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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. 1. Kirby's Mass Attack - I need this game 2. Wii U 3rd party-support 3. The general sense of befuddlement followed by the dawning realisation of the Wii U's controller
  2. Missed the MS conference, haven't heard a tremendous amount from them, Halo notwithstanding. Interesting that they're still focusing on the Kinect so much, I wonder how long the plan-term to keep the 360 fresh with it is. Sony showed some decent stuff, the Vita looks interesting and very competitively priced but I feel it'll still struggle to appeal beyond existing customers. A strong exclusive line up (hell yeah Sly Cooper) should help the PS3 tremendously though the Move seems to have become slightly forgotten. Nintendo almost but didn't quite steal the show with the Wii U, they probably could've stood to demonstrate some straight-up content alongside the tech demos. It's clearly piqued media interest though. Some decent 1st party showings, clearly designed to try and shift the languid 3DS a little better. Overall felt like a preview to the big coming out parade for WiiU next year.
  3. That a project like this is coming to WiiU gives me considerable hope for it's online function - a persistent online action game like this hopefully suggests a relatively open online field available for the developer to do their stuff.
  4. I would happily by some sort of WiiU Assassins compilation. A port of Revelations would also be fine.
  5. On a racing game, say for example an F1 simulator, you could have an interactive representation of the wheel display showing revs, speed, gear but also allowing advanced players to touch the dials on the screen to change engine & aero settings on the fly, just like the real thing. Or a simple display allowing to quickly select & change tire strategies or set your next pit change mid race. Or simply a circuit map to help you.
  6. Danny! Happy Birthday!
  7. Kotaku caught up with Gearbox dev Randy Pitchford and discussed the WiiU version of the new Aliens game. It was unclear at first if the WiiU version was in fact coming but it sounds like it is indeed in the pipe, 5-by-5. Apparently they'll be implementing the controller screen in 3 different ways and only one of them obvious: Outstanding. Now all we need is a deck of cards.
  8. Kotaku caught up with Gearbox dev Randy Pitchford and discussed the WiiU version of the new Aliens game. It was unclear at first if the WiiU version was in fact coming but it sounds like it is indeed in the pipe, 5-by-5. Apparently they'll be implementing the controller screen in 3 different ways and only one of them obvious: Outstanding. Now all we need is a deck of cards.
  9. I reather like this live-action teaser that's bee floating around.
  10. E3 trailer and gameplay footage. Yep, still looking awesome. Haven't seen anything about any multiplayer modes and the like yet though, hope they detail some of that soon. They had a co-op mode planned, I hope they didn't drop it.
  11. Hot damn, that's good to know.
  12. I hope whatever it is is a more open platform for devs to do their thang like PSN (Steamworks and so forth) rather then M$oft's relatively closed off pig-pen. And no friend codes, dear god please.
  13. Hell yeah. Sell me an Assassins Creed Compilation Ubisoft. You know you want to.
  14. Worth highlighting, also from Engadget, in regards to the new controller - I've got some 'Cube controllers that still got some life in 'em, I hope I can use them - I wonder also what accessories might be utilised via the 4 USB ports?
  15. From Engadget - External hard drive? If you can use third party drives then FUCK YEAH.
  16. Releasing holiday '12 would be my guess.
  17. Genuinely delighted to see some actual 3rd party support on the way for WiiU. I can start dreaming of only having one console instead of two again. Those controllers look ruddy expensive though. Pity they didn't give us more specifics about online and what have you, but I guess they've got time to give us that.
  18. Totally on board with this, sign me up.
  19. I couldn't disagree more, particularly on the point of it being "underdeveloped" - it's dozens of miles of naturally evolving jungle, desert and lake terrain dynamically lit with a full day-night cycle and weather. You do not pull that kind of stuff out of a middleware program. The AI was competent and it's application onto a playfield of such scope of variety impressive in it's own application. The fire and other damage effects on the environment were certainly impressive but that wasn't even the joy of it. The shooting isn't the absurd comic book gunplay of CoD and it's a better experience for it, making firefights terse and tense experiences with a genuine sense danger that most other shooters miss entirely. This wasn't a game to hold your hand and and coddle you and I loved it for it. You want fast travel? Grab a rusty pistol and jack your own jeep. I will take your point of the limited difference the player was able to make on the story but I always read it as a means of exploring the narrative through each faction, catching some fraction of a conversation as you walked in the door embellishing the dirty character of the world. This by itself places FC2 near a rare altitude that many of the upcoming games dare not even dream about - see MW3 still stuck it's claustrophobic corridors as it hand holds you from one carefully timed explosion to the next. FC2 was and still is a breath of fresh air in a world that was and still is chock full of shooters obsessed with gun metal and brown and suffering from a desperate agoraphobia, stubbornly refusing to leave the confines of their corridors and strictly scripted sequences to which the player is little more then a passenger. FC3 already looks ready to pick up the baton, lush open jungles and what promises to be a strengthened narrative structure and I await it fervently. That so few other games dare be even half as ambitious as the Far Cry series is the only disappointment.
  20. FC2 was a superb technical achievement which delivered intensely rich and detailed environments environments, creating an experience that still stands among the best today. It delivered everything it promised and then some. Now take off your shirt because this is between you, me and the mud in the street.
  21. I do agree it's all gotten rather GoW up in here. Disappointed not to hear any of the Clint Mansell score over anything yet but all this is obviously just the tip of the iceberg.
  22. Looks fantastic, character animation & dialogue seems very promising. I will however fight anyone who bad mouths Far Cry 2. You have been warned.
  23. Delighted that I have the day off Tuesday. Come one now Nintendo, show us all something worth tuning on for. We live in hope.
  24. Your E3 2011 story trailer is here, sirs and ma'ams. Fair play to them they seem to have genuinely tried to make a story this time around, as opposed to the sub-romantic hokiness normally perpetuating the Ace Combat series.
  25. Suicide Mission from ME2. This don't get you up in the morning, nothing will. Audio
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