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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. @Raining_again Today is the day I get the catheter removed, so fingers crossed I'll be in the good news thread later.. I guess the good thing for me is that my boss personally came to visit me the other day and saw my catheter/pills etc because he wanted to drop some stuff off and ask if I needed anything (I'm a bit house bound and he lives near). So they can't really argue I've not been ill...?
  2. I don't know about the whole serious thing, but for some perspective, I'm currently dating my friends younger brother that I met through playing guild wars. (we're now over 2 years together!) I mean, just saying that perhaps using Tinder as an excuse... maybe?
  3. Definitely work on the eating thing first! Otherwise you'll find yourself quite ill when going and doing exercise. Good luck I'm sure you can do it! Mostly I'm working on: 1. Trying not to be too angry at everything 2. Stop caring about things so much (but not go the opposite way) 3. Try to look after me more, not exercising and eating right, but trying to do better with my hair, nails and stop being so fucking cheap about it
  4. Sounds about right. It depends on your contract too I suppose, mine is very clear about paying 20 or so days full time payment, but they'll bend rules here and there for long term employees.
  5. Ah bloody cars! How you doing now? I'm the same, been off for 2 weeks full pay, I get about 20-22 days a year. Tends to be a common theme for full time work I believe?
  6. Staying at a job you hate, is so, so difficult. But @Iun is right, always have a job before you move to another. That temptation though
  7. I tried ringing them back, my GP and even the 111 number. Nada.. Requested to work from home to make it easier all round.
  8. So much for having my catheter out today. The next time it can be removed is a week on Thursday. This system is insane.
  9. Have been feeling a little bit let down this week. I've obviously been quite ill (see bad stuff thread), during this time the only person I've been able to rely on is a co-worker (bless her heart she stayed with me all day tuesday in A&E to make sure I got the right treatment). Since then, apart from my housemate, I've seen nobody. Not even my partner. My partner one is the one that hurts the most, because I understand my parents and sister not being here, because they live hundreds of miles away. But he lives in London and it sucked he wasn't here to help. Blergh, relationships are hard 2.5 years down the line and people surprise you everyday. Hopefully I see him this weekend to clear the air a bit.
  10. You poor sod! I hope it'll help. I'm on the mend, I think. The issue with catheter is they can give you another urine infection, so I'm hoping that its worked. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
  11. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. I also hope they didn't give you a bloody catheter. (effectively this is why I was in a&e on tuesday). Get well soon buddy
  12. Ah you guise! <3
  13. @Raining_again I wouldn't necessarily say I'm feeling 'better' to be honest. The only symptom I had was that I was unable to go to urinate much in a 24 hour span. Otherwise I was pretty healthy! (and my stomach was bloated, but given the way my body is I'm bloated everyday or as soon as I eat food). The day before I had been eating/drinking/going to the toilet as normal. Amazing how quickly it changes. I have the catheter for 7 days, well til tuesday with a box of co-amociclav to boot (aka penicillin stuff for an infection). They believe I have inflammation/infection hence the water retention and need for a catheter, but beyond that its all guess work as I had no other symptoms. I'm ok with whatever happens as long as I don't have to live with this damn catheter, these things are beyond nasty. At the very least its working as I'm having to empty it every bloody hour!
  14. A taxi is an option, an expensive one. Realistically my doctors shouldn't so useless and I should be able to get it sorted there, only Tuesday will tell.
  15. Your guess is as good as the a&e because they couldn't find anything wrong with me. I'm currently trying to figure out how to get this catheter removed, my GP: Them: You'll have to ring back Tuesday, we only have one female GP who can remove it, we can't give you an appointment right now. Me: So if I can't get the appointment Tuesday? Them: You'll have to get to a&e Me: How? This is what happens when none of your friends drive and your parents live in another country. Thanks R_A I'm just looking up distended bladder stuff now, joy, to have to google it instead of the 7 doctors who looked me to tell me this was a possibility...
  16. @Daft hope everything is ok <3 So yesterday I went to the hospital for the first time since I was about 7? It started with my stomach feeling a bit hard the last few weeks, I chalked it up to a bad diet (and regularly I have a bad stomach anyway) and tried a few different med things and drinking lots of water. At this point I was feeling ok. But I booked a doctors appointment for yesterday anyway. My GP (who had never met me before yesterday) felt my stomach and immediately started calling the hospital, saying that I needed a catheter straight away and had a serious bladder infection. So I start to cry, my stomach was a bit bloated, but the hopsital?! Needless to say, 7 different people gave me ultrasounds, pressed my stomach, took blood and even gave me a heart monitor test. I walked out 6 hours later with a catheter and no real understanding of what is happening to me, only the hope that it IS an infection (that they couldn't find) and to take some penicillin for seven days. Oooft, so I'm off work for the week until I get better, but man this sucks. How the hell does anyone live with these things for months? I've barely gone 12 hours..
  17. RIP. Too early to have been taken from his friends and family. <3
  18. Honestly just bring your own, she does her shit, you do yours. Sometimes its not worth the hassle. As you're finding.
  19. Honestly just bring your own, she does her shit, you do yours. Sometimes its not worth the hassle. As you're finding.
  20. Oh I am so jealous. Me and the boy aren't planning to move in together til October, nearly three years down the line. I am impatient. Damn long distance. Conggratulations to you both ^_^ <3
  21. Oh I am so jealous. Me and the boy aren't planning to move in together til October, nearly three years down the line. I am impatient. Damn long distance. Conggratulations to you both ^_^ <3
  22. Its amazing the things renters get away with. I never have, but some of my friends have done very similar things and got all their deposit back. Bastards.
  23. Never change guys.
  24. Hang on, so because she dinked it, its your fault? I'd be contesting the shit out of that! (I had similar issues with write offs last year). Keep on at your insurance.
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