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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Actually, PAX looks like it could be E3's big replacment. If one of the major manufacturer were to give it their blessing, they could really launch that thing into the stratosphere.
  2. This looks like a job for.... GREENPEACE!
  3. Machinist - Scary but brilliant film aout an insomniac machine operator who starts to believe he's the subject of a conspiracy to destroy him. Dark and provoking, my only problem is it somtimes offers too much explanation where it isn't needed, and then not enough on important points until the last minute. Very good overall. Stress inducing. 8/10
  4. You sound disturbingly like one of those secretive marketing sweatshop types.
  5. Frankly I'm amased he made it as long as he did. Can't say I'll miss him too terribly.
  6. There doesn't seem to be any part of my freshers week which isn't likely involve booze. I'm actually quite disturbed by the idea.
  7. Still doesn't beat that Traditional Scottish meal:
  8. Probably best to keep this one at arms length until we know otherwise. The whole thing's dodgier then a a fresh STARS recruit that will not stop complimenting everyone on the apparent size of their brains.
  9. 1000 cars in Trackmania!
  10. Shotgun wielding redknecks to the rescue!
  11. Too bad the dark lord already has the One Ring.
  12. It's all rather watered down and ageing middle class isn't it?
  13. Which only made it easier for Ganondorf.
  14. Mr Edwrads is a strange, strange man.
  15. Next week: Laurence Lowelian Bowen gives the Roman Colleseum and 21st century makeover!
  16. I can't stress this enough - screw ONM, get NGamer instead. They actually know the MEANING of "exclusive". They probably keep checking the dictionary and everything. They broke the news about REmake when they were NGC. They went for months being accused as liars when they revealed Zelda-wiimote. If they have an exclusive they just sodding tell you, usually before anyone else. ONM don't have jack.
  17. VGcats rolls D20 for Int and pwns Penny Arcade with their 3D6+1 laughter spell!
  18. Giant enemy crab raids Nintendo!
  19. Sean Bean + Patrick Stewart = Awesom-oh meter explosion
  20. Whoo! Happy womb escape day Retro, you sexy sack of pubesence!
  21. The senate overules that last image. You sit in a senate box, you play by the rules.
  22. Cumbria Institute of the Arts for me. My student room is in a former brewery. I think that's a good sign.
  23. Shouldn't we at least wait until the game's finished? Just a thought I'd like to throw that out there.
  24. PREDICTION: the Zelda series will undergo a revolutionary and total overhall that will shock and dismay us all, causing thousands to complain bitterly on forums across the Internet. Then we will realise how great it's going to be, and preorder in our millions. You know this to be true.
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