly just because seeing Resistance 3 written down makes me inside
  7. I see. I'd love to see Resistance 3 there, really eager to see something's being done on it. But you all knew that, right?
  8. What makes you say that? I'll get a couple of months of Plus if that's the case.
  9. Got a 24 and 23 streak but was halted from Nuke because of matches ending.
  10. I never used chopper or nuke until yesterday, and when I was using chopper, I did WAY better than what I'd done with it before hand when I'd received one in a care package. I managed to get it in those 3 games on Terminal, Sub Base and Underpass > Underpass is built for getting nukes. There's loads of great places to get a few cheeky kills if you're getting close, plus, I completely tore up with the chopper, It was fantastic. I think you do better with it when you know it's so important, and when it's part of your rewards.
  11. The Lab is shit man. They just aren't creative at all...
  12. dwarf


    Have you seen Rage? It's about as Borderlands as you can get. But it looks way better than Borderlands:
  13. dwarf


    Well just in the way that they're shooty and fast/combo focused. I hear yo' though.
  14. dwarf


    I think Bullet Storm looks a lot more action packed and funz, although it may not be the better game.
  15. I stand by what I said about Nelson Bay Rush, but yeah, as I learned after, most of the MCOMs can be easily destroyed, making it pretty awful. The starting base however is fantastic, there should be more Rush bases like that. Very open, proper battleground that isn't heavily in the favour of either side. Cracking stuff. Choze, your opinions change at light speed. Make thine mind up.
  16. I'm tempted to buy Cod4 just to see how much better the maps are. The maps in MW2 are interesting but almost all of them have really annoying sections. EDIT Okay so I put on nuke for the first time, use my Fal class, and use pred/chopper gunner etc as someone suggested... get a 23 streak and then see this guy inside, think i can get him with my glock. Bam! he shotguns me. If only id have been using my spas. What a phail. Next game I get camped after 22 kills in a row. Both games would have been flawless.... Jayseven, I know how you feel! Then I get a flawless 18... Yeah I'll stop boring you now. I just didn't expect this, 3 lots of chopper gunners in all 3 first nuke games. Plus get it in my first life
  17. Knowing phrases would be easy if they popped in and out of my dreeeeams, they're fading sheens, in and out of my dreeee-eeee-eeeams.
  18. Hahaha! Possibly the best/funniest post I've ever read. Retro you know how to make a man laugh!
  19. Oh right, my least favourite thing ever: Onions. I cannae stand them, they are disgusting texture wise, they impair the flavour of everything, and yet everyone says they enhance the taste of stuff like curry or stir-fry etc etc. They don't, they just give food a faint crappy quality.
  20. The feeling you get when you realise that other people know that you just saved the world, but you know that they want you to write for 'Hello' magazines to share your experiences, when really all you want is to sit down and enjoy a cup of Earl Grey.
  21. Just finished the first season of The Wire. ;wbr;lgjrvlrn.... No superlative does this show justice. This makes it hard to now follow up with my thoughts on it, but seriously, if I say something about an aspect, I'm saying it in a way that means it is out of every other show's league. When it ended, I was thinking 'wow, I've watched one fifth of something that just can't be beaten'. I felt quite saddened. They could not have made it any better. I literally cannot watch anything after this show that is of a higher quality. The acting is astounding, never did I question the actor behind a character, I was fully hooked into everyone's lives and personalities. The relationships between people as individuals and as groups is amazing. The script is fantastic, the way the whole thing is cut together is genius, there's never a dull moment, yet so much brilliance is packed into the 'non-important' scenes - but that's the thing, they are the most important things because it's what elevates the production beyond anything out there. The fact that there's little actual action is testament to how gripping the plot is. You know there will be some around the corner, but you want to know every detail as to what's going on. There's enough subtlety to keep you on your toes but almost everything is really clear. More awesomeness comes in how the writers sprinkle in a few tidbits in one episode that make more sense or come to fruition later down the line. You won't have forgotten the original piece of information either because you're a greedy motherfucking voyeur and you can't help but want more, and grin at how everything is so perfect and how everything intertwines and...just makes sense. Each end to a mini chapter, in which an uncertain event or difficulty rears its head, feels as though it is wrapped up in a way that improves upon the ideal vision you had in your head for it. There is relief when the people you're rooting for manage to cotton onto something, and there is surprise when you realise some characters are better than you first imagined. This makes the flipside, i.e. a downturn in events, far more hard-hitting. It's why you don't ever want The Wire to end, because it's just too damn involving. -- Moving away from review mode (slightly), just wondered if people would like to share their favourite moments or characters from Season 1? I won't spoil anything, even if minor, for those who I've hopefully convinced to get off their sorry ass and watch the best TV they'll ever come across. The thing is, there's so many incredible characters, you feel like they all need a mention.
  22. OMG Lolwin! You're such a Prosilol! Kemp! You forgot these.... I have a lot myself, everyone does, I just never take the time to write them down. I find online phrases are engraining into my daily speech more and more though, to a perilous level. 'Fail' irl does not wash with me, it's despicable. Adding prefixes/suffixes does indeed dampen the lose. 'Lose' is a much better word, it's taking off with me. For me, 'losetube' is making the rounds and is satisfying a gulf in my vocab somewhere.
  23. Oh right, that's fine thenz

  24. I'll read up on the mafia another time sorry br0. When does it start?


    Hmmm probably not today, though I will inform you if I can.

  25. I'll happily watch The Fountain etc, but seriously, The Midnight Express is fantastic, and I wouldn't say many have heard about/seen it. It's a fairly old film, but it has aged tremendously well and is really gripping, in some cases avery haunting. Plus it's very watchable because it's a film about escape and life changes, similar to that of Shawshank, except a lot different. Really deserved of being on the list. I won't press for anyone to watch a film in the 'club' anymore, my suggestions will be just that - suggestions.
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