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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. In my experience, Mafia roles are typically geared towards murder and information gathering. Still, we'll keep an eye out of course.
  2. It's not impossible, but I think it's unlikely.
  3. The Shawshank Redemption Some people say this film is scmultzy, though between the suicides, multiple gang rapes and people being beaten to death, I somehow never got that impression. 9/10
  4. Ok, from what fish has just told me, I'm turned. The pieces fit, and the puzzle too elaborate for me to smash. Change Vote: Nobody Better have a rethink. Watson! Get me my violin!
  5. Keep schtum, I'm positive they're the good guys.
  6. Okay, so your power lets you see one piece of info, in this case, Oxi's role?
  7. I'm personally convinced any admins are good or neutral characters.
  8. Both you and fish really. I'll have to admit, I find it unlikely the whole of any given Mafia group would come out with this kind of support, it's far too risky for them.
  9. Hmmm. This is starting to change things a little. Do you simply trust him, or do they know they're innocent. That's all I'd like to know.
  10. I feel I should explain, what I'm going on is other people's information and my own intuition. I'm not likely to win, but it's infintly more interesting then sitting around watching people crashing about, unsure what to do for a dozen turns at a time. Anyway, I was wondering if Fish could answer the question as to how he knows Oxi is a doctor character. Either they're all in cahoots or Oxi really is innocent and Eenuhs info is flawed again.
  11. Yup, probably. It's a fun game we're having though, don't you think?
  12. No they won't. I'd be the last protector character then.
  13. Interesting. How do you figure that?
  14. I'll get right on it.
  15. Admins aren't bad. The write up showed Fierce_Link was vigilante, and Jordan was a doctor.
  16. I would have thought that the banned members were evil, with the admins playing the good/neitral vigilante roles. It's game logic.
  17. But there is precedent, isn't there?
  18. Why are there links to a website promoting junk food and drinking as "Consumer Choice"?
  19. If they can like to us and keep us stalled until the night, chances are we'll forget all of this. Wasn't it Waste who stalled like this last time until McMad arrived and just killed a bunch of people?
  20. I'm calling bull, it's too overpowered. Protection character, guaranteed revenge, and Chair proud? Nah.
  21. I am a protection character. *puts head in noose* I think is stalling. He's told us his alignment and his role, but not actually his name. I think he knows that if he gives a false name and someone else has that character, he's buggered.
  22. I think it's perfectly nescerry. For starters eenuh has everything to loose and nothing to gain by falsely accusing you. Second, I know of at least one good protection character in this town, which rather slims your chances of being a protection character also. I think you are lying.
  23. I'm sticking with my vote. Waste is blustering way too much and doesn't seem to have any point to make.
  24. That's just it you see. The mafia would never openly get someone killed in this way until very near the end of the game. If the person is wrong, they inevitably get lynched, so the price is too high for the mafia, who rely on their powers to take down folks in the night.
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