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Everything posted by Strider

  1. I've just realised I don't post enough. I'm on the forums pretty much every other hour of the day just reading, but hardly ever post. Hmm. New target - Post more! Anyway, about my day. Today involved travelling on a 4 hour journey to Bournemouth, staying in Bournemouth for a whole hour, then travelling the 4 hours back. I was just a passenger as my dad was delivering parts, so I thought i'd keep him company. It was massively boring to be fair... BUT! I did come out having learnt something. Avoid Renault vans on long journeys, the seats are about as comfortable as sitting on a concrete wall! Now i'm hungry... Food time I believe.
  2. I'd agree with that. I love my 5800
  3. http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14987&page=111
  4. I passed the phone interview for Barclays last Thursday My interview is quite a way off (23rd Feb) I don't know if it will be the same kind, the women on the phone described it as "customer service role-play". Good Luck and let me know what it's like
  5. Cheers for the heads up I had a bit of trouble installing it mind. My phone is branded 3 and wouldn't allow me to update the firmware (thus couldn't install the new Ovi maps). I ended up having to debrand my phone in order to install the new update. It all works well now though
  6. No it's a full time position they're offering, well, 30 hours per week. I'm not sure about the branch transfer, I haven't actually told them I will be going to Uni in September, which I'm guessing if i did they wouldn't be too interested in hiring me.
  7. I need advice people, help meeeee. I'll set the scene: I'm on a gap year at the moment and will be going to University in September. I'm currently looking for a job to save up some pennies and hopefully go and visit places in the summer. (Where i need advice) I've applied for a job at Barclays as a customer adviser and have pretty much got the job. The problem is I wouldn't start untill the 23rd of next month and then there's 8 weeks of training after that, by which time I'd be 2 months off quitting for the summer. Now here's where the problem is, do I go for this job even though i'd be quitting soon after the training? Or do I look for a more temporary job which would suit my situation better? The problem with the second option is that this is the only job I've been this close to being offered. Hmmm what to do.
  8. I've just had a phone interview with Barclays this morning (my first one ever) and I have to say I'm sooooooo crap on phones, I'd much prefer a one on one interview anyday. God knows how I did, although I did find my answers lacking in detail. Ahh well it's all experience
  9. I'm on a gap year at the minute and have been looking for a job since late October, annoyingly just after most shops had interviewed for christmas temps. I'm one of those people who has no previous work experience I did have a summer job cleaning cabins a few years back, but it was a sneaky cash in hand style placement. What I find annoying is that I haven't even been asked in for an interview which makes you feel even shitter, I'm glad I have University to go later this year.
  10. I don't know about the new guy, hopefully he'll be good, i'll give him a chance. I just hope the funky drum tune just after he regenerated isn't anything to go buy on the new series. I'm liking the new trailer though, the new style 3D glasses gave me a chuckle, it's nice to see little bits of tennant still left.
  11. The only reason i usually go to Mc Donalds are the Mc Flurrys. I could go out for a meal with friends at a 'proper' restaurant and still end up at Mc Donalds for a desert. After Eight, lovely
  12. My brother bought a double one for his girlfriend, he paid 50 quid from Firebox too. Crazy price for a blanket with arms...
  13. Life I'm hoping to get a job somewhere (anywhere) untill June, quit the job, travel, holiday and basically have a kick arse summer. I then plan to start Uni (for the second time) in September and have an amazing time there --------------------------------- Events The main thing i'm looking forward to next year is the summer holiday And Uni. --------------------------------- Friends/Relationships I'm pretty content with my friends and relationship, all's good. --------------------------------- Places I'm considering the possibility of heading over to Australia for a month or two, staying with my auntie who recently moved over there. I'm on a (unintentional) gap year at the moment so I'm still weighing up what's best to do. -------------------------------- Entertainment I'd really like to join a band, be it at Uni or before.
  14. My day's been both crap and good. My brother asked me to drive to the Nottingham PC World to buy some amazingly cheap special printer paper. He saw 52 items on the system in the store where he works, but when I got to Nottingham it was all a computer error apparently (not pleased). Now i wouldn't have minded so much, but Nottingham and the M1 was solid, bumper-to-bumper style. My leg actually aches from the number of times i was stopping and starting, which I find only happens on very rare occasions, It took me 4 1/2 hours in all! Urgh! Anyway the good part of the day: Just checked my UCAS application and I've recieved an Unconditional offer to study Biology with a year in industry at Liverpool Uni Whaaay!
  15. Wooo 1st of December! I'd go as far as saying probably the most winterest of mornings I've seen in a while. Infact it's the first time I've had to de-frost the car! The festive season is upon us people! It's a pity I don't have an advent calander really, I should get one. Today i went in to my old sixth form to grab a reference from the head of year for UCAS, which is now finally sent off (Again) <--- Happy . I'm confident I'll be happy with the course I've chosen this time I'm in a gooood mood today
  16. - I would like a DSLR camera which was on sale for £99 in PCWORLD ex display today, but I was too late and it had sold 30 mins earlier *cries* I don't think i'll be having one now though. Perhaps a TomTom Start Sat Nav. - Ratchet and Clank: A crack in time
  17. I'm a pretty hairy guy, but for some reason I can't grow chest hair even though i'm very hairy everywhere else. My lower back downwards is where it starts, infact my arse cheeks are probably the worst part (Even i don't like it) My girlfriend says she doesn't mind though, either that or she's lying. *shrugs*
  18. I've just got back from the Lake District (I survived the flooding!) after a shopping/walking weekend with the girlfriend and her family. I actually feel quite bad as i've only probably spent about £15 in total, her parents just kept insisting on paying for everything, even when i forced money at them. The only bad thing was the weather, i don't think it stopped raining once, which didn't help the flooding. It was quite bad in places as well, drowned sheep lay in the middle of the street in places where the water had receded. Not the best image to see in the morning, still, a good weekend
  19. A big one :wink:
  20. I'm not one for imaginative titles, so you'll have to stick with this To celebrate your 19th year on the planet, i wish you: !!!! Happy Birthday !!!! You'll get a present at Christmas, don't worry. Hope you have a good'n. xxxx
  21. Today I thought I'd do something different, so I made choc chip and nut coooookies! I followed the recipe to the smallest detail yet still they turned out crap, I just cannot bake/cook/make food at all. I've also installed Garmin mobile on my phone (the one that comes installed is rubbish). After a lot of faffing around I've finally managed to get it to work! Woooo.
  22. Yeah... well you know... little bit o' gay never hurt anyone. Thanks for those pictures, you... you... big cock head! :P I have an urge to upload those videos of you "singing" now.
  23. Just finished watching "Water" and i have to say it did feel a lot more like the usual Stargate we're used to. A pretty good episode if you ask me.
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