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Everything posted by Kav

  1. @ben Come on now Ben, best looking Wii game? The Mario Galaxies, Metroid Prime 3 and Xenoblade would argue against that.
  2. It's not as good as Black Ops, that's for sure. It plays more like GoldenEye than the other CoDs I feel.
  3. Lag shooting is back in, it seems. That alone makes it worse.
  4. Initial impressions... this is a step backwards from Black Ops.
  5. Myself and Nightmare have it and are playing now. There's no option to search for Region or Region Only games.
  6. Gamestation haven't received any shipments of MW3 Wii still (including today's shipment) and it's not in their planned shipment chart so it's not looking good for a release on the 11th. Fuming isn't the word! EDIT: Granger Games have told me that it's confirmed to arrive in their mid-morning delivery tomorrow at 10:00am so they'll have it on the shelves at 11:00.
  7. Now now people, let's calm down and talk about the game... or the lack of it.
  8. Believe me, nobody is more pissed off than me! Although it makes me slightly more happy with the thought that we should be gaming on this by weekend.
  9. Thanks Magnus, we love you too!
  10. Lag-shooting?! BIG step backwards there! Urgh!
  11. I'm not looking forward to seeing any. Not whilst I'm off all week as I was expecting to be buying the game at midnight and playing it all week... ABSOLUTE TWAT BASTARDS!
  12. Well the thread title needs a change now, it's not out on the 8th. Word is there's no known release date for the PAL version and the date of the 11th is just a placeholder date as there's been no official word regarding it's availability. Bollocks... why the fuck did I book this week off work?! Activision are such fuckers!
  13. It's only friendly banter Beverage, I do actually like you mate, you're one of the more entertaining characters on the forum.


    I just love the banter and wind-ups we have.

  14. I love you @Beverage you're absolutely nuts... but in a match versus me you'd need both the knife and the grenade to give yourself some kind of small, minute, almost non-existant chance of surviving.
  15. You're taking this too seriously, it's only a joke. And not even a very good one. :p
  16. I never get this, the CoD games get so much hate from a small minority. I don't see how they can't appreciate that it really is a very good game. Sure it may not be for them, but that's not to say it's not very good. Ah well, idiots, what do you do with them eh? :p
  17. One of my mates is a manager at a Gamestation near me... I spoke to him tonight and he said they didn't receive the Wii version in their MW3 shipment.
  18. I might have to kill someone if it's delayed. lol
  19. It is not fine! If this is delayed I will fucking punch someone!
  20. Touché ReZ my good man, if I can try and squirm out of this one I'll say that I never suggested you did say it and simply asked a question for your thought on my point... or if nobody buys that (and rightly so) then I'll try my hand with you mentioning that you're not particularly good at the game and this could perhaps imply my question would be befitting to you... :p
  21. If you die too quickly and you struggle to kill someone who would die just as quickly then surely playing a game where you take more damage before you die would put you at a bigger disadvantage considering the person you're trying to kill would take longer to die too..? And for those that think CoD isn't tactical, they haven't played CoD with me... I'd make the game much more tactical for you, hell, I'd improve you ten-fold as a player by advising on tactics. I'm confident in saying so.
  22. I love you @Beverage. I don't, however, love the Conduit as it's poo. As are HVS as a development studio.
  23. Another dog shit performance by Chelsea. We have not got going at all this season.
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