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Everything posted by Davey_T

  1. Same but i dont like the pokemon/pokemon games past yellow so.
  2. Just ordered this from play.com
  3. National average is 45 hours lessons with 20 hours of private practise or something like that
  4. Thought it was amazing. Really grabbed me
  5. Passed my test on Wednesday
  6. Hope they re-design the bass pedal. Loads are breaking after only a couple of weeks (N)
  7. Amazing Annoying 10 char limit
  8. Away at Anfield . Cant fucking wait
  9. Loving I Was A Cub Scout and Machine Head at the moment. Interesting mix i know...
  10. I just try and forget that the Wii is the best selling console of this generation and try and forget that theres also other 'casual' games out there. If you just look at the wiis games: Twilight Princess Mario Galaxy Smash bros brawl Mario kart Metroid prime 3 They're all so different from each other. Plus theres tons more that i cant be bothered to list. So if you compare the wii games to the xbox 360/ps3 army of fucking fps with then its great (Y). Wii >
  11. Please be good :/. An N-Europe tournament would be fantastic
  12. Nearly got shit kicked out of us down at qpr on saturday (N) Wasnt too fun
  13. Dont think we will get rock band
  14. I actually cannot wait for this
  15. Get out =(. Any tips? Other than dont die and get powers ups :P
  16. You get to around the same point as me and iv done most of the bonus songs on expert and finished ttfaf on hard so i really cant see me beating it haha =(
  17. Think you're upto to the same part as me. Im stuck and lou on hard and cant do a couple in Japan on expert =(
  18. Yeah i got the demos (Y). They re recorded and released one of them called Fork And Knife which is brill. I must agree that Deja is better but Devil and God is still brilliant. I also like their first one quite a lot too.
  19. Anyone like Brand New? Hers a couple of songs off their latest album Amazing
  20. If anyone wants a match on hard add me
  21. Who said i even had a PS2? :S And it would be a big shame if it turns out to be crap just because of the controls so i just want a back up. Not that im going to get it (N)
  22. Awesome. Wi-fi and a possible classic controller style = instant buy for me
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