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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Good point! Although I do think, given the numbers it’s doing, they’d keep it multiplatform.
  2. You’ve got it on PS4 already, why would it bother you? Haha
  3. Look at those Japanese sales, you know it makes sense...
  4. I got in a few hunts late on tonight, an investigation of Barroth, Diablos & Black Diablos all together, repeated. Got the Diablos Charge Blade fully upgraded now... what a beast of a weapon! Finally got an Anjanath Plate too... now I need a Gem, haha.
  5. Batshuayi has 7 goals in 8 starts... and we don’t start a forward half the time these days.
  6. This could possibly be because people stopped playing the game online and so the servers didn’t struggle as much with less players, no?
  7. Lucky bugger! Haha Nintendo need to show me they can do online properly before I buy anymore multiplayer games, their service best have some industry standards!
  8. Okami HD is the only game I’m hyped for nothing else really got me going, although I might pick up Dark Souls... I’m not too excited about Smash just yet as it’s dependent on how it plays online, as on the WiiU Smash was near enough an unplayable mess!
  9. Good old Monster Hunter... did a shit load of Anja hunts tonight and not a single Plate to be found!
  10. Turn-based RPGs need to be killed out!
  11. Yeah, really can’t stand turn-based games... I’ve tried different ones many times but just can’t bring myself to play them. I detest turn-based!
  12. I’d not mind all too much if it was a port because I didn’t really end up playing Smash on my WiiU as the online was complete & utter dogshit... so it’d be like a new game to me anyhow.
  13. Turn-based isn’t it? That’s the thing that makes it a no-no for me.
  14. Holy fuck yes Okami HD!!! Glad 3rd Parties are getting onboard more, Dark Souls might be a purchase for me. No way is Smash making it out this year, surely..?!
  15. Hoping for some decent single player games to be shown (for my commute)... but not ones that have a turn-based system.
  16. I enjoyed that first year, Zelda, Xenoblade, Mario, DOOM, Shovel Knight TT & Blaster Master Zero were all great and Snipperclips was great fun too! I’ve not really played much else on the console as the other games couldn’t really hold my attention as much on the commute... and when playing at home/online, other than the games above, the PS4 has more enjoyable games. I’m hoping for more 3rd Party games in year 2. Other than Metroid Prime 4, no other announced Nintendo games interest me for year 2.
  17. The Promised Neverland was great, so thankful for the recommendation @drahkon I absolutely want Jiren to beat Goku.
  18. Mate, it’s Conte. Really, he doesn’t want them to chase, to press. He hopes to wait on a mistake to counter, if even that, he was absolutely playing for a draw!
  19. This is so bad! I’d rather we lost by more but at least tried to fucking play football!!!
  20. I’d love Nintendo to get behind this, I’d even double-dip!
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