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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Mel Gibson. I just don't like Mel Gibson.
  2. Holy crap you're right. Where did it all go wrong?
  3. Insanely good fun, trackmania - with an emphasis on INSANE!
  4. Oh lord, even my own mother says I look Jewish.
  5. Nintendo condoms - It's good to touch
  6. Geatest thread in history of ape society. The mop one is my fav so far.
  7. Whoo boy, I can barely imagine. I bought it because I wanted a horror move, and it still shocked me.
  8. Oooh toghie. I would say either The Shining, the original Night of The Living Dead or Event Horizon.
  9. Great stuff. Fimlfour has shown more good films over the past 6 months then all the sky movie channels put together.
  10. Always see a doctor if you're worried. I have a friend who was having weird problems a bit like yours, and apprently it was due to his hormones going a bit crazy in his later teen years. It doesn't sound like diabeties to me, but best get checked out at any rate.
  11. I've made a couple of changes in the last 8 months - BEFORE: [ATTACH]445[/ATTACH] AFTER:[ATTACH]444[/ATTACH] Muchoo more sexy, non?
  12. I will be supporting France, simply because I reckon they'll be the underdogs and it's always nice to see an underdog win through (though I will be betting on Italy). Hopefully this will be a great tournament finale, and quite frankly it's going to be nice seeing someone other than Brazil lift the cup.
  13. That... that really is genuinly appaling.
  14. Clans seem to have entire servers dedicated to hosting just the Demo version now, so it's not hard finding a decent game. You should really try it again Shorty.
  15. This is me literaly nanoseconds from being catapulted gracefully through the air by someone with vastly superior pwnmanship skills. This is just the Battlefield 2 demo which I have started playing recently, but it rocks so many kinds of ass I simply need to get it (need to get cash, more RAM, A wi-fi dongle, and some books I need fiirst though! Doh!)
  16. Yeah, but there will be an Xmas special to tide you over again. Any alliance is likely to purely temporary though - the Cybermen will probably want to "upgrade" the Daleks eventually and the Daleks naturally hate anything that isn't Dalek. It is a quite interesting scenario when you think about it - would either side be able to trust each other enough? Hell, you could argue that the Daleks are already using them. Seems to me thay deliberatly didn't arise until the Cybermen came through - with Earth forces busy dealing with them, who's gonna notice a couple of Daleks (until it's too late)? Also, am I the only one currently daydreaming about some kind of Dalek v Cybermen CS or Battlefield mod? That would be rather amusing.
  17. I agree, perfect for when you need to a nice groove going. A very sensual soundscape, ideal for when you both need it hot and gentle. Perfect for slow, sweaty summer nights.
  18. Has anyone ever noticed that aliens never, ever invade Canada?
  19. I think that has more to do with the sound quality of the website then the actual Cybermen.
  20. How about Trackmania Nations? It's free and would be a good fun time trialing experience perfect for any competition.
  21. Someone is gonna need to design an entry form or something. Also, may I suggest Homeowrld 2 and Rome:Total War? Medieval Total War even - I don't know how many people play those in multiplayer, but those would be a nice mix with the rest. Something just a little different, y'know?
  22. http://www.storewars.org/flash/index.html The single greatest ad for organic food (or indeed, anything) ever. All fear Darth Tater! "That's no moon - that's a melon!"
  23. Guh! It's so gray, yet so hot where I am. It's been grey and raining on and off for weeks now. Dammit, I can't wait until Autumn.
  24. Nah, your 7600Gt, Athlon 3700 and 2gigs of RAM will see you through nicely until you decide to upgrade to Vista. It'll play all the games I see in your list above quite nicely. I also redommend (if you haven't already) Rome:Total War, Dawn of War, FEAR, Doom 3 and Battlefield 2. I upgraded recently too - almost entirely for Medival: Total War 2!
  25. High-Dynamic-range lighting. You know when you step out of your house into bright sunlight and you have to let your eyes adjust first before you can see clearly? It basically simulates that.
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