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Everything posted by Roostophe

  1. 1. Talk to me now I'm older / Your friend told you 'cos I told her 2. Gold road's sure a long road / Winds on through the hills for 15 days 3. It's been a long time since I rock and rolled / It's been a long time since I did the stroll. 4. Hanging out behind the club at the weekend / acting stupid getting drunk with my best friends. 5. I carry the burden of losing rest upon my shoulders / and it's weight seems unbearable 6. It's late enough to go driving / And see what's mine 7. If I had a perfect day / I would have it start this way / open up the fridge and have a tall boy, yeah 8. There's no money / There's no possessions / only obsessions / I don't need that shit 9. All our times have come / Here but now they're gone 10. I wrote to you last night / because I couldn't sleep / My conscience felt the paradox of law between the sheets / When I woke up next morning I knew I had a song to sing / But I'm too scared to sing it now there's no time for daydreams.
  2. You don't exactly need lessons, I've been playing guitar for 2 1/2 years (the first 6 months spent learning to play with a right-hand guitar.) I do have handicaps compared to everyone at school, which includes: The guitar isn't mine, it's my brothers. I can't afford lessons, some of the other guitarists have lessons in school. I can't read music. But lessons are handy, although I've been playing guitar for so long and I can play many chords. I still have no idea how I put a string on/off a guitar. A friend of mine has had lessons for a year now. A year ago, he didn't play guitar, therefore, can't play anything. Less than a year later, he can play the beginning to Stairway To Heaven, I'm still struggling with it. The most annoying thing about playing guitar is that if you can't/don't/won't play any "famous" songs (inc. Seven Nation Army/Smooth Criminal etc.) They'll classify you as, quite simply "shite". You try to impress them with your version of 'Dream Brother' by Jeff Buckley, and you get nothing.
  3. Kinder Bueno's are really bloody nice. I love them. I also like Mars Delight and Galaxy Ripple. Any of you had a Galaxy Muffin, my word they're lovely. My local shop has run out of them 'cos I keep buying them. *sniggers for a bit*. Being a Brummie, I seem to have a natural taste for Cadbury's. I cannot go into a shop without buying something made by Cadbury. Yesterday, I bought a Creme Egg and a Twirl. Didn't even want them, really. I just remembered Nestle Double Cream, I loved them. They still do them but I haven't had one in a while. *licks lips*
  4. Two words: SHITE! The second one was fucking...I can't describe it. It's so shite it deserves it's own insult. And it was so weird seeing Link speak sentences, it just wasn't right. Link is strong and silent. The only words he should be saying is "YAAGH!" "AAGH!" "WAAGH!" "DAH!" "WAH-D-D-D!" and "COME ON!"
  5. I'm definitely not lucky. I can't remember the last time I won something. But I am quite superstitious, I always have a shufty at my starsign in the paper, it's a bit naff being a Virgo, y'know.
  6. I don't really want Watford to get promotion this season, next season probably, if Sunderland/Portsmouth/Blues aren't fighting for the title.
  7. Reading are promoted. IMO that's fantastic, Reading are a new side who have never been in the top flight before. I hope now that Sheffield United gain promotion with Leeds or Preston winning the play-offs.
  8. 1. Stop making the eyes at me / and I'll stop making the eyes at you 2. Looking out the door I see the rain / fall upon the funeral mourners 3. Haiti / mon pays / wounded mother i'll never see 4. Two jumps in a week / I bet you think that's pretty clever / don't you boy 5. I've got another confession to make / I'm no fool / everyone's got the chains to break / holding you 6. This is a brand new problem / a problem without any clues / if you know all the clues / then it's easy to get through 7. Tony Danza cuts in line / Standing in the sun I'm wasting my time 8. The day you move / I'm probably gonna explode / It's true / I'm probably gonna explo-oh-oh-oh-ode / whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh 9. So / Are you breathing? / So / Are you breathing? 10. I talk to you every now and then / I never felt so alone again / I stop to think at a wishing well / my thoughts send me on a carousel And that playlist is: 1. Arctic Monkeys - I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor 2. Jeff Buckley - Lover, You Should've Come Over 3. Arcade Fire - Haiti 4. Radiohead - High And Dry 5. Foo Fighters - Best Of You 6. The Futureheads - Decent Days And Nights 7. System Of A Down - Old School Hollywood 8. We Are Scientists - Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt 9. Disturbed - Voices 10. blink-182 - Carousel
  9. We get them in the West Midlands too, but they don't irritate me. Those McDonald's ones are good: "And it's Weeping Willow, Weeping Willow that tree, It's by far the finest tree The world has ever seen." Good adverts are ones that go straight down to business, such as an ad for Computeach "You get tutorials for IT job in your spare time, then when you're ready we'll find you a new job." That's what I understand from the advert and it doesn't annoy me in the slightest.
  10. I thought Kerrang! played Metallica, Maiden and KoRn, RATM is sometimes on MTV2, and Tool. Doesn't 120 Minutes play alternative videos. Or not, because they used to play Arcade Fire videos there. Back to adverts: All loan/mortgages/car insurance ads are all shoite. Except for First Active, they're just a bit stupid. "Have you been looking out that window again?" "Yes. Yes I have!"
  11. VH2 plays Indie more than MTV2 ever will, MTV2 plays a whole bastard variety of music, except for Jeff Buckley, goddamn I wanna see that Last Goodbye video once more, why didn't I tape it when I got ze chance. Anyway, on subject. The Barclays ones are actually okay. There's a bit where that employer plays office golf, after he hits the ball he says "hello." And that's about it.
  12. I like that I Can't Believe It's Not Butter because of the ideas. Sometimes I have to squint to see who is Ozzy and who's John Culshaw. Mostly because John Culshaw is the best Ozzy impersonator, as he focuses on Ozzy's behaviour rather than Alastair McGowan and Avid Merrion/Leigh Francis and every other impersonator who focus on his swearing. Those new Domino's Pizza ones with The Simpsons, when Homer shuts the door before the Squeaky-Voiced Teen finishes saying "Domino's Pizza". Reminds me of an old Doritos advert with Homer a few years ago. How long has it been since Domino's Pizza became the sponsor for The Simpsons. Anyway, adverts I don't like: Sheila's Wheels Ambrosia ICS InjuryLawyers4u And every other advert except for ones done by Guinness etc.
  13. I hate it when people call Radiohead depressing, not every single Radiohead song is depressing. "Bones" and "Black Star" off The Bends are somehow uplifting IMO. But I don't know how. One quite depressing song is "Falling Away With You" by Muse. The beginning starts off quiet and slow, whilst Matt Bellamy sings in a style reminiscent of Jeff Buckley, before the drums and bass kicks in and it all goes into a hard-hitting rock track. The second verse is a lot different, same riff to verse 1 but there are drums and bass included, Matt still singing like Jeff Buckley. Then there is the second chorus and the ending. It's all one fantastic yet quite depressing song. Arcade Fire, none of their songs are depressing IMO. Songs like Haiti and Rebellion are uplifting and calm. The album is only seen as depressing because of the name and of the circumstances the album was made under.
  14. The top right one looks like he is talking to an interviewer. :wink:
  15. Have I missed anything, when was the old NOM funny. I always saw NGC and CUBE as the funny mags and NOM just being there. Anyway, I got it yesterday and I'm quite impressed with it's mature look, and it's got a lot of decent info. The free decals are okay but I'm not sure whether to put any of them on.
  16. I hit my head on the floor when I was about 10 and my glasses cut open the skin where my eyebrow is. Had to get stitches, I think I still have the scar now. Also, when I was 4 I cut my right knee open on a stony car park and took two plasters to cover it up. I still have the scar but all the hairs are covering it up now. Finally, I stubbed my toe really bad about 2 years ago and the nail is bent so it sticks up further than my other big toe. But that's about it.
  17. Just thought I'd let you know that the band that won performed Smells Like Teen Spirit twice, you shouldn't even do it once IMO.
  18. Ah I didn't read the press release. I heard something about Chandra joining anyway. But is it just Chandra, I heard that Lewis was also joining.
  19. I will get this new NOM when it comes out. I used to read it back when it was ONM and NOM, I still remember opening up onto the editorial and there was then Editor Simon Clays in his Villa shirt. Wonder what he's doing now. btw, is it true somebody from CUBE Magazine is working on NOM now?
  20. Greenock Morton drew 1-1. Dunno who scored, can't remember who they were playing. But I think it was Falkirk. (I'm not gonna say anything about the Villa-Newcastle game, apart from that Luke Moore had better keep that form, score some more goals fgs, keep it up!)
  21. I'll also say this: "Boateng, what's the score?" "Boateng, Boateng, what's the score?"
  22. I haven't played this game for so goddamn long. But I still remember almost everything about it, including the level names. My favourite level was Freezezy Peak. And IMO the hardest was Rusty Bucket Bay! God, memories have just come flooding back.
  23. I just wanna say this: "SOUTHGATE, WHAT'S THE SCORE?" "SOUTHGATE, SOUTHGATE, WHAT'S THE SCORE?" :yay: 4-0 :yay: 1 from Kevin Phillips, 3 from young Luke Moore. And to think, he used to lodge on the same road as where I live.
  24. We could've beaten Chelsea. John Terry must never try that in the World Cup!
  25. I had Powerstone for Dreamcast and it must be about 4 years since I last played it. I can't remember anything about it until now, those 2 character names.
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