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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Hahaha, that is awesome!
  2. I know we have joked in the past about there being a "Sony Defense Force" on this forum but my word @Serebii you sure are a Nintendo Defense Force too. This is not meant to offend by the way. People know I love Nintendo but damn they don't half frustrate me with their lies and attitude toward a chunk of their fanbase.
  3. When you've not had a drink
  4. Indeed! It's so laughable that they suggest it, the effect it has is so next to nothing saying it's even negligible makes it sound more taxing than it actually is!
  5. Here's another fact: We have opinions and can voice them.
  6. Exactly what I was about to post!
  7. They could always give you the option to mute/disable voice-chat.
  8. If they were on another console I'd be using Party Chat, that alone would allow me to talk to people whilst online regardless of whether Nintendo want it or not.
  9. That is exactly what I want! Let them focus on their big franchises for another machine and not release the tripe they do that I couldn't give a rats arse about! It'd be great!!! I've always bought Nintendo consoles for just these games: Zelda Metroid Mario Smash Bros
  10. Voice-chat will have a negligible effect mate. Don't try and dress it as though it would. It's like with CoD, it had Theatre Mode in Ghosts but it was absent in Ghosts, when quizzed the developers said they didn't want it effecting the bandwidth as they didn't feel the feature gave enough to the game to compensate for that downside. MKTV will effect the bandwidth, it's not just capturing the sat logged from the game, it's capturing the data transmitted from other people's games into yours and so will be a drain on the bandwidth in some respect... more so than voice-chat would be! Unless you can only use MKTV for offline races, then it's a bit of a meh feature.
  11. That's the one!
  12. This gen, with the WiiU and Nintendo's attitude towards the world of gaming, I'm more and more wanting them to either become 3rd Party or 2nd Party to either Sony or Microsoft. That's why I think the WiiU is a failed console. Nintendon't
  13. Come on Serebii, voice-chat does not effect bandwidth to that extent! It would have a fraction of an effect in comparison to the MKTV feature recording all the race whilst online! In public lobbies, when not with you guys, ill be swearing and cursing in protest that I can't chat to my mates in-game. Just because I feel like being a cunt thanks to Nintendo! (Yes I'm childish)
  14. So with news that MK8 is getting a nerfed voice-chat, is there hope for this game included it yet?!
  15. What have you recently bought @Blade you absolutely lovely bastard?!
  16. You can share MKTV clips on Miiverse and YouTube!
  17. No chat during races is fucking retarded! At least we have it in some capacity at least. Man Nintendo are fucking shit! Good offer with the games but I'm not interested in those I don't have. Great news about uploading vids from MKTV to YouTube though I must say!
  18. Kav


    Oh man, that trailer! HYPE!!!
  19. Given how it's Nintendo we're talking about, I'd never feel ridiculous doubting they'd have full-fledged voice chat in a game. Never at all.
  20. Even though we sat back against Liverpool we still fashioned the greater chances. I hope we win tonight, another final would be great... made even better that @Wii would hate it so much!
  21. If it's voice-chat, colour me (finally) hyped!
  22. If they draw a game each we'd all be level, we'd lose out heavily on goal difference. We need them both to lose.
  23. Palace to beat Liverpool and Everton to beat City... please Football Gods, make it happen!
  24. Fantastic post, I can't agree more... or really add anything to it. Just clicking thanks wasn't enough though!
  25. I'd like pizza more if I could talk to my friends whilst we're sharing it.
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