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Everything posted by Roostophe

  1. A bus ticket, a signing-out notice from my school, and a shopping list that says: Dr. Pepper x2 Galaxy Magnum (Classic) Magnum (Double) Flake x2 World Cup Stickers x3
  2. I'm curious to know what the sign says. Can anyone here read Hellenic?
  3. ^ I'm not doing so well in that. I've come here to say cheers to Newcastle and Portsmouth for relegating the Blues, now we'll see all the Birmingham City shirts disappear as all the so-called "True Bluenoses" lose interest in the club they said they loved so much, and for St. Andrews to become deserted and derelict and knocked down and then they have to play at Manor Park, Nuneaton Borough's ground. :D Damn 'noses, why must their ground be named after the Scottish patron saint.
  4. Dogs are better than cats anyway! *runs away, hides and is never found*
  5. Waddle and Pearce are the first names that spring to my mind, cheers Pizza Hut.
  6. I was 6 years old at the time, and I don't remember Batty and Ince. btw you forgot about Stuart Pearce and Chris Waddle. Hethethetheth.
  7. I haven't liked Gareth Southgate since Euro '96.
  8. Nearly has 4million hits, I suggest an extra woman.
  9. The most annoying thing about Middlesbrough getting to the UEFA Cup is because Gareth Southgate left Villa to win trophies, and he won the Carling Cup in 2004. Now he might win the UEFA Cup. Although, I heard he is injured, I hope he misses that game. Shithead. (Air guitars to Stairway To Heaven!)
  10. I got a Dreamcast Scart lead in the post yesterday. I am now playing Shenmue all over again, this will be great.
  11. As long as Scolari leads us to victory at Euro 2008, I won't mind so much.
  12. I don't do the work in certain lessons. In others I work like a bitch! Mostly the ones where I know I'll get an A*-C GCSE grade. And that's quite a decent amount. (5)
  13. I got FFAC on Monday. I was impressed by the visuals. I wasn't too bothered about the storyline, I was just watching it too much to care.
  14. Before Easter I got suspended from my school, I went back in yesterday for a meeting. Turns out I can't go back into classes or anything else. I have to come in at certain days for revision sessions with a very annoying teaching assistant. I want to go back in Monday-Friday as usual, not certain days, especially when now in the lessons they'll be revising and doing practice papers to help them when it comes to the exam. Now it seems I won't be able to go back for 6th form there either. Even though most of the twats who pissed me off in the past would have left by then. This is just terrible, they said I'm a danger to the other students, what am I fucking autistic to them, that's not right. I only hurt people if they hurt me. I let them hit me first before I do anything. They also said that I don't do the work, that's true. But maybe if the teacher would've put somebody next to me or used black ink on a whiteboard rather than green I'd probably be able to see the bastard writing. So, yes, I have a wonderful life, people think I am a psycho, and now the school won't allow me back into lessons because they think I'm a danger to other students, I can't smile wide enough.
  15. I didn't watch the game, but I heard that the Villarreal players celebrated being awarded the penalty. Tossers
  16. It's because of the Claret and Blue colour scheme at the stadium that West Ham thought they were playing at home, completely forgetting their colours are more burgundy and turquoise.
  17. ^ Think you'll best make a few cuppas, the final goes on for hours, and the only person who you can understand is Terry Wogan himself.
  18. I watched the second half of the semi-final. I've gotta say Luis Garcia's goal was just class. Liverpool played very well but they slipped up a bit when Kewell got subbed. And why did Cisse seem to keep giving the ball away when they should have been keeping it to stop any Chelsea threats near the end.
  19. I forgot about that post. Anyway, I've just come back from shopping and I'm currently wearing a Celtic shirt I've just bought. (Green and white doesn't really suit me as much as claret and blue, tbh)
  20. I don't know anything about our entry for Eurovision this year, I couldn't bring myself to watch Making Your Mind Up. Last year as each country was announcing their scores I was looking in an Atlas seeing how close one country was to the other that they'd given 12 points to. And Terry Wogan was right, neighbouring countries score each other highly. "Aah, you're song is sheet, but you give us nice tomatoes, I give you 12 points."
  21. Oi, Harribo, isn't it about time you changed your avatar? seeing as Sheffield United are now promoted. (I can think of one person happy about that: Sean Bean). I can see here that no-one gives a flying fook about Gary Cahill's superb goal against Blues on Sunday. Fine, yep. Also, haven't Celtic won the SPL Title? Where are all the Bhoys fans gone? Moria!? Hank Scorpio!? *looks under settee* JonSt!? *looks in kitchen* Bollocks!
  22. SuperMarket Sweep...aah! (Memories of Summer 1995 flood back..) Why am I getting these vibes about Sooty? Oh well. Anyway, yes yes oh yay :yay:
  23. Dah, it's a saying in Britain, mainly the north. You substitute it for "Bloody Hell", I say "Bloody Hellfire" a lot. Besides, I sorta forgot about you when I made that post.
  24. I know! Bloody hellfire.
  25. Man, I've done nothing but watch films. I watched two again last night: Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels:- A right royal cockney barrel of laughs, this is. You can see how it became a popular film. I can't really say much about it because I'm sure a lot of people know what this film is about, but if you don't know, try Wikipedia :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: Ghostbusters:- This film is my childhood along with Back To The Future and programmes like The Real Ghostbusters, Garfield, Bottom and The Young Ones. I love this film. I could watch it every month if I wanted. :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: btw I gave Scary Movie 2 7/10 because it parodied another film, The Haunting, which got nominated for a Razzie award, and because of that I gave it 3 extra smilies. The Haunting? shite things are all called The Haunting aren't they. :wink:
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