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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Ahhh the sound of a Sunday evening as a child. That intro used to freak me out, probably the scariest part of the show.
  2. This - for my brother for Christmas. He better be grateful because I want it. Also this: Because me and the girlfriend have been watching Great british bake off and have been inspired to make tasty treats. Currently we only bake brownies and cookies, but I think it's time for something a bit more unusual. and this: Gaskets for my car. Probably the most boring purchase of my life.
  3. Sticking with the car theme, my car is ready for it's timing belt change = £300 odd *cries* and today I started my Christmas shopping... Which is bad because I'm low on cash and my next student loan doesn't go in until January. Also I have literally sh*t-loads of bird poo droppings to go through for my final year project, a lot more than expected. Mind numbingly boring, but strangely relaxing. It's not by any chance a Rover is it? My head gasket blew twice in one of them. I can't say I'd recommend driving it about though, you may get catastrophic engine failure otherwise. Have you tried K-Seal? You pop it in your coolant and it should help. It's not a fix by any means but it buys you some time. Who do you play with? Do you require a world class player like myself?
  4. So because I have a hamster I'm selfish and vain? This hamster probably gets more attention than most cats and dogs. It's all perspective, I know many working dogs that are caged for the majority of their lives and they're not suffering in any way. Their owners adore them. It's sounds harsh to say but they are animals and Im aware they do possess feelings, but not comparable to that of humans. As they dont think like us they don't know any better. Also I don't understand why you differentiate between cats/dogs and other caged animals. I could understand it with cats somewhat as they come and go as they please. But whatever a dog does is pretty much controlled by the owner anyway, with their walks/feeding times, it's no different to other caged animals you disagree with keeping.
  5. [Warning] – Do not read this thread if have a tendency to firebomb butcher shops On my facebook friends list I have an ‘acquaintance’ who I have known since secondary school. She’s the kind of girl who will constantly link to PETA and explain her love for animals and also her hatred for anyone who eats meat. In response to a photo showing a piglet and a lamb in a nice (suspiciously convenient) pose she comments “BEAUTIFUL, how can people eat such harmless innocent animals, people who eat meat should feel ashamed!!!!!!”. Now ignoring the overuse of exclamation marks, this photo didn’t have any obvious link to the food debate, so why bring it up? She seems to have the opinion that if an animal lives on a farm, it’s obviously being mistreated somehow. Now originally I thought PETA was a well respected organisation, it has major links to celebrities and it’s quite big in the press. However looking on their website it’s full of over-exaggerations and false information. Now I’m all for the ethical treatment of animals, but this organisation is completely deluded. And for me this just tipped it: PETA As a meat eater I don’t feel any shame or guilt towards eating animals. If anything I would go out of my way to try an unusual meat just to say I had. I would say I have a good knowledge of the realities of what actually happens to them both on the farm and in the slaughter house. So I ask. What’s your food preference and why? Do you feel ashamed or guilty for eating meat (if you do) Also do you buy anything specific when you buy animal food/products (organic, free range etc)?
  6. I'm looking for a new phone as my current ZTE blade on Tesco is slow, and I hardly ever get 3g signal. I'm thinking about moving to orange as I'd get that U24 thing, with an extra 1gb data and 300 mins to orange/tmobile phones on top of the normal tariff limits. I've looked at a deal for £20.50 a month including 200 mins, 3000 texts and 100mb data and free phone. But I can't decide between: LG Optimum 4X (I've read reports of a cack camera/autofocus) or Sony Xperia T Does anyone have any experience with either of these phones to help sway my decision?
  7. I've not got any funny or interesting photos (yet), but I can finally post in this thread! Introducing Monty... He's more hyperactive alligator than cute puppy at the minute. He's chewing everything.
  8. Moogle pretty much summed up my views towards the main religions. I wouldn't say I strongly believed in a god or greater power, however I'm still undecided in my beliefs. As a student of biology I find it hard to believe that there's a higher being playing a role in ours and everything else's life. I do like to believe in something after we die however, which to me doesn't have to involve religion at all. I also agree on moogles comment about arrogant atheists. From my experience I've never been in contact with any religious person trying to preach/convert me, however I have had experiences with atheists. One of my close mates is an atheist and he is beyond patronising when it comes to this topic. He tries to explain the lack of god by spouting physics "facts" that he obviously doesn't understand himself, it's pathetic. It reminds me of those kids that goes around telling all the other kids that Santa isn't real just for the kicks without any open mindedness/respect for other people's believes. If anything he was pushing his non-religousness on me.
  9. I always use a manual razor these days. I tried a rotary but it made my skin feel like crap and it's not even that clean o' shave. I used to dread using a manual razor as I'd rip half the skin off my neck with it. However recently I've invested In fancy sandlewood shave soap and brush (which makes me feel like I'm a proper Victorian gent who's loaded) and only shave after I've been in the shower/bath. Sexy smooth and no razor burn. I can't speak for foil shavers. Might be a punt though
  10. I'm surprised this thread is on the second page with it being out in less than 10 days. I'm half tempted to buy it but I'm unsure. The last MMORPG i played was WoW about 3 years ago and I'm very tempted to get back into one. The thing is I played the original Guild Wars and found it pretty boring, maybe I didn't give it enough time I don't know, but I know WoW had a better feel to it. To anyone who has played the beta how does it compare? From what I can gather from the youtube videos it looks a lot different from the Guild Wars I played back in the day (Which to me is a good thing). Basically I'd like someone to persuade me to make my first game purchase in about 2 years and get me to buy it.
  11. You mean Winterfell isn't based on Sheffield?
  12. I agree. But as Emma said it is summer, so we are pretty much guaranteed to get a bunch of cack shows shown on TV. It usually kicks off in Autumn doesn't it? Merlin, Doc Who and what not? I do have a soft spot for Merlin I have to say, but even that is getting a bit 'meh' lately. Eg: [Attack on Arthur/Arthur's dad... *use magic without anyone knowing*... Phew! Everyone's safe... Oh! but Morgana is still alive and now she's got an even better plan to attack Arthur with next week] Thinking back the only show I've actually looked forward to coming on every week was Life on Mars. And then they went and copied themselves with Ashes to Ashes. To be fair that show with Ned Stark as a tranny in the other day wasn't bad.
  13. I think I would have gone down the RC boat route instead... something along the lines of a catamaran (That's what having rez on facebook does for you...) On a serious note, that is pretty amazing.
  14. Thanks guys! Java it is then. I'll give that website a try. Muchly appreciated
  15. Hey guys As I've got a fair bit of free time on my hands over summer I've set myself a challenge of a learning a computer language of some sort. I would say my main goal would be to create some sort of android app. I am a complete and utter beginner at this and to be honest I have no idea where to begin... (helps?) I understand android apps are written in java so would this be a good place to start? Or some other language? I remember in the first few weeks of my computer science degree (before dropping out and doing biology) that we did C++, yet I don't even know the difference between any of them. Any help/hints/tips for a beginner would be good
  16. Citric Acid Cloth of the muslin variety Bottles! Elderflower wine is in order! ...Once it stops raining.
  17. Recently I thought I'd have a go at getting rid of the old flab since I'm now back at uni, so last week I signed up to fitness first. Anyway today I had my first session with the personal trainer and god did I feel rough after! By no means am I fit (far from it) but I didn't realise how unfit I was until today, I honestly thought I was about the pass out once I'd finished. I feel quite good with myself now I've recovered though My diet is fairly good for a student and I don't drink so that helps, hopefully the fat will fly off pretty sharpish.
  18. Thank you guys I don't post much any more (although I do still read pretty much everything) but it's still nice to have a thread! Also sorry for the disappointment over my username, it is LOTR based... I was very unoriginal back when i signed up :P
  19. Birmingham Riots: http://birminghamriots2011.tumblr.com/
  20. Completely agree. I was on JSA for part of my unplanned gap year (long story) last year and it is crazy about how much they don't care. You could make up any old rubbish and get away with it. I wouldn't have been surprised if I could've put I'd had an interview to be an astronaut with NASA and got away with it. :P They probably would have paid for a new suit for me to go in as well.
  21. I go camping every year, ever since I was a kid. In fact I'm going to Cornwall tomorrow for two weeks of camping. 3 of us are going in a 12 man tent (A bit overkill I know, but can't complain about too much room, eh? :P) Me and my girlfriend bought this tent (http://www.yeomansoutdoors.co.uk/products/tents/5-6-man-tents/outwell-virginia-5-tent.aspx) last year just for the two of us. It says it sleeps 5 (and it probably would if you like being extremely cosy) but I always find that halving the number it advertises is more realistic for anything more than a few days away. And it's a sewn in ground sheet, so that's always a plus as it keeps out the wind and bugs... if you're bothered by that. You're best bet is to go to a yeoman's camping show place thing and have a look around the tents yourself. You live in Warsop don't you? The Dukeries Garden centre down the A60 has about 10 tents set up round the back (including that 5 man tent I linked above)
  22. I'm only really interested in: 1. Battlefield 3 2. Uncharted 3 3. Starhawk My interest in gaming is waning. :'(
  23. I don't know if it'll be of any use to you, but have you heard of the "hair dryer fix"? Apparently it 'fixes' the ylod... or at least for a short amount of time. Long enough to get your uncharted out anyway. I'm not 100% sure of the details, but its got something to do with having a hair dryer blow into the ps3 for x amount of time. There's quite a bit on youtube/google about it.
  24. Yeah i agree. It is fun to play about with like you say, but i can't imagine I'm going to be doing much HDR at all. Also i find it is a bit of a ball ache to actually create the HDR for not that amazing results. When i was editing the bridge photo I could've gone a lot more 'HDRish' but it just ends up looking like a painting and fake. However subtlety done I think it looks quite smart.
  25. I've recently invested in a Canon 600D. So yesterday I decided to get out there and start learning HDR. To be honest i'm not too sure about the results. My favorite photo is the bridge by far, it's just a pity about the washed out sky. Anyway: Maybe a bit ott? And you've got to have one of the sexy Rover (Ruined the sky on this one a tad)
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