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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Kav


    Awesome to know you'll be joining Deathjam! Looking forward to gaming with you again.
  2. It's not the case for me, their single player games are second to none, I love Mario (and Pikmin) and Zelda is my most hyped for game, I hope they do a Metroid and if so then I'll be hugely satisfied with them, the games I already have, and Xenoblade on the way! Their problem for me lies in their multiplayer games. Here, where they used to reign as king, they fall short. Yes, in local multiplayer they're great, but I don't live with my brother anymore and my friends aren't always round gaming with me. Nowadays online is where I game with my friends and without voice-chat it's just not as fun. This is where they fall short, this is why Smash Bros and Mario Kart aren't as good for me.
  3. Kav


    I've not Lost, but I've been ill all week so I've not been gaming at all... too busy pooping and puking unfortunately. Haha I might put this on later if I'm feeling up to it but I'm still not feeling too great to be honest.
  4. For me it's the lack of voice-chat. It's why I've not even bothered picking the game up yet. I'd rather be playing Destiny, even though I'm getting bored of it, for the simple fact we all chat and have a laugh together. It's much more fun when it's more social.
  5. 1. Ocarina Of Time - Simply put, a masterpiece. I cannot fault this game and everything about it is perfect! 2. Twilight Princess - Amazing dungeons and boss fights and Midna make this game. It's Midna that edges into 2nd place for me. 3. Skyword Sword - That motion control! Perfect control, I had absolutely no issues with it and loved playing this game as a result of the controls. Then you had the great dungeons, the great layout of the land (albeit they weren't connected) and the chase after Zelda kept me pushing on through. This for me, was a joy to play! 4. Wind Waker - Those visuals! This was like playing a cartoon. Some great moments were to be had in this but the sailing puts me off replaying slightly (even though I've got the Swift Sail in WWHD). 5. Majora's Mask - A great Zelda still, head and shoulders above other games of it's ilk (OK, maybe Okami is as good as) but it was the 3 day cycle and focus on "sidequests" as opposed to the main story that weakens it for me. Those first 3 days were amazing! Utterly fantastic and I had such a sense of foreboding doom... but then you can go back to the start of those 3 days whenever and it just felt a little less epic. WW and MM are the only two of those I've not replayed. Watching the Zelda WiiU gameplay makes me want to play through the Zelda's again but even though I've got WWHD still to play, I feel more inclined to play SS and TP.
  6. Kav


    Man you're so lucky with your armour! One Raid, get. One day of DLC, get. Haha
  7. Kav


    Two spaces, I'll not be on either.
  8. Kav


    Sorry guys, just not well and couldn't even keep my mind on it.
  9. It pains me even more because my flatmate is a Newcastle fan!
  10. This post is utter crap. In the video he even says they touted it. Whether he thought it was a joke or not and explains after, they still touted is as a thing because f the engine! Nintendo and I (my post) never tout is as some big thing that they've done first or that it hasn't been done before, you're putting words into my mouth here. That's bollocks!
  11. It's not double standards. The reason the Fish AI comment got slated was because they touted it as something they could do because of the new next-gen engine. Here Nintendo have simply said here's a feature of the horse riding. They've not said it's because of the power of the WiiU or anything, just simply because horses don't run into trees in real life.
  12. Kav


    Nights I'm not free... 5/12, 12/12, 18/12, 19/12... and any I organise a date for, haha.
  13. The Last of Us was critically acclaimed but it's a game I'll not touch again as I found it to be way to repetitive and the controls/character movement felt a bit loose and floaty... it didn't feel right playing it. A good story but not a well polished game.
  14. Kav


    Finally got the rest of the Spirit Bloom I needed and levelled my gauntlets out... and now I'm in the 30 Club!
  15. Kav


    @MilaGi I'm afraid I'm not on as planned tonight. I could come on late if you fancied but it'd be around 10ish..? @Blade says he'll be on around 8:45pm.
  16. Kav


    Great post there @Daft, very well put. I keep playing because I want all the exotic weapons and I want my characters to be level 30. It basically boils down to that, as well as enjoying the shit out of it when it's a challenge.
  17. Derivative or not, the games he's cited are still being critically acclaimed. It doesn't mean they're not good. One could say the praise given to The Last of Us is praise for a derivative game. How many non-derivative games are there these days? It's such a bullshit point.
  18. Kav


    Once you've done the campaign @dazzybee it's a simple case of replaying everything over and over again. With a daily mission that's a higher difficulty of missions you've already done as well as a weekly one which again is of à higher difficulty of ones youll have already done. Then you unlock the Raid which is where the game is most enjoyable... but again, that's just one mission. On paper it's shite, but there's something about it that keeps me playing. The banter with the guys, the want to level up my gear etc. It's just like in MH, when you're just hunting the same monsters over and over just to get that gear you want.
  19. Kav


    If I was to compare it to a game of prior gens it would be Monster Hunter, but I would say the "grind" on this isn't as fun as it is on MH. MH is definitely more fun and the levels at which you need to work together are similar. The Raid on this is fantastic though, as the Nightfalls would be if it wasn't for them being missions you've already done tens of times over. If you don't like it from the get-go though I can't imagine you'll like it at all @dazzybee
  20. It's Nintendo that have turned us.
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