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Everything posted by Kav

  1. The Conduit is the AIDS of the videogame world.
  2. In-depth developer interview on multiplayer... Part 1: Part 2: A bit of info on how unlocks will work, given that in one prestige you simply cannot unlock everything available to you...
  3. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online “On Hold” For Wii U... http://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2012/09/06/tom-clancys-ghost-recon-online-on-hold-for-wii-u
  4. Scorestreaks, not watched it yet but usually his vids are pretty decent.
  5. Ah, another sequel I'd like to see is another Lostwinds title... lovely little games on WiiWare they are!
  6. MadDog is as bad as Phil Thompson I swear, so blinkered it's unreal! Haha
  7. This is the most difficult of lists I've ever had to write... but here goes. 1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword This game epitomised what the Wii was all about. Finally motion control was done correctly and also perfectly. Add to this one truly amazing Zelda game (up there with Ocarina and Wind Waker in my eyes) and you know you're on to a winner! I simply don't want to control Link in any other way again! 2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess I just love Zelda games. Each is a masterclass in gaming. 3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 Everything the first game did and more... with Yoshi thrown in, this was an absolute masterpiece of gaming! 4. Super Mario Galaxy This game breathed new life into the platforming genre... hell, it breathed a freshness into gaming that only the Wii seemed to be doing, only with much more gusto and aplomb than anything prior this generation. I cannot fault this game, everything is measured, beautiful and simply a joy! I've not smiled so much whilst playing a game in oh so long! 5. Metroid Prime Trilogy So many people may say that this shouldn't make the cut given that it's all 3 Metroid Primes but I have to include this... the disks that house these 3 games may well be the finest gaming disks to have ever been produced in the whole of gaming's lifetime. It would have been number 1 but I scored it down for the prior 2 games being Gamecube games rejazzed for the Wii. 6. Xenoblade Chronicles Wow! This game had me from the title screen... that music! Wow! After sitting through that title screen and music three times, yes three, I started the game. What followed was one of my most memorable gaming experiences. I loved it so much that I gave it almost every second of my spare time. It was no longer my spare time... it was Reyn Time! 7. Call of Duty: Black Ops I could not care any less for the campaign on this game. Online is where this game shone and playing with fellow N-E members in the N-E Clan made this game such a joy! Of course it helped by us being one of, if not the best Clan out there... even getting a mention on the official CoD forums as one of best Clans and most feared to play against. We owned! Special mention to the mainstays in the Clan: @Mokong X\-C @Hero\-of\-Time and helped along with @Mokong X\-C and @lostmario from here we didn't look back. Vast amounts of time were spent honing our skills and felling many beasts all for the allusive items we'd be looking for. What brilliant times they were! I actually fell out of love with the game after a while, I guess there are only so many times you can take down each beast before it gets too routine... but then after a good number of months not having touched it, my urge to hunt grew again. It was then I learnt that all my skills and mastery were false. I found out I was a noob, as I then hunted alongside God... @marky Never have I seen a beat-down on any of those monsters like he gave out! My word, I bow down to thee! Special mentions go to @Ville @Captain Falcon @flamekid @RedShell for some amazing times on this game. Many many thanks! Long live the N-E Brotherhood! 9. Donkey Kong Country Returns Retro Studios, they're geniuses aren't they! That's right, no question mark at the end of that sentence, it's not a question, it's a statement! The genius that is Retro shone through in this game and boy I loved it! DK back to his best... those mine cart levels, oh my! 10. Metroid Other M Some hated it, but I loved it. A true current generation NES game! This is the first and only game I played 3 times consecutively from start to finish straight one after the other. Something about it just clicked with me... and yes, I loved the portrayal of Samus too! Mario Kart would have made this list if I had played in the N-E MK League but I played football on those nights so I missed out... but still, what a game! If you're surprised that the almighty Smash Bros didn't make it in, it's because for me the game is simply unplayable online. 80% of the time I couldn't connect to anyone and any time I did it slowed to a crawl and dropped frames in unheard of amounts. Also, I realise only now that I should have typed this list from 10 to 1, but screw it, I typed this out on my mobile so it's staying as it is! Haha
  8. I buckle up and always make sure the person sat in the seat behind me buckles up.
  9. I guess I'm more of a vengeance kind of guy. If you don't kill him, at least cut off his hands and feet and poke out his eyes. Let him carry out his sentence living like that.
  10. One of those people being me, I've not gamed on my Wii since moving out of the old place in March... I don't know what's wrong with me! I'm eyeing up TVs now to make sure I get a decent enough one for the WiiU too so I'll puck one up soon and be back on finally!
  11. @Mokong X\-C @Nightmare So if this is released on WiiU upon release day, as mentioned above, will it be a day 1 purchase for you? I needn't ask you eh @Zechs_Merquise?
  12. I reckon he was worried you'd find his mass horde of child pornography on his laptop.
  13. Full game of Hardpoint game mode on map Yemen taken from Gamescon. TDM on map Turbine TDM on map Aftermath Just in case you wanted to get a feel for what the maps will be like.
  14. Sequels I'd like to see for WiiU (except for the typical Nintendo ones)... Monster Hunter Battlefield Eternal Darkness Viewtiful Joe Command and Conquer
  15. I don't know if I'd buy Monster Hunter if it didn't have online. For me the game all about getting together with you guys to take down some giant beasties. Even though I finished the campaign mode it just felt stale in comparison to online! You guys made MH Tri for me! ...on a side note, as Ville says, Monster Hunter for WiiU would be epic, the touch screen for item management/usage would help. Also, it'd be nice to take the map off the main screen but still have it on the Gamepad.
  16. I'd like to see a true 3D 3rd Person Metroid. Although some would say Other M was this, it actually wasn't. It played like the 2D games, it's how it was intended to be played, hence it using the Wiimote held horizontally... it was even said that the game was designed to be a NES game for this generation.
  17. This just has to come out for WiiU... and WiiU just has to be out by the time this releases!!!
  18. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-08-14-call-of-duty-black-ops-2-multiplayer-ditches-kill-streaks-embraces-e-sports-first-screenshots A fair bit of info on multiplayer here!
  19. http://community.callofduty.com/community/call_of_duty/english/black_ops_2/forums?view=disscussions No section for any Nintendo consoles on the CoD forums. I'm starting to worry a little!
  20. I'd cry. I'd fucking cry man! I'm pretty sure it will though. The rest came out on the Wii, with the exception of MW2. Treyarch have been good when it comes to Nintendo!
  21. In-depth Multiplayer Trailer analysis... good watch, if a little long.
  22. It'll be before that I believe. They'll want to release before thanksgiving to start with strong sales there before a huge xmas rush.
  23. It's one of my favourite Zelda games, up there with the best of them. Another 9-10/10 for me.
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